ramagoi's Forum Posts

  • Yes the condition is what you need. On the touch event you can add the condition pick monster nearest to player, then it will find path to this one.

    still not working.. really dont know where to put that

    im suspecting this line:

  • There is a condition on the enemy sprite object, pick nearest, and you can use to player.x,player.y

    still stuck because i dont know how to write that..

    there is pick nearest menu on condition but not in action.. so my "player" still go to monster family the 1st one created, not nearest

    thanks for replying btw

  • For move along path use a condition 'player on path found' : move along path. If that doesn't work then please explain what's not working for you.

    how to check the nearest enemy if there is multiple enemy on player sight before move to them?

  • hello im newbie and want to ask what i need if i want to make game auto battle system like lineage 2 revolution/rox, rom, roo/moonlight sculptor ? its more like idle or grinding games. player just to tap on monsters list nearby and go to specific monster and kill and search same monster again and again.

    I cant find tutorial on youtube for auto battle system and attacking systems is different from some content creator. more easy if use manual move but thats not what i want. what i do so far just learn pathfinder and stuck on how to make this attack.

    btw, sorry for my english. And thanks for your help

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  • I did everything exactly step by step, but when I made player to run it always falling half of its body into the ground ( solid platform ) and continue to run at this level.

    When it stops it return back to the ground level. I couldn't find the way to run him without falling down. What I am missing?

    check image point on player, set mid-bot or simply press 2 (numlock)

  • You can use percent instead. So the length of the green health bar is 100% when its full and if you get hit you subtract the amount from the health bar in percent.

    So if your HP is set to 100 and you get hit by an enemy causing -10HP you subtract 10% of the length of the bar.

    And when you're high level and your HP is set to maybe 1000 and you get hit by the same enemy causing -10HP you only subtract 1% of the healthbars length.

    So in case Anon's response wasn't clear for how to do that, you should set the bar's width to (current health/max health)*maximum length. You can also get fancy and use lerp or some other operation to make it smoothly change there. So, for instance,

    Set width to lerp(self.width, (current health/max health)*maximum length, 5*dt) where 5 would generally change how quickly it gets there.

    I've attached a quick example of how to do it. I changed the green bar to a Tiled Background object so that it won't get the blurred edges you get from stretching out a sprite.

    Thank you for help guys,

    C-7 I can't open your project because mine older version.. But set width with lerp is a new lesson for me. It's really cool. I had change my project. please check if it's the same thing.

  • I want to make health bar like a RPG games, or like other games, it's familiar (Dota/ Tera /Zenonia).

    So far I'm using set width but this is not what I want


    So if I use this tutorial, if my max hp player larger than layout, it's become bad.

    All I want is keep the width, no matter how much I add number of HP.

    I need some advice.

    Sorry for my english and thank you for your help.

  • Problem is that your different paralax is influencing touch.x and y.

    Thats why you must take it into account.

    Adding scroll.x/y - originalwindowheight/width should do it, I believe.

    Try to put into your line 4 this expressions:

    angle(Touch.X - (scrollx - OriginalWindowWidth/2), Touch.Y - (scrolly - OriginalWindowHeight/2), Gear.X, Gear.Y)

    min(abs(distance(Touch.X- (scrollx - OriginalWindowWidth/2), Touch.Y- (scrolly - OriginalWindowHeight/2), Gear.X, Gear.Y)) / 1, 100)

    thank you for help.

    I already solved this problem last night, it's just add layer index after touch.X and touch.Y so it's look like = touch.X(2),touch.Y(2), Gear...

  • Hi

    I made analog controller on layer 1 and parallax is 0,0.

    Game run smoothly early then the analog become bad when player at middle of layout/Right side, that because touch.X and touch.Y is always more than analog.X right?

    How to fix that?

    Sorry for my english -_-

    thank you so much

  • hi ramagoi

    Thanks for your helping feedback!

    1) Thanks I'll fix this!

    2) No it's not wanted, in which level did you find the floating spike?

    3) Yes this is wanted

    4) Fixed, just purge cookie and cache. The weather layer is now under the UI layer. Or is it still to dark at all?

    5) You need to go to the blue goal, then you'll jump to the next level

    Thank you!

    1. ok

    2. see attachment. I found this on similiar stage.

    3. ok

    4. ok

    5. I mean the last stage, the screen become dark and nothing happened while the other stage before is go to the next stage, and timer still running.

  • Here from me:

    1. hold down button, till power empty (just don't move), then release it. The sprite still in tornado state!

    2. there's a floating spike. Is that what you want? or just a mistake?

    3. some coin is impossible to collect. Is that what you want?

    4. yeah like scarma said, first level is too dark.

    5. when I finished the game, nothing happen. I though my browser not responding. Back to level select would be good.

    that's all

  • I've added one to the code. Basically, the logic goes like this: there's a Critical Window, which I saved on the enemy. I made it 75. Then, when the bullet is generated, I create a random value between 0 and 100 and save it to an instance variable. I compare that to the enemy's CritWindow, and if it's greater than the window, I set a variable on the bullet IsItCrit from 0 to 1.

    Then, for the damage calculation, I do the following:

    What that does is take the base bullet damage and add to it the bullet damage * the IsItCrit (which will determine whether you're adding nothing or a crit value to the check) and then mulitplying IsItCrit * the CritMultiplier I also added to the enemy.  I'm sure someone else could clean it up, but that's how I did it in the CapX file I linked you.  I'm pretty sure it works right.
    Oh, and the evade could be calculated the same way, multiplying the damage by either a 0 or 1 depending on a randomly generated number.  Hopefully this is what you need!

    Thank you bro, you saved my life

  • I have same problem before, that's because my card is debit card although there is Visa logo. Maybe some Indonesia credit card didn't accepted.

  • Currently I made attribute for main character or enemy like max HP, Regeneration, Attack, and Defense. I just confused when I want to add Critical or Evade chance and for agility/aspd (more like mortred DoTA). I read some articles but the project can't open so I'm asking now. Please help


  • O there's a sale... but I'm unable to purchase it with my card. There was a message saying the amount must not no more than Rp. 999,999.99.

    Does that mean I can't shop more than a million?

    That's your card problem. Try using paypal or credit card.