I'll tell you the truth friend this plugin is outdated, need to be updated on some issues ,,,, from the last update of GooglePlay Games where users had to create a new Google ID changed the entire logistics game service behavior .
The Google no longer allows to get the image of the player because the GooglePlay Games service has detached itself from Google+, so they are not the same thing then it is no longer needed this command "Get Player Image ,,,, or MyAvatarUrl".
These command "FamilyName or GivenName never worked since I know the Construct 2", only the GooglePlay.MyDisplayName works and gets the name now the new Google ID ,,,
So it's all Google's fault and I lost to my players database on my game because Google+ ID was registered and how is no longer part of GooglePlay Games service was unreachable visa information for each player that the new Google ID changed the players' ID.