Well I've been trying out C2 for the last couple of weeks and been loving it so far. Figured the best way to start off was try prototyping some old nes games. After going through mario, figured it was time to give contra a shot.
Below is a link to html5 test and the capx file for you guys to check out, look for bugs, feedback and hopefully maybe ways to optimize it better.
Test includes moving and aiming in all directions, ducking, jumping, firing in all directions and jump down through platforms. Additionally I started tinkering around with changing with weapon powerups before running out of events.
The animations are changed with variables. The player is made up of a collision box that changes size on jumping and crouching, a torso half, and a foot half. This was done so the player could player different animations while running.
known bugs/issues:
-animation for the bullets will change on the fly with a weapon pick up.
I see why this is happening, but still figuring out a better way to change the bullet, rate of fire and fire sound easier.
-player will keep playing run animations against walls. This is intentional. The original contra did the same.
-Sounds aren't working for me in IE9. Runs fine in Chrome. I don't think this is C2 fault at all.
-Not very happy with how I did the weapon changing, and handling the fire events. Believe there could be a better way.
Contrls: asdw to move. space bar to jump. l to fire. press down and jump to jump down through platforms.
live test:
HTML5 live test
capx file:
Capx file rar