randomly's Forum Posts

  • Sorry, I can't quite grasp what the issue is..

    Game works fine for me.

    No invaders are flying off the screen.

    Which wall do you mean?

    Are you sure you provided the correct .capx?

  • 1) Include a screen capture:

    • Open up your event sheet/layout at the required position
    • Press "Print" on your keyboard
    • Open up paint (or any image editor)
    • Press "Paste" (or Ctrl+V)
    • Save the image to somewhere accessible
    • Open up your browser, go to http://imgur.com/
    • Upload your image, no login needed.
    • Copy the link to the file (Hover over image->Get share links->BBCode->Remove the tags)
    • Paste the link into your post

    Note: Since you don't have 500 reputation points yet, you can't directly link to anything. Make sure to tick "Do not automatically parse URLs" underneath the posting screen.

    2) Include a .capx:

    • Open up your project
    • Go to "File" -> "Save as single file"
    • Save to somewhere accessible
    • Upload the file to a filehost, DROPBOX is strongly recommended
    • Paste the download link in your post´

    Again: Make sure to tick "Do not automatically parse URLs"

  • Turrets take some time to shoot when they have a target in their range and view.

    If, during that time, the target moves out of the turret's view, the turret doesn't shoot.

    Rotating gives the turret more time to shoot.

    Try to put a turret on a section where the target moves horizontally for some time.

    (E.g. left of the second turning point of the path)

    You will see that the turret shoots there.

    The issue is probably the time it takes to calculate stuff for the turrets.

    This isn't a bug. You will probably have to switch rotate to "on", make the targets bigger or move slower or simulate the turret behaviour with "line of sight".

  • First of all: please always provide the capx if it isn't too big or too messy.

    The easiest way is to add an event for the object that interacts with the river:

    [object]: -> On collision with [River][/code:i16x9zrx]
    That event would contain an action to create an object at the current position of the collided object.
    (You may need to add an imagepoint to make the creation location more accurate)
  • First of all: you don't need any permission to post parts of your project.

    It helps us to solve your problems, so try to provide us with additional info as often as possible.

    Now to the solution:

    Adjust the linear damping value of the object when it overlaps. Higher value means that the object's velocity decreases faster over time.

    If you simply want to for example divide the current speed by 2, you can change the physics behaviour to R0J0hound 's Chipmunk physics and set a "max speed" that would make it easier for you.

    (You would set "max speed" to Self.speed/2 if you want to divide by 2)

  • Native C2 doesn't support Multitouch, you would need a plugin.

    Construct 2 Multitouch Plugin

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Depending on what you want to achieve, here are some guides extracted from the How Do I FAQ:

    Popup on overlap

    Dialogue system

    Dialogue system with XML

  • Huh that's wierd since my Text object is big enough already before the text gets set.


    Thanks anyways.

  • Asmodean

    That fixed it. Thanks.

    Is my laptop too slow or why is that an issue?

  • Hi everyone,

    been running into an issue with the Text object.

    Very simple though very annoying:

    The Text object renders input with one line for each word though I didn't add any "& newline".

    I thought that was a simple issue, but since my lines of code are so short, I have no idea what causes this.


    Text properties:

    Rendered result (tested in Chrome & Firefox):

    I can't believe I'm stuck on such a basic thing, but this really screws me over and it annoys me that I can't find the reason for this..

    Anybody knows a fix for this?

  • 13spongg13 Yeah, sure, that's possible.

    But it would take up waaaaay more CPU power.

    Imagine if you want to move like 50 cards for example.

    Pathfinding would have to find a path for each and every single card while lerp for example just has to calculate once for every card.

  • Almost!

    It would be -60+loopindex*30.


    Each fireball's angle gets set in the same loop as it was created.

    "loopindex" for the first loopindex is 1, for the second it's 2 and for the third it's 3.

    This means that for the first fireball created, the calculation would be -60+1*30 which is -30, exactly what we want. The second one would be -60+2*30 which would be 0. And so on.

    Now to make this simplier, you could exchange the "repeat" condition by a "for" condition, in this case "For 0 to 2".

    You would then change the "Set angle" action to exactly what you proposed, -30+loopindex*30, since the first loopindex would now be 0 and the last one 2.

    Choose whatever you prefer. :)

    (Remember: "Repeat" always starts at loopindex 1 while "For" makes you able to set where to start and where to end.)

  • Check the provided files again. Both capx contain the same events and both contain text and no buttons.

    (And both work)

    Here is an example of how to do it with a button:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/b1dybi9y969me ... .capx?dl=1

  • Whoopsiewhoo, that

    • was a formatting fault by me. Keep forgetting that BBCode doesn't work in code.. Anyways, set it up like this:
      Just try it out, see if it suits your needings and if you need to modify the angle, just post it. :) EDIT: Should look like this:
  • Could you upload a video of that issue?

    Go with some free screen recorder, like this one (http://screencapturer.com/)