Please download all plugins/behaviors list in 1st post.
[Plugin] Board
[Behavior] Chess
[Behavior] Grid move
[Plugin] SquareTx, HexTx, Layout2Borad
— jayderyu
I had made a new version of spritebank named "instance bank" recently to support official container featute, but had not release it yet.
BTW, I had made another plugin named "chess bank" to save all chess on the board for my board plugin. Not release yet.
There are two method to read csv file.
1. use AJAX to read file, the file does not need any modify.
2. replace single " to double "" in csv text file, then put this string in expression.
Thanks, there are still some board-app plugins in my todo list, like Monopoly movement.
I put my TODO list of my plugins in here. Uh, might be a little long...
[plugin] Board
Add expression:PXY2NearestPX, PXY2NearestPY to get physical position of nearest cell.
Note: The existed expression:PXY2LY, PXY2LY might return non-integer number if the parameters do not align at boundary (center of cell)
Very interesting! Good for npc AI.
Which one? It seems all work from my test. I don't know why my upload files become *.txt.
Follow these steps to get plugin
1. download plugin 7z file by right click -> save the link
2. rename this file to *.7z
3. unzip it.
Thanks. I just enjoy creating plugins.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
[Plugin] Board:
Add action:set board width, action:set board height.
When set the smaller size, chess/tiles outside the board will be kicked , these chess/tiles could be captured by condition:On chess kicked. See Capx for more detail.
Here it is.
The camera is controlled by scroll-to behavior, not in board plugin.
I will think about add a distance checking condition/expression, try to add a "line of sight" plugin, thank you for this suggestion.
uNOT(0)/sNOT(0) is great, although I thought all bit-wise are unsigned.
Okey, I will make an action to assign width and height without clean all chess.
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[Plugin] Layout2Board