relixes's Forum Posts

  • If i remember correctly when Ashley announced on scirra blog that C3 was comming he said something about users being able to create plugins using Construct's event sheet in the future.

    Either way, is there a plan for a feature like that? It would be pretty cool to have something like this so it would be more accessible to the comunity to contribute creating plugins.

  • I'm making a card game for fun (physical) and I'm (planning to) using C3 to help me generating the cards I'm creating. The idea is to have the card data stored in something like an array and then create a layout with multiple cards using the data I gathered so I can print and cut it, like this.

    Currently I have a placeholder page that looks like thisand I'm using the "take snapthot" action and saving the snap shot of the layout as a image so I can print it outside C3. The problem is that I have lots of sheets with diferents cards to print and it will be a pain to have to save each diferent page individualy as a image to print it outside C3.

    I also tried to use the "window.print()" command with the "execute javascript" action, but the page turns out really messy.

    Is there a better way to print pages using construct 3 that I'm not aware of?

    • Post link icon

    Can confirm same happens to me. Thought it was something worng with my PC until I saw this thread.

  • In fact I do not have enemies carry weapons. I actually don't use the weapon system and ended up just using the "no_weapon" weapon for the player :p

    BUT it was coded with enemies having weapons in mind. So in the body family I have a variable caled "body_team".

    So I have enemies and heroes being on diferent teams so each one can only aply damage to the oposite team. Is that what you're looking for?

    -- edit


    I guess I miss read what you said. You want enemies with no weapons to have diferent atack animations when having no weapon?

    In that case the anemies with no weapons would just have diferent animations but would use the same weapon overlay for the no_weapon kind of weapon.

    If you want diferent enemies to have diferent atack types and colisions I would just equip the enemy with a "diferent kind of no weapon". You could add weapons like: no_weapon_punch, no_weapon_punch2, no_weapon_kick, etc...

    With every "no_weapon" kinda of weapon with diferent colisions and animations... Yeah, I guess that's pretty much it, thats how I would do things. Have you ever player little figther? They have a system that is pretty similar to the one we're talking about. I recommend you to check it out, it's a pretty cool game/system.

  • I'm working on a project that have a very similar system. If I understood it right you just want to have one family with the "body" objects (enemies and players) and a family for "weapon" objetcs. Since it looks like you already know what you're doing I don't have a lot to comment than that I'm working in a pretty similar way.

    * I have a family with all the "body" variable. (hp, mp, stats in general + other variables to aux;

    * I have a family with the "weapon" objects. They have variables like the damage they'll cause, knockback, etc... Weapon object have animations exactly like body object in frame and animation quantity and names;

    * Than every body instance is overlayed with an weapon object for each kinda of weapon I have in game and synced with respective body animation;

    * Than I have this spritesheet with data that says when certain weapon animation and frame are active to detect colision

    And that's pretty much it. That last event sheet makes it really easy to add new weapons in game, so I don't have to hard code every new weapon in game. Also having no weapon works exactly like having a weapon, except the weapon animation for "no weapon" is empty :p

  • dop2000 That's actually pretty clever. I'll make sure to remember it next time (and if) I need to do something like that again. Will save a lot of time. Thanks!

    I believe you understood me wrong. When I said I removed "all the behaviors" I meant the third parties one. They were 3 in total (plus one plugin). That's a project I've been working on about 1 and a half year. Took me two days to port it to C3. Pretty boring task, but it was worth it. c:

    -- Update

    Ok, not really. Game does not work with the c3 rutime. A zilion bugs and some layouts don't even load. It's a shame, but I guess I'll have to stick with legacy runtime and just use the new improved UI of the engine as consolation. \:

  • Here is the list of plugins I'm trying to remove.

    Here is me trying to find the plugin MoveTo on the project bar and not finding it. ):

    Edit --

    Oh well, that's awkward... I just realised by looking the screenshot that MoveTo is a behavior, not a plugin... I did not remove the behavior from the objects. I'll try to do it and update here about what happened...

    Update --


    I believe I have removed all the instances with the MoveTo behavior but I'm still getting the warning that the project have the plugin. I supose I'm missing the behavior on some object. Is there a easier way to find wich objects have the behavior so I can remove them? Project is too big, will take a lot of time otherwise

    Update 2 --

    I removed the Nickname plugin from the project bar and now I don't get the warning for it. I supose that if I delete all the behaviors atached to objects it will work fine too then. thanks!

    Still I'm having trouble trying to find wich objects have the behaviors that I need to remove. Would be nice if there would be a more convenient way. I'm open to any ideas. In the meantime I'll try to adhoc my way here checking all objects.

    Final Update --

    For any future people who will end up here: I checked objects one for one and removed all the behaviors. Changing the runtime works just fine know. Not the funniest task, but worked.

    Thanks blackhornet for the help!

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  • blackhornethmm I see... How do I remove the plugins from the project though? I thought that I was doing that by brownsing the "Add on manager.

    There are some plugins that is just a plugin, not a behavior. And by removing all the calls to it I still get a warning that the project have the plugin when I try to switch the runtime.

    Edit ---

    I'm trying to open the project on the C3 desktop version so I can save the project as a folder and delete the plugins manualy. But the project won't open on C3 desktop, it keeps loading forever. Same project opens just fine on web version.

  • So, I'm trying to port my C2 project to C3.

    I was using some third-parties plugin wich were not compatible with C3 new runtime, So I started to hand code all plugin funcionalities. Now I need to remove the plugins so I can use the C3 runtime, and I'm having a little bit of trouble.

    First I made sure I removed all the calls on all the event sheets that used the plugins. (I checked with the new c3 search functionality)

    Then I remove the plugins using option: Menu -> view -> Add on manager

    Then I restart construct 3 but when I try to open the project I receive a mesage saying that I can't open it because it's missing the plugins I just removed.

    I saw somewhere in the forum that it would be easier to remove the plugins using C2 and exploring and deleting the plugins in the project folder, but I already opened and edited the project using C3 so I lost the retro compatibility and I don't want to spend another 8 hours fixing bugs I already fixed again. ):

    Am I missing something?

  • You can add all objects to a family and use Family.ObjectTypeName expression.

    There is also "System Pick last created" event which may be handy.

    dop2000 Thank you so much! I wasn't seeing this option, I guess because I'm still using the C2 legacy runtime... makes sense. Now I can remove the plugin knowing it won't be a problem and change runtime for C3. Thanks again!

  • So I just brought C3 license and I'm porting my game from C2 to C3. I used rexrainbow nickname plugin to spawn objects using their nickname (provided by plugin). Now in C3 there's a native option to create a object by name.

    Is it possible to get the object name through a expression though?

    I know I could just create an variable with an nickname to the object, but I hope there'll be no need for it and that I'm missing something. :)

  • I have a sprite who changes collor depending on some logic in game. I currently use the effect "Replace Color" to change color of the sprite in real time. But I want to be able also to set a specific RGB color of the sprite to be transparent(invisible, alpha channel...) depending on the game logic.

    With replace color looks like I can't to something like that. Is there an alternative effect I can use to achieve my goal? I could use diferent sprite layers, but I'm looking for a more simple/elegant solution if possible.

  • I'm having problem with my MAC builds. I am able to export the game, but the MAC build cannot be executed. I do not have access to a MAC, but people who downloaded the build say the game doesn't run.

    I'm aware of the existence of this tutorial:

    And this thread:

    But everything still sounds confusing to me. Can anyone help me by making an step by step guide for exporting to MACs and make the builds work?

  • Hey guys! Been working on this project for a while and I'm finally releasing the first beta of my game Dojokratos!

    Dojokratos is a retro-like platformer with mechanics inspired on one of my favorite childhood anime: Dragon ball. Result is pretty cool I guess. (:

    You can downlaod the beta version on the page!

    Follow me on twitter if you want to keep updated about the project!


    Thanks! Any feedback is apreciated. (:

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