retro-bruno's Forum Posts

  • I'm no shure i understand, but you can right-click on the lava or spikes to set their z-order.

  • No idea ?

  • Hi all,

    I'm making a remake of Pacman, but when i'm under Android, webgl is disabled and replaced by canvas2d.

    Is there something to respect in my game, or something special to do under Android to get webgl active ?

    Note that under ios 8, webgl is ok.

  • First make constants in this order, from the bottom to the top :

    • HigherCard = 1
    • OnePair = 2
    • TwoPair = 3
    • Three of a kind = 4


    Create an array called, for example, "HandValue" with the players count cases, for example, we will take 4 players, so an array of 4 cases.

    Once you checked the hand of Player1, give him the constant corresponding, set it to his array case.

    Once you checked the hand of Player2, give him the constant corresponding, set it to his array case.


    Then compare in the HandValue array who has the best value.

    In case of equality, as you have an other array (of 5x2) with each hand sorted from the greater card to the lower, do a loop.

    In this loops, compare the first cards of the "winners".

    If one of them has the greater 1st card, he is THE winner.

    Else, if equality, compare the second cards of the "new winners"... If someone has a lower card, he is eliminated.

    If one of them has the greater 2nd card, he is THE winner.


    In case of 5 equals card for two or more players, you have to deal with total equalities.

  • If you have multiple players, don't forget to also give a constant value to each possibility of winner hand.

    Example :

    • HigherCard = 1
    • OnePair = 2
    • TwoPair = 3


    Then, compare first who has the most powerful hand. (TwoPair > OnePair because 3 > 2 ...)

    In case of equality, compare the cards in the array and in the order (one array per player is needed !)

  • First, you can, for example, copy the 5 values of the hand in an array of 5x2 values and sort them from the higher to the lower cards value.

    Now, check them in this order :

    Check in the array if the 5 cards have the same color value first.

    • In this case, check the cards value : 14,13,12,11,10 is a Royal Flush.
    • ELSE 13,12,11,10,9 or 12,11,10,9,8 or 11,10,9,8,7 are Straight Flush.
    • ELSE the other case is a Flush.

    ELSE If the 5 cards does not have the same color value, check the number of sames cards value in the array.

    If 4 are the sames, it's Four of a Kind.

    ELSE if 3 are the sames, check if the two others are the sames together, if yes, it's a FullHouse, ELSE it's Three of a Kind.

    ELSE if 2 are the sames, check if the three others are the sames together, if yes, it's a FullHouse, ELSE if there is another pair, it's TWO PAIR, ELSE it's one pair.

    ELSE check for a Straight.

    ELSE if no cards are the same, check for the Higher Card.

    If you have multiple players in your game, don't forget, in some cases, to compare others cards next.

    Example :

    If two players have one pair of 7, check the Higher next card to see who win.

    I don't know what's happens if two players have the exact same hand... lol

  • And if you use 32 cards, just forget to assign values from 2 to 6.

    Also, you can set the 1 value to 14, as it is the higher value in poker...

  • Why not assigning to each card two constants, one for the color (1 to 4) and one for the value (1 to 13 with King = 13) ?

  • Hi,

    I have no sound on ios 8+ on a game i'm working on.

    I've read that i should use first a "tap event".

    I've done this but without success.

    Any idea ?

    Also, on ios 7+, the loader crash.

    I've tested without webgl, it's the same.

    This is the game :

  • Thanks a lot volkiller730

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  • Hello world

    I'm not sure i understood entirely the function of the layouts, and how a layout is assigned to an events sheet.

    Is a layout equivalent to a game level ?

    If yes, how do i assign multiples events sheets to multiples new layouts ? (One by one)

  • Hi,

    My name is Bruno.

    I'm a schizophrenic disabled Freeware's games programmer.

    I use multiples tools, trying to spend my time.

    I'm also a music composer, and i'm learning to draw.

    It's useful to be a better pixel artist.

    I live in Corsica (French island in the south of France).

    I can't work on my games all the time, this is why i work alone.

    But i like to receive good advices when i create a Freeware.