R0J0hound's Forum Posts

  • What have you done so far? First would be a way to score the board, so the algo can know what is good or bad. One simple idea would be to add 1 for each white piece and -1 for each black. So then you could loop over all the possible player moves and pick the move with the best score for that player. You could look more moves ahead so the cpu chooses a better move, but the computation time will exponentially increase.

    You can actually impliment the algorithm exactly like in wikipedia. The tricky bit will be generating the list of moves from the game state. I did a chess game and didn't get to ai since I'd need to vastly rewrite it.

  • Impressive. I should log in more...

    Maybe if I write an automation script to log me in everyday. But why stop there, I could also make it reply to a random topic with some random Chinese proverbs. Either that or pm newt everyday with a random name of a cheese and see if I can sway his eating habits...

  • So my brother acquired an old g4 imac and I've been tinkering with it. It has osx 10.1 so I can literally find no software for it. Not to mention browsing with internet explorer is painful since most sites don't load right. I may add that I won't be putting any money into it since it only cost 6$.

    So my question is what could be done with it? Or what would you do with it?

    So far I've:

    * Booted into the bios and amused myself programming in FORTH and trying to boot from usb and cd.

    * Tried using Linux on it. Driver support is atrocious and coaxing linux to a working state, is too tedious for my liking.

    * Found I could install an apple compiler suite that predates Xcode. So if I was so inclined I can now make apps, that would only work there, from what I can tell.

    Now it's serving as a decorative paper weight, and I'm looking for uses or ideas for it's fate.

  • From the manual a common expression is .asjson and there is also the common action "set from json".

    I haven't used it myself yet but I believe it can be used to clone object state.

  • If the balls are the same size you can do this:


    Or if they're different sizes:


  • One thing you can do is incorporate dt in the move forward action. The frame time can fluctuate from frame to frame and dt is the current frame time.

    So instead of 1.3 use 1.3*60*dt.

  • Here is a way I did it in a project I did:

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/542 ... _menu.capx

    Have a day job: yes, 10 hours

    Occupation: ...

    Average time spent developing in a week: ~5 hours.

  • The camera object should have an expression to get the image URL. You can then use that with the load animation frame action of sprites. After that just position that sprite over the canvas and use the canvas' paste action and you should be good to go.

  • You could do it by just comparing the distance from the enemy to the player. Accelerate if the distance is greater than a radius and brake if less.

    If you'd be happy with orbiting in a circle you could use the "move at angle" action on the enemy when they're closer than the radius and use enemy.angle-90 for the angle and say 100*dt for the distance.

  • I thought saying Game Over was the end.

  • [quote:3dddxys4]* Move the horizontal and vertical lines in a controlled and defined manner.

    Well you have a start point (where you started touching) and a end point (where you're currently touching). You could calculate the angle from start to end and use some choose a direction if the angle is close to 0, 90,180 or 270. There are conditions that help with this.

    [quote:3dddxys4]* Create this line, as the player moves on the field.

    Every time you move create a circle at the player. For the line between the dots you can make a rectangle sprite with it's hotspot left-center. It's height should be the diameter of the circle and it's width should be the distance between one move to another. So you create this sprite at the player and set it's angle toward the previous circle. You have the direction moved so you can add 180 to that to get the angle.

    [quote:3dddxys4]* Recognize what is going right and left.

    Beyond visualization, which the previous question had a solution for, you can store the inAngle and outAngle in instance variables of the circles. Just set them in the moving stage.

    And my experiment of the day trying out some different ideas.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/yi7fthhebl9nt ... .capx?dl=1


    Not really helpful, but it has an amusing flaw.

  • It's the same reason all the pieces are all red. The "Pick all" condition doesn't pick objects that were created on that frame. This was a change that occurred a long time ago. Events 22-24 need reworking to fix it.

    Change it from this:

    To this:

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  • No idea from your description. A simple capx could help.

  • Anything lower than "every 0.016 seconds" is the same as "every tick". You could instead add dt to the variable every tick and after 1 second the value will be very close to 1.