PSyCHoHaMSTeRza's Forum Posts

  • Hi folks.

    So I have spent the last couple of weeks working on this. It may not look like much, but there are hours of blood, sweat and tears in this. Okay, not so much blood. Or sweat. But tears yes. Lot's of tears.

    It's called Apocalyptiball.

    There is actually an end game to it. It's just hard to get. ... ball-20046

    Only thing I can't seem to get working is the leaderboards. Do they just have a sort of delay before they display scores or am I just doing it wrong?

  • Thanks guys! I learn something new every day. Still a noob when it comes to loops.

  • So I have this code in my game:

    What I think it should do: While the bool IsArmageddon is true, it should repeat those actions. In other words, it should wait 0.5 seconds, apply the impulse, subtract one from the variable, and repeat. Wait 0.5 seconds again, apply impulse again, etc until the variable hits 0.

    What it does: Brutally murders Chrome. Chrome completely locks up as soon as that variable goes over 100.

    So, I get that I'm doing something wrong. Probably. I just want to know WHY it's wrong. Is this like an endless loop kind of thing? Or is there a small chance that this is actually a bug?

  • The bat isn't supposed to move. When you press left or right there is a force pushing the ball. So you're controlling the ball, not the bat.

    Still, I really appreciate the feedback! Now I know it's probably something on the devices, not my game.

  • Hi folks

    So I made two mobile games already. They work on all the phones I have tested on except for two: a Huawei P8 lite and a Huawei P9 (coincidence that they're both Huawei?). The game installs fine (so it isn't an untrusted sources problem), but when we try to launch the game, it just gets stuck on the loading screen. What am I doing wrong? Is it a bug in my game or in Construct 3?

    Here is a link to my c3p:

    And here is a link to the apk (debugging mode):

    I tried playing around with the settings (minify script, debugging and release mode, etc)

    I would really like to know what kind of issue this is, because I want to get to a point where I can try and publish my games on the play store.

  • Maybe just make the eraser colour the same as the background colour? So instead of just taking away the colour, it kind of "repaints" it to match the canvas.

  • Yeah if you double click the sprite to edit it, just look at the bottom of the toolbar. Looks like a triangle. Setting the collisions are a hassle through. I find it easiest to just right click on the sprite and say "Guess collision polygon". Then it gives you a bunch more nodes you can adjust.

  • Does the right mouse button work?

  • Long shot, but have you tried a different browser yet? I know C3 is made with Chrome in mind but, except for User Media input (like voice recognition), it actually works fine in Opera.

  • C3 has a built in plugin for admob, doesn't it? Just double click on the layout, scroll down to the "Monetization" category and add the admob plugin.

  • Hi, I took a look at your code; here are a few suggestions that you might want to consider:

    1) Instead of spawning objects you could use a tilemap and change the tiles to when you click. This would only be a suitable option if you don't intend to animate placed objects (you can animate tiles, but it is fiddly to set up and kills your framerate).

    2) Your code in each object group is essentially the same - you could replace all of these with a single function and instead of having the booleans plantWheat, plantCorn etc just have a single global string variable "plantObject" that you set to the object type. C3 has the very cool action "create object by name", so you can pass plantObject in order to spawn the correct object type.

    3) Alternatively, rather than having individual shop objects and placed objects you could have one shop object and one placed object, and have the different types as separate animations. This would reduce your object count and also allow you to simplify the code.

    Hope that helps

    This actually helps a lot! The thought of functions did cross my mind, but because I didn't know about the spawn by name thing, I didn't think it would work so well. I'm still very new to this, so thanks for the advice!

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  • Also, your link is bust - copy and paste automatically contracts the link (notice the ellipsis towards the end) - you'll need to post the full link and add a space either side of the periods to stop it contracting again.

    Thanks for the tip about the link. I added the spaces before and after the periods.

    Okay, I will try the family thing, thanks. I didn't think about that. Though I do think that having an "any" option would be kind of useful, don't you think?

  • Hi folks. So I am trying to make a city building game. I already got the grid system in place, and the buildings menu. Now, I want to make so that I can't build when there is something else in the way. You know, like when you try to build something in Sim City or Age of Empires, but if something else is in the way it has like a red overlay?

    I know it should have something to do with "mouse over object", but in the even system it requires me to select a specific object. I want my overlay thingy to happen when I mouse over ANY object. Or do I really need to make an event for each and every object in my game?

    BONUS POINTS. Any other advice to make this part of my script better, before I add more buildings? Here is the c3p.

    drive . google . com/open?id=0B4VhsizTyhDHSDNoblpqbW9TTmM

  • people may be very un willing to download an aok when you have shown no screenshots at all and are a brand new forum user with this being your only post. Far better idea if you upload to scirra arcade. mobile touch controls will still work on the arcade and you will get more people test it.

    Ah okay. I uploaded it to the arcade.

    Mozzie in the Rain

  • Hi folks. So, I have been dabbling in game design for a few years now, but I have never actually finished anything. This is the first game that I can say is in a playable state. It's a mobile game, it needs the accelerometer.

    I made the sprites in Marmoset Hexels. The rain sound effect is from

    Please let me know what you guys think.


    I found out that the accelerometer works in the Scirra arcade. So you guys can play it there. ... rain-18797