Revilo's Forum Posts

  • This is probably really easy... but i cant get it to work. Here's what I need:

    So when the player dies he plays an animation of him dying. My problem is when you press left or right my character gets up and starts running around. How can i disable keyboard input?


  • This is probably really easy... but i cant get it to work. Here's what I need:

    So when the player dies he plays an animation of him dying. My problem is when you press left or right my character gets up and starts running around. How can i disable keyboard input?


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  • This is really basic but I can't seem to be able to do it. I have my character who I need to fall down. My problem is that when I press left or right my character stops falling in mid air and moves to the right or left like he is walking on air. I have put physics on. To make my character go left and right I'm using:

    When key is pressed, set speed =200.

    Help will be appreciated, thanks very much!

  • Yeah afterwords I changed it from set position to creat object. It worked "perfectly" with set position, but not create. I have now done it, I made another layout and put the two objects on that layout which is working well now. Look out for my game coming out soon on here and sorry about the confusion

  • Hi

    Im currently making a game where i need two rectangular blocks to move up the screen parallel to each other but so there is a gap so my character can fall through. So far I have got one of the blocks moving at a random postion on the X axis that spawns every second. My problem is the second block. Like the other it moves up next to it but i want it the gap inbetween to stay the same. At the moment im doing this:

    System, Every 1 seconds, create object at random(-430, 180) (500) <--- this is the left block

    System, Every 1 seconds, create object2 at position (Sprite.X+250) <--- this is the right block

    Help will be appreciated, thanks

  • Thank you so much LittleStain, this worked perfectly.

  • Hi

    So at the moment I'm making a game where 2 long rectangular blocks go up the screen. The aim is to go through the gap (where the two blocks don't meet). I have got the blocks spawning nicely and they go up the screen together randomly along the x axis. My only trouble is the gap in which you fall in changes in size. I want to keep the gap the same size so I was wondering if there was a way to do this.

    Help will be appreciated!

    thanks in advance!!!!