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  • That's ok Liocare here is a link to an example it's a google drive so you'll want to click the top right download icon and you'll get a project file. Unfortunately without seeing exactly what you are it's hard to say what could be causing it. It could be a collision issue or maybe needs a slight delay like adding a wait 0.1 seconds on arrived before doing it again. Anyways here is the link best of luck I hope this helps.

  • Hi Helix0 There are a couple of actions that may help. They are listed under Misc sprite actions. 1 sets the "bullets" detection of solids on or off and the other is a filter where you can tell it to ignore specific objects completely. To see what I mean set up an on start of layout click add action choose your sprite and take a look under Misc you'll see see this (don't mind the doodle lol).

    You can do things like when bullet on collision with "object" and object is playing a certain animation or is a certain frame then ignore the collision. Hard to explain but basically you can "ignore or penetrate" an object wearing specific say armor or turn on armor penetration when a certain gun is equipped things like that. I can go more in depth if needed just let me know. Hope this helps.

  • No bother at all! Any chance you could share a screenshot of just the event sheet? Also are you using Construct 2 or 3? Only asking in case I make an example.

  • Hi Liocare I actually just worked on something similar for another post I'll link it here maybe it can help. I can tweak this too just let me know. Hope this helps!

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  • Hey HyperTodd This may do the trick, but I have not tested it out. System seems to have options for when app is suspended and resumed and it does say that its used when the app comes back to the foreground so maybe. Here are some pics hope this helps.

  • Hey no problem! So the (OriginalViewportHeight) and (OriginalViewportWidth) are only if you want to contain it to the viewport. I believe if you use "(LayoutHeight) and (LayoutWidth) instead you should get that result. Everything else should stay the same.

  • jknnkla Oh ok I think I see what you're going for. You can add an "On Arrived" Event so that when the player reaches the first random spot it finds another without needing to be told to I'll attach a photo of this. You're basically adding 1 more event and then just copy/paste the action from before. You can also change the "when space pressed" to "on start of layout" and there are many other mechanics that can branch from this. Let me know if you need anymore help.

  • jknnkla No problem! Just curious when you say loop the position are you trying to have multiple points that it could be and it cycles through in order? For instance instead of going anywhere in the viewport like the way I set this up you have an A,B,C,D that you set and it either goes in order or chooses a random point out of those. If so let me know because it's totally doable either way.

  • Looks like alextro got to it first but I'll throw my edit in here anyway. I changed the movement and roads to 3 lanes and made all cars travel in the same direction. I also changed the frequency at which they spawn to adjust for losing the 4th lane.

  • Hi jknnkla I am adding a couple photos that should achieve what you're trying to do. If you're looking to jump the sprite right to the spot instead of "walking" over to it use the set position instead of move to. If you don't want the angle to change when moving uncheck "Set Angle" in the move to behavior panel. You may also need to tweak your speed to your liking. Hope this helps.

    **EDIT** You can also add the bound to layout behavior so that part of your sprite never goes off screen.

  • No problem. Oh true I forgot about that. Yeah that would force fullscreen makes sense. Good luck with the game!

  • No problem glad it worked out. Best of luck with your game!

  • There may be a way to achieve this using a global variable for instance instead of making the walking animation play when moving left or right set it so that when pushing the left or right key set WalkingAnim=1 and if not pressing either key wait 0.1 second and set it to 0. then make events such as if WalkingAnim=1 play walking animation and if 0 play idle. Because the animation is being controlled by a global variable what should happen is so long as you're holding left or right the global is 1 so even if switching to another layout the variable will still be telling it to "walk". That being said you will need to add the if WalkingAnim=1 do this if 0 do that to every event sheet that effects the player. You can also tell new event sheets to also include the main event sheet's actions providing that doesn't mess things up for you. I will work on an example and post a link when I get a chance. Hope this helps.

    **EDIT** Sorry I wrote this early in the day. Each Layout typically has it's own event sheet so what's happening is you go to the next Layout and that Layout's event sheet doesn't know how to animate the character when keys are pushed if that makes sense. You would either have to also include the event sheet that has those events are copy/paste the when key pressed do anim into every event sheet. The include event sheet is where add global variable is.