R0J0hound's Forum Posts

  • Q3D would give the most realistic results by far since you wouldn't be faking it.

    Textured quads with paster is an interesting idea but it will likely be more complicated than q3d since you have to define all the verticie positions of the sphere, calculate the shading of each face, and zsort the faces so it draws right.

    The shadow caster behavior isn't really useful for shading as its for casting 2d shadows.

  • Setting the mouses position is prohibited in js.

    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4752 ... c-position

    Otherwise the only other solution is mouse lock but that only works in Chrome or Firefox.



    The issue is the mouse position is 0,0 at the start and with javascript you can only get the position once the mouse moves. It would be solved if the mouse position could be retrieved without moving the mouse but that doesn't seem to be the case.

    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2601 ... -the-mouse

    One solution for your example is to only move the box if mouse.x is nonzero.

  • Maybe something like this should work?

    for (i = 0, len = runtime.types_by_index.length; i < len; i++)
    	var type = runtime.types_by_index[i];
    	var sol = type.getCurrentSol();
    	sol.select_all = false;
    	sol.instances.length = 0;
    It's untested but should work as types_by_index is used elsewhere to loop over the types.  You'll probably need to save the old SOL first with pushCleanSol() or something like that.  You can find it in preview.js as well as examples of it's use.  
    You may need to do some experimenting with it as I don't know if doing that will cause issues with the event sheet, since the standard behavior is to terminate evaluating and other sub-events if 0 of something is picked.  I could be wrong but it's just a thought.
  • Yeah that or you could call a certain python function directly.

  • Why not have your plugin draw to it's own canvas? That's what the canvas plugin does and actually is pretty simple minus getting it working with webgl.

  • Minifying or obfuscating it is your only options.

  • For that you could make a semicircle sprite as in the image and set it's angle to the light?

  • There is no rgbAt in this plugin. For that you should look at the canvas plugin.

  • For physics it's better to use a tilemap with 1x1 tiles. Paster doesn't provide a way to access the pixels of the image but the canvas plugin does. However from the pixels you still need a way for objects to collide with it. For tilemap would be your best option.

  • Not really. One idea could be to use yann's polygon plugin since you can define and access the points which are also collision points.

  • Browsers don't seem to let you simulate key presses.

    The simplest way to get text to the clipboard would be this js, but it still requires the user to press ctrl-c enter.

    "window.prompt('Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter', 'what');"

    All other solutions I've tried aren't working or are IE only. One that I haven't tried is ZeroClipboard which uses flash to access the clipboard, but it still requires the user to click. Also since it uses flash it won't work on android/ios.

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  • Ribis

    I do but all the math there is just a collection of simple things combined, so it only looks complex.

  • All Emscripten does is compile to JavaScript. The sdk won't need to be changed because it would only be dealing with the javascript that was generated.

    It's the same as any other js library as far as the sdk is concerned.

  • It works in node webkit preview. That said you can't really set the clipboard from just the browser and JavaScript as it's considered a security risk.

    A google search on the subject yielded this:

    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4002 ... javascript

    It looks to be a ugly task to do.

  • They will be drawn at the end of the eventsheet. You can pick them like normal at the next toplevel event.