pwrs's Forum Posts

  • If you have good upload speed at home, you could do something like Apache.

    There are also sites that offer free server (site hosting) that usually include access to a private fileserver (mainly where the site will be hosted from).

    I'd say just upload it to one of them and do it that way to save time. Apache gives you 100% control though, although you'll need to set firewall rules on your router for redirects and blocking some traffic, which isn't terribly difficult, just time consuming.

    I usually use 000webhost if I want to throw something up for others to look at, plus they give you a free subdomain to use on their site (or add your own if you purchased a domain).

    It's a shame Dropbox killed their hosting folder (think it was called public), literally made this thing super easy.

  • I just tried after downloading the newest version and am still encountering the same issue with OneDrive, but Google Drive works fine.

    Thanks for the update!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I think you can export it as html5, then just upload it a webserver and go to that page.

  • I also can confirm.

    Tried on multiple devices (two PCs, one Mac, and one Android), clearing saved content on Chrome for *.construct.* and still nothing.

  • Unless the leaderboard is live, you can't really test it. Which means publishing.

    While you can publish a game, you can also prevent it from hitting the store in it's current form by choosing manual release. Once the leaderboard is live, Gamecenter will log you in as normal.

    Another work around I thought of but never tested was taking an already live leaderboard and referencing it back to the test app. I don't think it'll work unless you line up the app com name to match what the live version has, but technically, you could use another working game and just use the testflight versions and never publish it.

  • I posted about this over on Github.

    I think the new plugin they are using isn't fully ready yet or in a rework since the cordova plugin itself is gone.

    You can actually see the Admob code in the js with reference to the property settings you define in ID fields.

  • I run Construct 2 on my MBA without any issues in Parallels "Cohesion Mode."

    I have even used the Intel XDK for OSX to publish my last couple games and haven't run into any problems.

  • AH! So apparently if you upload a distribution and put it hidden to start, changing the game profile to public does NOT make the distribution also public. Just fyi to anyone using GameJolt for the first time like myself.

    Well, in any case, the game is finally playable (public).

    Also, it was my first jam, and a lot of fun to make, I think I may compete in these more. This is game #9 for me this year, and I think I might count this toward my new year's resolution (after all)

  • Hey everyone,

    Just wrapped up my current project, using some old code, and slightly better integration skills, I was able to come up with this fun piece. The music is from a friend, he has a knack for dabbling in the electronic arena -

    And the game: (since I still can't link URLs)



    Anyways, enjoy

  • Hi again,

    Another game I had finished but didn't get published. This time around I went for a dodge-the-lasers type game. It's very simple and the game scales in difficulty as time goes on, going from a single laser to avoid, to up to six at a time.



  • Thanks!

    Cool site btw!

    Just to let you know, I actually went to your site just now, and attempted to subscribe, but something in Chrome didn't load properly from your site. I think it was the popup to subscribe, which worked fine in IE.

  • Heyo,

    Just started uploading more games and thought I would do something faster paced and based off the Joust arcade game. I wanted to aim for something simple, and easy to play. So the game is literally just tapping to gain altitude, and aiming to be higher when colliding with the AI units to get points.[attachment=0:896vfjgu][/attachment:896vfjgu]

  • sero

    It took more time to measure turning and what to do with the waves than anything.

    I actually had a ton of fun making this game. One thing I have gotten very comfortable with is WebStorage. I also learned some great things about Layouts, and keeping it to a minimum.

    The game overall took me about two flat weeks. But that was including my Sys Admin job, as well as time with my gf and video game playing

    I would say, hour wise...maybe less than 24 actual hours put into it.

    There are some things I would like to add, such as a leaderboard, and clean up some graphics. Maybe add a multiplayer mode. It's on a list of things to add, but first I want to finish the next game I'm working soon


  • I don't actually, I had to recompile for Andre's request to include some things I cut out, but I'll put up a demo on my dropbox shortly