RafaelMatos's Forum Posts

  • If the problem is to set the animation to wall slide you can do something liek this

    if he is jumping and overlapping a solid object (wall) > set animation to wall slide.

    Of course that need more work like when he's not in this condition anymore and etc but It's all about touching or not the wall

  • You can see them but can't do anything that include families.

  • Due to many resolutions out there, how can I create an object that always spawn in the middle of the screen?I tried window.X *0.50 window.Y*0.50 and layer.X *0.50 layer.Y*0.50 but didn't work.

  • first you need to add keyboard object. then go to events sheets.

    find keyboard icon > choose on key pressed > then add action > choose your character > set mirrored (it gonna ask if you want to set mirrored or not mirrored)

  • set mirrored or not mirrored (depending on which side your animation is facing)

  • Advertising on youtube became relatively easy and cheap with an advantage of reaching only your target.

    I'm new as an Indie too. However, I work with publicity so I understand a bit about reaching the right people for your product. Most of the time, It's really expensive and takes time. With the internet, you can achieve it, with no money or with a "small" amount depending on how you deal with the situation, which is can be very different in each situation.

  • I think, nowadays, you can promote your title by being contact with all major game portals, youtubers and reviewers and without espending money. Just give an demo or an beta version of your game, asking to play, in a gently and professional way. If it's good and they liked, they will support the game as they can.

  • liaeb When I need it, I'll surely consider.

    Thanks both for the answer.

  • jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php Inno Setup

    Since it's free even for commercial use, I must ask. Is it trustable?

  • The title of this post is a bit misleading:

    What I think you mean is: "should I use install creator to create an installer for my node-webkit exported game?"

    The answer is "probably not", install creator is very outdated. I would look elsewhere, though I'm hesitant to offer alternatives since the best ones are paid.

    Can you mention them?

  • Exporting node-webkit projects to an executable file using ClickTeam Install Creator would be the best choice?

  • Everytime that an object is overlapping another, when I pick them using cursor, all the underneath objects dissappear.

    How can I solve it using families? I know hwo to do it with single objects, but with family I didn't figure out yet.

  • Have a look at the nickname plugin:


    Thanks, cvp! I'm going to test it.

    Edit: So, on start of layout, I need to assign the nicknames to every item that I have in the game and it's done. I don't need to do it again in another layout, right?

    Edit: So far, it's working perfectly. Thanks, man.

  • I'm trying for several hours to drop the itens from my inventory using his name stored in my array. Since I destroy the object and set slot's animations to respective object that I have stored, now I need to respawn this object back to the world. And that's the problem that is giving me headaches. Just can't find a way to solve it.

    I'm trying to respawn the object back to the world using retrieved value from my array, which is the name of the object. But the only tools that C2 has for spawning objects is selecting the object. And I need to do it generally, so I dont need to bother with singles objects, since it will have several in the game so I can't use actions for especfics objects/itens.

    Please, someone could help me?

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