rexrainbow's Forum Posts

  • hi rex,

    i would like to use your moveto plugin

    when i install it on c2

    and when i lunch c2 it gives me the following error ... moveto.png]

    It should be put at behaviors folder, not plugins folder.

  • Update

    Fix bug in action: set volume

    Thanks for notification. Download this plugin and try again.

  • After study these documents. (Wow, this document was posted on March 25th, 2015. It is a newest feature!)

    I found that "Session" are records which created while user login, and destroyed after user logging out. One login on any device will have a "Session" object, so there will be 3 Session objects if user login on 3 devices. (But I am not sure that session will be destroyed while app had been closed by OS or not.)

    User could have a custom "Session manager" which provided by app designer to know how many devices had login this account.


    I could see "Session" page after adding a line into my plugin, I will update my auth plugin later.

    And the Session object will not be destroyed if closing app without all logging out.

  • Thanks for the help Rex, but I'm really confused. I don't know what any of that stuff is, I just have a lot of things downloaded now that I can't open.

    It works fine in r206, r207. Do you get any error message?

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  • Uh, I had not found this table. Sorry I could not answer this question.

  • It says unable to load plugin. And I don't have the option to unzip it because it's not zipped. Any ideas? I must be doing something wrong. Is it just the "rex_audio_helper.7z" file in the download?

    Use this tool ... ry-v2.html

    directly, if you don't know how to install plugins.

  • This plugin sounds fantastic I need to use it. I downloaded the "rex_audio_helper.7z" but what do I do with that? Put it in the plugins folder? sorry I'm a beginner. Thanks

    Unzip it and put into plugins\ folder, or use this tool to download and install plugins.

  • Each registered user will have a row in "User" class, this row only could be wrote by owner after login. And read for all users.

    "Role" is used in security but I had not supported yet in my plugins.

    "Session" class... I did not see it, where do you find it?

  • Update

    Add rex_firebase_singleLogin plugin, which could be used to test if account had been login (online) more than one times.

    First you might run parse login,

    after login, get userID by Expression:UserID in parse plugin, and use it with this rex_firebase_singleLogin.

    If "Condition:On success" (rex_firebase_singleLogin) had been triggered, it is the first time to login this account, otherwise "Condition:On error" will be triggered. i.e. mutiple login at the same account (userID).

  • Firbase could maintain a online users list. Designer could mix firebase and parse into one project.

    I will make a sample capx later.

  • Then this solution would be failed. That's why I said it is not a good solution.

  • Before close application, like "On touch close button", imo.

  • There had no callback (or I could not find) for "on logged out" event.

  • In rex_parse_authentication, call "Action:Logging out" to logged out. Designer could clean value i.e. write something before call this action.

  • Parse is similar to php + mySQL, it uses AJAX to send requests and get responses.

    Firebase uses websocket to maintain connects, the main idea of firebase is to save data and broadcast them to listeners.

    Although they all could store data, parse is good at querying data (for reading), firebase is good at sync data i.e. server will send new data to client.