RafaelMatos's Forum Posts

  • Self-explained title =P

    I just know when any instance of the object is destroyed but not all.

  • edwardr

    Are you tring to create a menu with options and others stuffs? Because I still need to do it as well and I think setting a layer as global and only using groups is enough to build one I guess.

  • The equation is correct. Using impulse to launch the projectile is where the variance is.

    Impulse = Force*time

    and from best I can tell dt is used for time and that varies.

    Try setting the velocity instead with:



    Actually i'm using force but I prefer to keep things more simple. I'm not good with math and I need to build something that I can work with more easily in the future, in order to fix bugs and make adjusts. So I decided to compare different ranges of the overall velocity (intervals of 50) in the collision's moment, instead of trying to get the exactly velocity, which C2 has no expression for it. I think this way I keep things simpler and, since the mass will always be the same, the result of KE=0.5*MV² would always be in the same proportion of whatever velocity I got. I did this way and so far it's working nicely regarding to each bonus the player gets and how fast the ball hits the object. At least these bonuses is being coherent and that's my goal.

  • Use random expression and set a range of a numbers for it. So if you get, for example, between 10 and 100 you spawn an object, if you get between 101 and 201 then spawn other object.

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  • I do not know why, this is the formula normally... I do not use a lot the physics behavior though

    I think overall velocity is totally buggy as well and I think that Ashley should look at it because there is a big problem here. Velocity and accelaration are essencial if you need to work with physics behavior. Would be nice from him to clarify it for us.

    Edit: Also I realized that a ball that is travelling clearly faster than a ball that is bouncing a bit has lower velocity than the slowly bouncing ball just before the moment that it would stop.

  • It seems there is not an expression for the overall velocity, well, pythagore still works:

    overall velocity = (velocityX^2 + velocityY^2)^0.5

    Aphrodite, are you sure that it's the right formula?Because it's giving me an enormous range of results (like 844 and 1452) shooting within the same distance, only changing the angle a bit.


    First shot around 800

    Second shot around 1800

  • Well, I was wrong. I need to use F=M.A to find the impact power. Now I need to pick the bullet's acceleration and, again, construct 2 doesn't give me that. It doesn't make sense applying physics behavior and not being able to find it's acceleration or velocity by using an expression.

  • codah

    Only in the condition to compare values. ^^


    Math isn't my strong side so thank you.

    Edit: Aphrodite the same projectil with the same impulse and hiting the same spot is giving me different velocity all the time. Is it right?

  • I can get the velocityX and Y but not the overall velocity.

    Is the overall velocity the result of VelocityX + VelocityY?

    I need it to use in the equation E= MC² or KE= 0.5 * mv². I don't know which one I use, but I need to get the energy of an object that have collided with another.

  • Hello!!

    How can i make a player enter his or her own name, and then have it appear in game?

    Thank you!

    I've never tried this before but I think you can do this using forms.

  • codah

    My game is sort of a bowling game. You have to shoot at a cetain distance, pass trough all obstacles and try to take down all pins that are far enough from each other.

    One of the bonuses that I will calculate to the final score is that if the player take down more than one pin with the same ball, it add a number that I will store and use to multiply his score.


    Ball1 hit pin whatever.

    Ball2 hit pin whatever

    Ball2 hit another pin whatever.

    ... in this moment I need to check if it happened and how many times took down after the first pin. So, one extra pin (after the first) means a value that will affect the score, two extra pins another value and so on.

    Edit: The reason that I'm trying to store UID's Ball is that I need this information to compare how many times the same ball hit and took down a number of pins.

    Edit: to simplify, I need to know how many pins I took down with one ball. Knowing this, I only need to subtract 1 to know all the extra pins.

  • Anyone?

  • When the subject is array I just stuck. I'm trying for hours jsut to do a simple thing and I hope someone could help me on this.

    I have a simple 2,3 Array and here is the logic:

    I need to insert an UID always at X=0 and a value at X=1. So the array would be like this:

    UID | Value

    114 | 1

    116 | 2

    123 | 4

    When I add the first UID in first line I need to stop the insert action. Also I need to compare if the UID match. If so add 1 to the Value.

    The way I know right now, it would insert in all lines because when it runs in the first time everything is empty (aka 0) so it'd always replicate the first line.

  • TiAm

    Thanks. I will study about this.

    Edit: TiAm I'm sorry but could you explain better how to use Global dictionary, WebStorage and asJSON? I didn't use it yet so I'm a bit confuse.

  • Since I'm going to need to store several scores, global variable won't be a good choice. So I thought using instance variable from a sprite. However, I don't know if this is the best Idea to safely store such an important thing in the game. Fundamentally is it ok? Or is there another way?