Rable's Forum Posts

  • Hi everyone,

    I've been working on a game for the company which employs me ( IMPS ) in the past 3 months. The game is finished and works great, but the IT manager came back to me because we had a server alert because the game has a bit more than 400 assets in it. The third party company holding the server thought it was an attack and put additional security. They told us that 400 requests for a single page is more than can be allowed, so I have been asked to rework the game and reduce the number of assets.

    Before doing so, I would like to ask you guys if someone already has this problem, and if there is something we can do server-wise, without recoding anything, to work around a lengthy process. A solution allowing me to automatically reduce the number of assets (I doubt this ever existed) could also do the trick.

    Thanks a lot!

  • Thanks for the suggestion, I didn't think there was a way to deal with it, but I'll still ask.

  • Thanks to your last comment, it now works perfectly. Thanks a lot, sir!

  • korbaach

    Thanks a lot! I conclude from your capx that it is not possible inside Construct 2, but is possible with Javascript?

    Il'll copy paste your javascript code in my project.

    Thanks again, really helpful!

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  • Thanks 99Instances2Go for the reply.

    Indeed, I already finished the game with individual samples but I need to rework it because our server can't handle that many assets, hence the big audio files. :-/

    Thanks for the ideas & explanations about functions. I'll try to go with the array, it believe it should be possible to implement that into the code.

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm using a textbox to allow the player to enter its name, and I need the cursor to be always at the end (right) of the text contained.

    To make it perfectly clear, I want that when the player press the left arrow, nothing happens. I don't want the cursor to move left.

    I tried with Textbox > "scroll to bottom", but it didn't help.

    Is there any way to achieve this?


  • Hi everyone,

    I'm currently working on a music game for which I am using large sound files featuring many 2 seconds audio cues that I've put one after another.

    So to be clear the audio file is something like:

    0-2 sec : sound / 2-3 sec : silence / 3-5 sec : another sound / 5-6 sec : silence ... etc ...

    This is necessary to reduce the number of assets so that my server could play the game correctly.

    Now I need to create a function which :

    1) Plays the sound at time (param 0) with tag (Param 1)

    (no problem for this part)

    2) After 2.5 seconds, stops the sound playing at tag (param 1) (or else the large sound file continues playing other sounds).

    Here it becomes more problematic. I can do it as long as there is only one sound playing at a time. The problem is that I need up to 4 sounds to be played at the same time with this function from the same file, and as soon as a second sound is playing, the first sound played won't stop. Of course I'm giving different tags here, I even tried to add a random value in the tag I'm giving.

    I tried many things, such as using a return value with the tag of the audio to stop, and then stopping the audio in the event which called the function instead of in the function itself. I also created a stop function called inside the play function, but in both cases the result is not better.

    Is there any way to achieve this?

    Thanks for any help!

  • mudmask Wow! I wasn't really optimistic about it being possible, but I got it to work really easily! Thanks a lot! And good job BrashMonkey!

  • Hi guys,

    I've got a question for Spriter experts (maybe lucid ?).

    Because of network issues (too many requests) I need to reduce the number of assets in some of my games. The problem with spriter is that it's using many small assets (one character is often more than 20 images). Is there a way to make a sprite sheet with the spriter elements rather than 1 element = 1 C2 object? Maybe 1 entity = 1 sprite sheet or something like that?

    Thanks a lot !

  • Thanks a lot, you most probably found my problem as following this video by ArcadEd, I created a text variable to store all my scores as a text string, then getting scores back from the string with tokenat.

    Now I guess I need to do something to get the values back in numbers, but I probably missed this step in the video.

    At least I understand where the problem is! Thanks!

    EDIT : It's fixed. I just needed to add int( before the tokenat expression.

  • This is really a beginner thing but for some reason I'm unable to do it.

    I created an array with 5 X values to stock the high scores. The array is working correctly and I can see the values in the inspector.

    I ask to sort the array (array > Sort X axis), it is a one-dimensional array (width 5, height 1, depth 1), but nothing is sorted.

    Values are still 160, 21, 212, 46, 75

    After injecting 552, the array is now (after being sorted) : 21, 212, 45, 552, 75

    After injecting 1067, the array is now 1067, 212, 45, 552, 75

    My conclusion is that every entry is reduced to the first 2 numbers (552 is 55.2, 212 is 21.2, 1067 is 10.67) but I'm not asking for this in my code (unless I'm really missing something here). But anyway, in the inspector, values are displayed correctly as 552 and 212 so I guess the sorting should be correct.

    I've perfomed a test with a very simple project, injecting values at random in an array then sorting everything. It obviously works perfectly fine. So now I'm really scratching my head to know why my array wouldn't sort, even when I'm on doing it every tick on a layer which doesn't do anything else... :-/

    Any idea of what I'm doing wrong?

    Thanks !

  • Great thread, helped a lot!

  • Hi everyone,

    This post is dedicated to communicate to Ashley and Scirra team simple things that I would like to see in C2 or C3. No fancy stuff here, these are mostly workflow and interface related-stuff.

    1) Search :

    Search for at least 2 different keywords

    At the moment we have only one search field, so we can search for “hero” or “set bullet enabled”, but up to my knowledge it is impossible to search for “hero” AND “set bullet enabled”. So my first search would give me all “hero” entries in my event sheet and the second all “set bullet enabled” for all objects. An advanced search would be really useful very often.

    Highlight the searched terms in the event sheet

    If you search for a keyword which appears in an event which has 100+ actions in it (typically long dialogs), you’re in for a long work to find the searched word. It would be really useful to have the searched term highlighted in the event sheet.

    Less important would be an advanced feature “search in all event sheets” which would open every event sheet in which the searched term is found and apply the search in all of them.

    2) Navigation

    When panning an event sheet by holding the middle mouse button, the pan currently stops when your mouse hit the top or bottom of your screen, which makes just scrolling with the wheel faster. I really would like to have the pan continue as long as I’m moving my mouse, even if I reached the border of the screen. It would be much more effective to navigate large projects.

    Alternatively, an option “number of lines scrolled with the mouse wheel” would be great. At the moment it’s about 1.5 lines. I really would like to be able to make the mouse scroll faster.

    Page up / page down to move 1 screen up or down?

    3) Workflow

    "Create blank event above" shortcut

    I already asked for this 1 or 2 years ago, and I'm still missing it. At the moment, if I want to create a blank event above the selection (in order to paste copied conditions/actions) the fastest ways are either

    B (create blank subevent) --> drag and drop the blank event above the selection (this one only works if your heirarchy is simple enough)


    right click --> Insert new event above --> EnterEnterEnterRightArrowDelete

    None are really practical for such a basic feature, which you probably need 10 times a day. There are still plenty of unused keys on the keyboard for which we could have nice keyboard shortcuts.

    Maybe some of these are already implemented in C2 but I’m not aware of them. Please let me know if it’s the case.


  • Arima My appologies, I don't know how it happened, but for some reason I missed it! I probably need to sleep more. ^^'

    So yes, this is exaclty what I was looking for, thanks a lot!!

  • Very interesting replies!

    Thanks Arima for the link, but unless I'm missing something this tutorial is for creating my own web font, with a trick to avoid the default font showing up briefly before the webfont is downloaded when being online. I don't see anything regarding offline usage of web fonts. Still useful!


    Thanks a lot for the clarification. I was really wondering the reason behind the change and am reliefed that it's not something like "Steam prevents you from using web fonts". ^^' Thanks also for driving my attention towards the windows magnification issue. I was unaware of it.