You just want a way to lookup/store stats for various objects. There are many ways you can do that.
* One is to use a json string with a json plugin. I haven't really used it yet but it's topic should have some info on it's use.
* Another is to use an array for it. The idea you'd set the size to (number of items, number of properties per item, 1). At the start of layout you'd setup the array and later access properties with Array.At( item id, property) where property is 0 for name, 1 for HP+, ...etc. It can be tedious to populate one value at a time so you could parse a text file or make an array editor to help populate the array, and then just load into the array the array saved as a json string with Array.AsJSON. Note: for a json string to be loadable by the array it needs to have the same format.
Here's a topic with some ideas to make populating the array less tedious:
* A third way would be to use sprites with instance variables. Each sprite would be for a different item type. You either could add an id variable to help pick the right one or carefully keep track of the order you created them so you could later pick them with the "pick nth instance" condition. The drawback of this is you may need some more events for picking the right type.
For mixing it would probably be easiest to just take two items and make a third. To do it i'd just use events to do it. I suppose you could also use a array of size (number of item types, number of item types, 1) to do a table lookup of item combinations, but that sounds like an overkill especially since most objects don't combine.
For saving you can use webstorage to save a key with Array.AsJSON which is a JSONized string of the array. If you want to save multiple different arrays you can either use more keys or make an array that you set with .asJSON strings. And just as a note almost every object has the .asJSON expression as well as an action to load it, which makes it very useful for saving or loading.
Overall I'd first just work everything out on paper what you want your system to do in exact detail with no worrying about if you'll use arrays, JSON or whatever. Basically the "what it should do", not "how it should do it". I do it all the time and I'm not very productive without some paper to work stuff out on. Like you I have most of an idea of what it should do, but don't have a lot of details ironed out. As you get better you can do more of it in your head. Event and code are just obscure what you want your stuff to do.