Programmer3000's Forum Posts

  • So I was just curious which race and Specific NPC/'s you think is the hottest. My vote in class in blood elves all the way. And the NPC is in Hellfire Peninsula (which is in outland) in Falcon Watch. The NPC is Falconer Drenna Riverwind. Here is her picture.

    Pritty cute hu? She lookes cuter in person though.

  • I can't watch YouTube right now, but maybe the things you're talking about were.... game glitches?

    Pokemon games, even X & Y have glitches, but before Ruby & Sapphire, they're really creepy. (>~~<)

    Yes there are creepy glitches but that's not all of what I am talking about. Here are some non glitches creepy stuff that I am talking about...

    Lavander Town from the first generation. It has acual zombies in it! Zombies!!!

    the old Chateau in generation 4 has ghosts in it! Not pokemon ghosts... people ghosts!

    Lumino City in pokemon XY in one building you go into the elivator and then a clip shows up and a creepy looking girl appeares behind you and then walkes infront of you and says, "No, your not the one." Then walkes away without a trace.

    Don't beleve me? Pull out your pokemon games and find them. I don't know what tha heck the last two mean at all!

  • You have a better idea? Cause I'd love to hear it. The reason why I think my Hell Valley theory workes is because all the other theorys have a problum. There has to be a reason why nintendo called them that. So they couldn't be slendermen or aliens.

  • You can also have a event that is...

    One colision with green fish--- then is for fish, to bouce of fish.

    Hope this helps!

  • I am making a japanease based game and I want japanease symbles in it to spell something but I don't know japanease. So I thought maybe you can change the text to japaniease. Is it posable? If so, how?

  • How do I Make a picture in the scirra forums? Do you copy the images location or what? Please help!

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  • I figred out the Hell valley sky trees a little while ago! They must be a Kodama! These are Japanese spirits that are like dryaids and are conected to and sleep in trees. Wikipidia ardicle: Then I looked up Hell Valley. And... Yes!!! There is a place in Japan called Jigokudani Monkey Park. and guess what! It means Hell Valley and is a place in Japan that is really cold except for the boiling springs. There is mountains and FORESTS there!!! I think this is the place whare they got the idea for this Galaxy! Maybe I am wrong but this seems to be the best theory I can think of.

  • I figred out the Hell valley sky trees! They must be a Kodama! These are Japanese spirits that are like dryaids and are conected to and sleep in trees. Wikipidia ardicle: Then I looked up Hell Valley. And... Yes!!! There is a place in Japan called Jigokudani Monkey Park. and guess what! It means Hell Valley and is a place in Japan that is really cold except for the boiling springs. There is mountains and FORESTS there!!! I think this is the place whare they got the idea for this Galaxy! Maybe I am wrong but this seems to be the best theory I can think of.

  • I am making a micro organisum game and I want it so that if a creachere smaller than the creachere that it tutches to be eaten and the bigger one to grow by the size of the smaller one and I tried this with instence varables but its not working. Do I use a global varable? Please help!

  • I Love Nintendo games. I am just trying to figue out why on earth they would put something like this in there games. Though maybe I was tricked somehow and distered by a creepypasta or something. I just want to know for a fact if they are real or not. If not, I will be happy. If so... I want to figue out why.

  • What do you mean? I saw this once. If you don't believe me... try it yourself.

  • I was so disterbed by this one it still haunts me <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> ! I can't think of why Nintendo puts stuff like this in there games. Please help!

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  • I still can't believe that there is creepy/disterbing stuff in Pokemon of all places! I can't think of what they mean, please help!

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  • When I found out about this I could not sleep that night! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked"> Please tell me what you guys think they mean... what they are.

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  • When I found out about this stuff I couldn't belive it! Please tell me what you guys think this means

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