R0J0hound's Forum Posts

  • Sounds like it’s completely broken if it does that. I don’t have a fix.

    You could try the polygon plugin made by yann as an alternative.

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  • It doesn’t use any 3D library. I just use webgl directly.

    Why? Because it seemed interesting.

    It’s different from triangle3d because I ended up changing how it worked significantly.

    I haven’t used the others plugins.


    It’s a single object because I didn’t want to deal with picking.

    It doesn’t use an existing library because I couldn’t get them to work the way I wanted to and they are too bloated for my use case. This plugin is able to be drawn between other normal construct objects without an image copy per frame. Other plugins run on a separate canvas that’s copied every frame or layered over the game canvas.

  • Hi.

    1. There is per object color, and the color has alpha. Is that what you’re after? When an object is transparent you need to turn on “transparent” in the object settings so it draws things in order.


    I’m not sure what you mean by transition modes. Can you clarify?


    I can see that being useful. Right now we use only a diffuse texture and color which is pretty simple. I’d like to make the shading model more deluxe when I work on that.


    Yeah, even in my tests the directional light isn’t enough.

    Adding more lights and light types is something I’m interested in attempting.


    I won’t be making that a live link at this time. Using the sprite condition “on frame changed” is a decent solution at the moment.

    Thanks for your interest.

  • It’s been a while, and I don’t have the plugin installed but as I recall you’d do these actions:

    Begin path

    Move to 0,0

    Line to 100, 100

    Line to 0, 100

    Fill path with “red”

    Stroke path with “back”

    Or something like that.

  • With the previous plugin, triangle3d, you had to specify what to draw every frame. This one lets you add a bunch of objects, so you only need events to change things. That and this has shadows amongst other features and improvements.

    I’m not working on the canvas plugin anymore, but it already lets you draw polygons in the same way html5 canvas let you as I recall.

  • Ah, good catch. guess I hadn't tested that enough. Should be fixed now, along with some shadow, alpha blending, and shading fixes.

  • My apologies. That's tested as fixed now. Also added another example.

  • Should be fixed now. Try the updated download. I had broke shadows when webgl2 was used.

  • Oh strange. I’ll have to test a few things to see what’s up. Maybe it’s a difference between webgl1 and webgl2 or something.

  • Rojo3d

    A 3D engine for Construct 2.



    To install extract to this folder on your pc.

    <install path>\exporters\html5\plugins




    Main Features:

    * obj file loader.

    * load textures from files or sprites.

    * directional light with shading and shadows.

    * fog

    * zbuffer, and it is drawn within c2’s renderer, so you can put stuff in front and behind it on the layout.

    * ability to let you build meshes with events.


    The plugin has its own method of keeping track of objects, meshes and textures via text tags. So you can load any number of textures and meshes, and also have objects share them.

    There are three object tags available by default: “”, “camera” and “light”. Those are the world space, the camera and the directional light. “” can’t be changed, and light ignores position but otherwise they are complete objects. You can also create new objects via an action.

    Each object has position, scale, orientation, mesh, texture, texture rectangle, color, and some settings to tell if it’s affected by fog, shadows, shading or if it’s transparent or a billboard sprite.

    When creating an object you can have it copy another and just modify what you want instead of starting from scratch.

    You can set the position, orientation, and scale. You can also modify those things too.

    When you do the transformations it lets you do stuff relative to other objects with the “relto” parameters.

    Some examples:

    Rojo3d: move “camera” by (0,0,100) relto:””

    Would move the camera’s z by 100 in its world position. But if you wanted more of a move at angle feature you’d do:

    Rojo3d: move “camera” by (0,0,100) relto:”camera”

    Would move the camera forward relative to its own orientation.

    You can also utilize the relto feature to have one object copy the orientation of another:

    Rojo3d: set Euler orientation of “obj1” to (0,0,0) relto: “obj2”

    The idea is you can mostly get the transformation you want without touching trig or complex math.

    Be sure to look at the examples, and check out the actions and expressions. I didn’t cover everything here.

  • Looks like they can’t automatically detect what engine was used in a lot of cases. Look at the issues page of their GitHub page and see that construct and mmf have issues for them.



  • If you keep track of the z position of the object you may be able to sort with something like this:

    Sprite: set sorting to sprite.y-sprite.z+1000*sprite.z

    Z sort sprite by variable sorting

    That’s what you’d call absolute sorting. By subtracting the z it sorts them as if everything was on the ground. The 1000 gives more weight to the z so it’s drawn above.

    You may need to tweak the equation. I forget is z sorting is low to high or vise versa.

    This method works well when the objects are all the same z height and z position is on one of those levels. I don’t think it works great when transitioning z position.

    Another option is relative sorting.

    Here’s a recent topic with some ideas:


  • They try to make it so it’s not possible to reverse the export back to the c3p file.

    But if all you want to do is change some text, you can search in the files and just replace the text there?

  • Eh, my ideas aren’t always the smartest or simplest. There are pros and cons to most solutions.

    Anyways, I’d say dop2000’s idea is the best way to do it. The more mathy solutions look tedious to implement.

  • Here is my latest example of a parser. Has error checking, and has functions like sin() and min(), but you can add more.
