PreacH's Forum Posts

  • Hello guys!

    I have a body of a human Sprite and I want when I hover with the mouse over it to erase parts from it.

    Basically I want to create something like an Eraser. Is there any way to to this in Construct and if it is any idea how?

    Thank you and have a nice day!

  • Thank you very much man, really good answer cause I thought I hit rock bottom.


  • Hello Guys,

    I am working on a game that transforms the coins/money you earn from millions to billions and so on. But at one moment it wont work anymore. Maybe someone can help me or has a better ideea on how to do this.

    My problem is that from the Kabillion the text wont change to the next. It just get's stuck but the Variable increases. Maybe i missed something.

    The name of the Currencies wont matter it's just for example here.

    Thank you and have a nice day!

  • I managed to find the solution, All i needed wast to add.....Burgeron created and is overlaping Plate.....set curPosx and curPosy to plate X and Y....and set is Used to true.....and the thing you told me to add.......If anyone needs help with this you can DM me at any time.

    Thank you again:)

  • Thank you for the help, i still cant achieve what I wanted....the count instance is used for something else. I thin I will just use different plates in a family so I can have more control.

    Thank you again

  • Guys, I tried C2 on a Lenovo Laptopt and it worked pretty well on touchscreen only, it was pretty intuitive and smooth....It takes longer to preview in broswer but it's decent....the only down side is the screen size but overall it's ok for traveling and working in bed

  • , damjancd Thnk you for your responses

    I will make another reply with the link

    Have a nice day !

  • Hello and thank you for your response. i think i managed to do something but I still cant manage to make it work.

    I am going to post a link with the capx maybe if you have time you can have a look. ... t.rar?dl=0

    Thank you again!

  • Hello Guys,

    I am working on something and I have the same objects 3 times on the same canvas and I created a "Function" that spawns another object above them. Like 3 burgers spawning above 3 plates. My problem is that if I move the burger on the plates that are already full it moves there and I want to recognize if the plate is full or empty and act in consequences.

    Here is what I have done:

    If anybody has an idea because i am stuck, I tried everything I know

    Thank you and have a nice day!

  • dop2000 Thank you verry much bro! It works perfectly

  • Try Construct 3

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  • dop2000 Thank you for the quick reply but I dont think I undersand what I need to do . Maybe if you can explain in other words.

    Thank you again!

  • Hello guys! I am working on a game and I have some problems creating something like a check system.

    Here is an example:

    In this example I have one problem. It only takes the second branch(McChicken) of global variables or the Else. And if I add more branches it always work on the last one

    and the Else. I need somehow to make the system check wich of them is true . For example now if I do all the conditions on the "Big Tower" it goes to Else even thou all the variables are ok.

    In conclusion: I want to make the game check what branch of variables is true and act in concordance with that.

    If someone can help(PLEASE). Thank you and have a nice day!

  • Tylermon Can you repost the example please. I think its needed

  • Thank you very much guys! I am going to the shop and test C2 or C3 if they let me, and I will give you my feedback then.