You have 'bounce off solids' set to 'No' in that capx. Setting it to 'Yes' makes them bounce off the walls.
If you have 10 sprites and have an event:
sprite is overlapping sprite
that will check for overlaps between any of the 10.
Say if half of them have 50% opacity so
sprite opacity = 50 sprite is overlapping sprite
The first condition picks the 5 sprites with 50% opacity and then the subevent is only checking for overlaps within that group of 5.
If you have:
system create sprite sprite is overlapping sprite
Create sprite picks only the newly created sprite so the subevent is checking for collisions within this group of 1.
When you create a new object then that object is picked. So in the subevent when you have 'family1 is overlapping family1', you only have the last created family1 object picked. You're checking for overlaps with just one sprite.
In the past you'd put a 'pick all' condition in there but I was just trying it and putting 'pick all' after creating a sprite only picks the old sprites and doesn't include the newly created one.
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I believe when you disable the behavior it remembers the speed so when you enable it again it will carry on moving in the direction it was going when you disabled it. Try setting the platform vector x and y to 0 when you disable the platform behavior and use the 8-direction stop action when you disable 8-direction.
Well, you're setting the character to Touch.X, Touch.Y every tick and when you're not touching they'll both be 0. So only set the player's position when in touch.
Spawn object creates a new object at the same position and with the same angle as the old object.
When two sprites are side by side they count as overlapping. Their edges are overlapping I guess. In this screenshot the player is on the ground:
<img src="" border="0" />
So the gap will have to be slightly bigger than the player bounding box.
The ground overlap is part of how the platform behavior works. It always overlaps by up to a pixel. You only really notice it when zoomed in. Not sure what you can do about it.
float(tokenAt("1/4", 0, "/")) / float(tokenAt("1/4", 1, "/"))
float(tokenAt("5/10", 0, "/")) / float(tokenAt("5/10", 1, "/"))
You can't pick the newly created objects until the next top level event. link.
picking.capx (r107)
It shows 'Sprite: Is variable'. That's checking if it's true. To check if it's false, right-click the condition and select 'Invert'.
A top level event is one that's not a sub-event of anything. There's another thread here where R0J0hound links to a picture from CC that explains it.
It depends what exactly you're trying to do. You could either do whatever you're doing in the for each loop inside the while loop instead, immediately after the sprite is spawned. Or inside an 'on created' trigger. Or you could set a variable true when the sprites are spawned and have a top level event 'var = true/ for each sprite' -> do stuff.
Yeah it's because of the change you linked to in your first post. The objects created in event 2 can't be picked until the next top level event. So in event 3 there is only 1 sprite - the initial one. Though sprite.count would still return the correct number (60).
Yeah WebStorage works the same way with CocoonJS and your data stays if you update the app.
Webstorage. Dictionary is a way to hold data in memory, like an array. It won't store it on disk although you can save a dictionary in webstorage.
Cpryd001 toggleSwitch.capx (r107)