Ramesh's Forum Posts

  • I also got the "Server Error in '/' Application". And looks like the games are still uploading even though we get this error.

    However I noticed that now I have 5 duplicated games in my profile <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> .


    Tom, please help with removing duplicates and please keep only one copy. Also I would appreciate if you can moderate it to add as a Rotary game for the competition <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Wow! This is cool! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I really like the way the player character jump/fly through the game <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> . And the art style is very nice.

    I wish you all the best for your future work.

  • Congratulation Team! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Happy Birthday C2 <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Liked :-)

  • Thanks Yann

    This is very useful <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • The Quicksave/Quickload only saves game state temporarily and it is only available during the runtime of the game. If you close the game, then the game state will not available and you can?t load the game state if you start the game again.

    Your save/load requirement can be implemented using ?Save/Load to disk?. If you use that you will be able to load a previously saved game state even after closing and restarting a game.

    About the ?file? parameter in ?Save/Load to disk?:

    You can give any file name. For example you can just give a file name such as ?savefile?.

    If you give a file name without a file path (e.g.: savefile) then the save file will be saved in the same directory where you have your .cap file.

    Also you can give a file name with a relative file path.

    E.g.: savedir\savefile, will save the game in a directory called ?savedir? which is created in the same directory where you have your .cap file (you have to manually create a directory called "savedir" there).

    Or you can give an absolute file path.

    E.g.: C:\savedir\savefile will save the game in a directory called ?C:\savedir\savefile?).

    When you specify a relative or absolute directory path, always make sure that the given directory is available.

  • Welcome to the forum!

    In Construct classic there are two built-in system actions available for saving and loading.

    1) Save/Load to disk

    2) Quicksave/Quickload

    1) Save/Load to disk

    This is used when you want to save/load the current state of the game to/from a file on your hard disk. If you use several file names, you can save several game states and load them later.

    Saving to a file:

    1. Create an action on the event sheet by selecting System -> ?Save/Load to disk?

    2. When creating the action select ?Save? as the ?Operation?. Here you have to also give a file name as a parameter.

    Loading from a file:

    1. Create an action on the event sheet by selecting ?System? -> ?Save/Load to disk?

    2. When creating the action select ?Load? as the ?Operation?. Here you have to also give the name of the file (that you specified while saving the game) as a parameter.

    2) Quicksave/Quickload

    This is used when you want to save/load the current state of the game. However you can only save one state of the game (compared to the ability to save several game states in several files when using ?Save/Load to disk?).

    Quick Saving:

    1. Create an action on the event sheet by selecting ?System? -> ?Quicksave/Quickload?

    2. When creating the action select ?Quicksave?

    Quick Loading:

    1. Create an action on the event sheet by selecting ?System? -> ?Quicksave/Quickload?

    2. When creating the action select ?Quickload?

    Following are some relevant forum topics:

    Saving in Games


    Save System


    Save games and INI files


  • Kyatric : Thank you very much for sharing this solution. It is really interesting to see the way you have used trigonometric functions to determine the locations to create collision masks.

    I wish you all the best for the competition.

  • I checked this with Firefox 5.0 and Internet Explorer 9 on a Windows 7 system (CPU 3GHz Core2Due and RAM 4 GB). I didn't notice any performance issues.

    The graphics are really cool and appealing <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />. Also the game play is very interesting. The concept is bit like angry birds, but personally I prefer the "look and feel" of this game <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> .

    I really enjoyed the application of physics behavior, mini map in the top right corner, bounce back from wall and the time bomb concept used in this game   <img src="smileys/smiley16.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> .

    Great if you can improve this to support touch screens also. Good Luck! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thanks a lot. This will be really useful for offline read and print <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> .

  • The web site freesound.org has many free sounds. Those sound files are mainly licensed under creative-commons (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons_licenses).

    Also you may use Creative Commons search (http://search.creativecommons.org/ ) to search for images, videos and other media which you can use freely and legally.

  • Ramesh, I believe something like this is the solution you're looking for:

    Thanks deadeye. This is really interesting.

    But my actual requirement is bit different. I will describe it using a sample game concept.

    Let�s say we have a game with 3 levels. And we will name our main character as �Rider�

    Level 1:

    This is like a "platform game" (E.g.:- Mario). Rider is moving through several obstacles to search for his car. After passing through a given number of obstacles Rider can complete Level 1. And he receives his car as a reward for completing Level 1.

    Level 2:

    Now Rider is driving the car which he received after completing the Level 1. But this time this is not a "platform type" game. Now this becomes a driving game with "top-down view style". And a car will be displayed instead of Rider and the "car behavior" will be applied for that car.

    The car has to move through a city. And the player should move the car to an end point within a given period of time. If the car can come to end point within that time period, we can say Level 2 completed.

    After the completion of Level 2, Rider leaves the car and going to visit a friend. The friend suggests Rider to participate for a sport festival which involves playing a pong like game. This is the start of Level3.

    Level 3:

    The main objective of this level is to win a series of pong like games. This level will mainly involve physics behavior of a ball. At the end of this level the total score earned by all 3 levels will be displayed and stored in a file. At the beginning of the game a High Score list will be displayed and other users can try to beat the highest score.

    Above game is just an example to describe my requirement. Please note that these 3 levels are different in game genre and view style. Also note that each level has different game logic. If all of levels are in same game genre, and if they have same game logic, it will be easy to create a level editor.

    Also this will be easy if only one developer is developing all 3 levels in a one .cap file. But our problem is several friends of mine (in different locations) want to work in several .cap file. That means level 1, 2, and 3 will be developed by 3 developers in 3 .cap files. And we have to use different game logics in different levels. Finally we need to integrate these levels. In that case we are facing difficulties.

    You wouldn't need to modify the Construct source-code to make a level editor.

    Yes, I agree with you in the context of developing a level editor for a game which has similar game logic throughout all levels. But in our case game logics/ event sheets are very different in each and every level. We want to store not only the static aspects (sprites etc.) of the game, but also the dynamic aspects of the game (events etc.) to separate level files for separate levels.

    I was working on a proof of concept *.cap for you yesterday, however several bugs with the Layout object halted my progress. The level editor can still be done, but the GUI would be alot different than what I had in mind. I probably can't finish it before I leave for seattle though (going to the Penny Arcade Expo)

    This is good news. And if you are thinking about a new approach for a level editor, you can also think about the points I described in this mail as some design issues.


    • Ramesh
  • What I would do is create a level editor, and let your friends make levels with that. Plan out how you are going to save your level data into an array, and make your events accordingly.

    Yes, I agree with you. The method you are specifying is a good way to develop levels. But at the moment we are trying to develop the game only using the features available with Construct 0.96.4 release. Therefore I am looking for a already available technique/ trick to modularize the game without modifying the source code of Construct.

  • Copying and pasting layouts is not yet implemented which is a bit of a problem - hopefully once that's added it'll become a bit easier for you. Until then, unfortunately I think the best option is to send around one .cap file to each other...

    Thanks Ashley. I didn�t know that this feature is not implemented yet. I thought that it is currently possible and I was thinking that I didn�t find the correct way to do that. Anyway we are going to continue with the currently available features of Construct. We hope see this useful event copy/ event export feature in future releases of Construct.

  • Hi,

    First of all I like thank all the developers of Construct for creating such a wonderful tool. I have tried several game creation tools, but I still didn�t find a tool that has the WYSIWYG capabilities AND rapid development facilities, which Construct has.

    I have created few small games individually and now I am planning to create a game with some of my friends.

    We wanted to develop the game with several levels. And each of our friends wants to work on "separate levels". Because my friends are in several locations and they want to create their level individually.

    When we plan to integrate our levels, we faced a problem. We couldn�t find a way to integrate separately created games in to a one game. We tried to copy layouts and event sheets between application and failed copy event sheets between different applications.

    One method we tried was,

    1) Create each level as separate .exe files.

    2) At the end of level 1, it is saving the current state/ variables etc in a file (say myFile), and calling level2.exe and closing level1 application.

    3) Level.exe loads state/ variables from myFile.

    4) At the end of level2, it saves current state in myFile, calls level3.exe, closing level2.exe and so on.

    With the above method we made it possible to work in separate levels as separate exe files.

    I understand that this is not the way to have to several levels in a game created with Construct. But we want to work on levels as separate units and integrate them in a later stage of the development. In other terms, I want to modularize this game and develop it with bottom up approach.

    Can someone please help us with suggestions to develop a game as separate modules and integrate later?

    Thanks in Advance.

    • Ramesh