Do you know a free website with the function mail() , of the php?
Voc?s conhecem um site gr?tis com a fun??o mail(), do php?
do you know a website or blog with the function php mail() ?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
yes,this is a C2 question, because I'm trying to do it with the AJAX-Construct 2
Anybody have a example sending email by the php:
mail("recipient@hotmail.com,sender@hotmail.com","subject","this is the body of the message")
unfortunately I don't have any earlier experience in web development using Javascript or PHP...
do you have an example?
Is possible to upload a file?
Is possible do copy the HTML of a page?
Is possible to send the text inserted in a text box for a email?
Alternatively there is some information on these forums on having your game interract with an ponline php driven database, which could also allow for the creation of a highscore system.
Do you have a example?
mini game with full hiscore events?
to publish records
someone can post please a .capx file which publish scores?
obs.: i don't understand very well the php
oh, thanks.
What is this zip code?
pinger.com: it is safe?
zsangerous, have you ever used this pinger.com???