You need to implement your own movement events instead of using "move along path". After you find the path, you can use Sprite.Pathfinding.NodeCount to get the number of nodes and Sprite.Pathfinding.NodeXAt(Index), Sprite.Pathfinding.NodeYAt(Index) to get the x,y position of each node.
Your link doesn't work but I guessed at phpTest2.capx.
You want to set the data to "key=value" so it would be something like:
Data: "plantData="&URLEncode(plantData.AsJSON)
Then in PHP you can access $_POST["plantData"].
You have to set the Array Depth to 1. The Height and Depth have to be at least 1.
You can include one event sheet in another.
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The touching area is the sprite's collision polygon. You can change that in the sprite editor. It might be too small or a weird shape. If you want to be able to touch outside of the sprite's bounding box then you could use a larger invisible sprite pinned to the sprite or "pick nearest" with a distance check.
There's the "Sprite.Bullet.AngleOfMotion" expression that you can use with one of the system conditions "Compare two values" , "Is within angle", etc...
It should work. Make sure you use 'key is down' and not 'on key pressed'.
Use the "System: Compare two variables" condition and enter Sprite.Count as the first value to compare (where Sprite is the name of your sprite).
Add the conditions:
Keyboard: Key is down
Player: Platform is on floor
And action:
Player: Simulate pressing Jump
If you invert "Sprite: Is on screen" it doesn't mean "are there no sprites on screen?". It means "are there any sprites not on screen?". Which in your case is always true because you have some sprites off-screen.
You could destroy the off screen sprites on start of layout if you don't need them and then check Sprite.count to see if any exist before spawning.
They won't show up if they're already added to the project. Some of the templates have mouse and keyboard added. You'd see them in the "Object types" folder in the "Projects" window.
You're creating the bullet on the GUI layer.
You can use "System:Compare two values" to check SliderBar.value for now.
The slider equals comparison doesn't seem to work.
It's funny because when the value is 1 then this is false:
but this is true: