Post in this thread
if you got trouble with my function plugin.
Remove jQuery call.
The same, remove jQuery call.
Remove jQuery call. Hope it could be run at new exporter.
Thank you, I will try to update them. <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
This tool could help C2 designer to get my plugins/behaviors -- download and unzip them into their C2 folder.
Document, Repo v3
There is a parameter named "Offset" in "action:Start work sheet". It means that adding an offset in time. For example,
worksheet string -
5,R,2 6,R,1 7,B,3
and the offset set to 10.
It will be
Hope it could match your requirement.
"Also note anything using jQuery will not work because jQuery is not included in these exporters."
Uh, how does engine solve this problem since jQuery is used in engine?
uh, do you mean that "Difficulty" is a variable? Sorry, Worksheet currently only accepts number for time parameter.
Or post the capx for more detail.
"I can't use families in this case as the tomato actions would affect the pot objects and vice versa."
You might use a private variable in these sprite instances to indicate which sprite type belonged.
Or put function name in private variable as it's handler name, so that you could change handler dynamically.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You might need use "families" feature. It is available in standard version.
I had released hex grid plugin on this post.
Here is a sample to use board+squareTx+grid move with tmx importer.
New documents
Previous documents
plugin: rex_board
plugin: rex_board_squareTx
plugin: rex_board_hexTx
behavior: rex_chess
behavior: rex_grid_move
plugin: rex_layout2board
plugin: rex_board_edge
behavior: rex_chess_pin
behavior: rex_chess_road
plugin: slg_movement
plugin: matcher
behavior: monopoly movement
Plugin: rex_logicmask
Mini board
Plugin: miniboard
Behavior: miniboard rotate
behavior: miniboard touch
behavior: miniboard move