rexrainbow's Forum Posts

  • Update

    rex_firebase plugin: fix bug in expression:LastData

    Previous capx also fixed, tested fine in my PC. You might try again, but... I don't think that it will work on

    The behavior of connection detecting is

    • connection state is shown at private reference "/.info/connected", read value at this reference

    a. value = false (LastData = 0) : disconnected

    b. value = true (LastData = 1) : connected

    Initially, this value is false.

  • Here is another version of connection detecting by events.

    Connected state is at reference

    /.info/connected[/code:1njapooc], null value is disconnected, otherwise is connected.
    You might try this test again.
  • I could try. Now I updated a new version of rex_firebase plugin, to modify some code of connection detecting.

    Hope it will fix this issue.

  • Your test capx is not simple enough. Here is my test capx, which only append "Online" or "Offline" when connected or disconnected.

    This test capx worked fine in my notebook (win7 64bit). I turn on/off network(wifi) and the "Online" or "Offline" are appended.

    Could you test with this capx again?

  • mickeyboy

    The content of info window is html element (sample capx

    "<div style=""color: #0000ff;"">some blue content here</div>"[/code:fb3a0mpw]
  • Update

    Fix bug of parameter assignment in expression:CurValue

    Sample capx


    Fixed, thanks for bug reporting.

  • bangoo

    Assume that the moving chess is chessA

    • if overlapped chess does not have the same LZ of chessA

    Using board's "Condition:Is overlapping", see this document

    • If the overlapped chess has the same LZ of chessA, i.e chessA will kick this overlapped chess out from board

    Using Grid move bheavior's "Condition:On colliding begin", see the document

  • Lima

    The link of source capx is fine, please try again.

  • sagispin

    Task or process is another kind of object. I prefer not to integrate task/process into function object, either.

    It is better to have another object/plugin to manipulate task/process, to start or cancel it.

    One possible solution is using my FSM plugin ( or FSM behavior).

    1. Create task -- create a FSM instance

    2. Initial task -- set callback function by function name in private variable of this FSM instance

    3. Run task -- change state with input and private variables

    4. Stop task -- change state to END, run callback

    5. Delete task -- destroy this FSM instance

    Edit: Here is another way to pass function call by using this plugin, which serialize function call into a string.

  • sagispin

    Thanks for using my plugins.

    1) Timer is another kind of object. I would like NOT integrate timer behavior into function object.

    There are some timer behaviors

    • official timer behavior
    • my rex_timer behavior,
    • or timer in my rex_timeline plugin, which uses official function object for time-out callbacks.

    You might add "system action: wait signal" to pause current actions, in one-shot timer case.

    2) I am not sure what's purpose in your example.

    call "A" ("delB")[/code:5ulxxb4y]
    Here pass function name "delB" into function "A", and
    Do you want to call a function which passed from input parameter?
    Then you could add this function name into parameter like function "A" does.
    [code:5ulxxb4y]call "LongProcess"( Function.param(0) )
    on func "LongProcess":
    call Function.param(0)[/code:5ulxxb4y]
  • winkr7

    Added into TODO. But I could not implement recently.

    It could not get exactly path-length, only approximate.

  • digitalsoapbox

    Could you provide a very simple test capx for this bug?

  • Rhindon

    Solution 1.

    Here is a sample capx without using any of my plugin. It adds some waypoints to lead car moving forwarding.

    Solution 2.

    Here is another more complex behavior of car AI.

    Solution 1 is good enough, imo.

  • digitalsoapbox

    Path of image is Expression:ImageSource. And Expression:TilesetName , Expression:Frame also could be used.

    "flip/mirror" features are "Expression:IsMirrored", "Expression:IsFlipped", returns 1 if flip/mirror

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  • ByBraiiaN

    Try update rex_firebase_apiV3 again, assume that you are using apiV3.