RafaelMatos's Forum Posts

  • Only with Shaders and then you get a possible performance hit (or it may just not work - on mobile, for example).

    And that's my target. Mobile. I'll think something else. Thanks.

  • Are there a way to use RGB values in the events and change the color of a sprite font object?It would be really handy and help me to keep the game lighter because adding a different sprite font for each color wouldn't be good.

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  • It works, but you have to tween value and insert the value manually into the spritefont.

    Yes, It's working. I did that a while ago and didn't work. I think It was something else. Sorry to bother you with that.

  • zenox It helped but start happenning again when the time scale is higher than 1.3. Why would it happen if the colision polygon is the same? :/

    Edit: zenox After fixing the colision polygon I realized that it always happens after the floorObj with the animation 0 and 2. I did several minor changes regarding to position and colision polygon. Nothing seems to stop this weird "teleport", only get worse. If you put the time scale to 2.0 you will see it more often. I was able to see that by using the event "if PlayerObj is not on floor > set time scale to 0), but I have no idea why this happen. Also, when this happen the player's speed get higher than 450, which would never be possible because this speed is constant and I'm 100% sure that I'm not changing the speed. I think the player wants to fly lol

  • zenox Thats weird because I already changed it a few times and didn't help. I'll try again

  • I'm creating an auto-runner with some changes in the terrain that is a bit more dynamic, with some ups and downs, but the player has some weird movement changes when he is going down and I can't figure what is causing this.


  • I'm sorry if it's not a normal "how do I" question but I'm kind lost with this new problem. I'm working on an auto-runner like game and it works fine via wifi. The game have some brutal lag at the beginning, but stay stable after a couple seconds. The major problem is that the apk, built with crosswalk for android, freeze after 2 seconds when I'm in the layout where the gameplay happens. Always. I have no clue how it can be possible. If it's not happening with me playing via wifi, the problem can't be the events, right?

    I have some informations on screen for testing purposes and the fps, time scale, object count and everything else freeze too. However, the music keep playing, so I guess the game is not crashing.

  • grigrizljac Thanks. I'll try it.

  • > Nice game. Simple and fun. It's lagging on my Xperia L, but it's a weak smartphone, so you should be fine about it I guess. Also, those wheels (I forgot the name) are spawning one above another.


    > Could I ask you how did you make the loader layout? Because mine just appear after ages, when the game is already fully loaded so it doesn't make any difference.


    Firstly, thanks for downloading the game. Really appreciate it

    1) It's not your phone's fault. I did some poor optimization on images and they were hogging up the memory on phones (around 200mb). I made a lot of performance improvements in the last update and it should really smooth now.

    2) Check the attached screenshot on how I made it.

    That's what I did too.

  • It's not working with sprite font

  • Nice game. Simple and fun. It's lagging on my Xperia L, but it's a weak smartphone, so you should be fine about it I guess. Also, those wheels (I forgot the name) are spawning one above another.

    Could I ask you how did you make the loader layout? Because mine just appear after ages, when the game is already fully loaded so it doesn't make any difference.

  • Ashley , Thanks for the bug fixes. Although, I think the density bug is still there. I have a projectile with a density of 4 and they act like it was 20 or more.

  • Ashley, did you see the .capx??

    Also, with the new update, I can't preview it on chrome.

    Error message:

    Javascript error!

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property "isAmazonWebApp" of undefined

    "My local IP"

    Audio_Plugin.js, line 2197 (col 69)

    Edit: I think some unexpected things may have happened on this update. See those Pets on the screenshots in my first post? They are too "heavy" now and I can't take them down like before and I didn't change a thing in the project on this weekend. So i'm pretty sure that is something about the update. It seems that they have a lot more mass or density.

  • how does that work exactly? making something into a string in C2? do i need to make a new variable to put the converted value or is it done in the expression itself?

    using your expression i got a syntax issue.. i think "lef" is meant to be left but still something in there wasn't working right.

    you use the "," throughout the formula which would be a period right for a timer right?

    This looks really promising I've just never had to work with casting values from a number to string or the other way around so the whole concept inside of C2 and the right way to do it is a bit mysterious to me.

    Yes, it is left. I typed wrong.

    Well, you can use it. https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/678/in ... -functions

    It's simple and work.

  • Why not using particles? I didn't get the point :/

    On created > every X seconds > subtract 1 from the rate of the particles

    This will create a "fade out fire" effect for each instance of the object, as if the fire was fading out