You are welcome.
I am surprised that I had misunderstand the behavior of for loop condition.
Now the demo would show a possible solution by flashing two chess, i.e. swap these two chess would lead to match3. It is possible to find all possible solutions.
User needs to update rex_matcher plugin before open the sample capx.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Found bug in event sheet:FSM-match3-MATCH3, line 2. Add condition: match3.matchlines > 0.
For i = 1 to 0 means that i = 1, 0 , but the logic should start from 1 to match3.matchlines and match3.matchlines is start from 1.
I had updated capx and export html5.
what is your hash tables algorithm complexity for insert/remove/read(search/find)?
Sorry, I don't know. It uses javascript's object (hash table) feature.
Here is another JSON plugin which had more complete functions.
Thanks, I would try to reproduce this bug later.
Firebase is one of possible back-end solutions, for mutliplayer games, or collaboration applications.
Since event sheet could not insert comments in actions yet, I made this small plugin to show comments in actions like this.
Document, plugin and sample capx are included.
rojo 's canvas plugin + rex_canvas_ext behavior (Load image from URL)
Management would be more important than performance gain. And I did not think it would increase performance obviously.
I prefer "multiple sprites". Because that
1. images would be loaded together for each sprite. If place all images in one sprite, they all will be loaded at the same time.
2. "multiple sprites" is easy to manage in editor.
I feel that the fps becomes more stable. Previously the fps might float between 6x to 5x (or 4x) in desktop.
Performance in mass of instances is another problem.
I try to solve it by this plugin which destroy instances outside of masked area, to reduce the amount of instances.
Try this plugin - nickname to create object by name string.
You might add this behavior on text object.
A sample capx
I got it. You want to treat tilemap as multiple sprites for all tiles in a tilemap object.
It might be possible, I would try.
Sorry, I thought it might be better to place "edge block" sprites.