poisonpage's Forum Posts

  • What a rad concept....I was thinking of making a drum app, but obviously with samples. But generated samples within the program is awesome! I have a question, how's the timing on the step sequencer, I mean with the delta time and all?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Here's a quick demo I slapped together using a different technique for ray casting. You still have rays, but you don't need to incrementally cast them for distance calculation in order for it to work. The plus side is you can have a high ray count without the heavy cpu processing. This is extremely beneficial in C2.

    In the beginning of the video you'll see the level "shape" itself. What I've implemented is a real-time adaptive ray generation technique that will scale back the amount of rays inversely proportional to the cpu load. When the fps is lower (by root mean square measurement) the rays cast will slightly lower so you may have more overhead for anything else such as the enemy pathfinding in the video.

    I've also implemented transparent surfaces for glass-like effects and an overhead map (in case it gets a bit confusing to navigate).

    Raycasting Demo on YouTube

    Paul White

    Fireskies Studios

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Add New Event Sheet

    2. Attempt To Delete Said Event Sheet From Right-hand Column

    3. ???

    4. Profit

    Observed result:

    Hangs for a second after closing the event sheet, then gives a "Construct 2 Stopped Working" error message. Must close, lose since last save point.

    Expected result:

    Happy deletion, no headaches!

    Browsers affected:

    N/A (Program Error)

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 Ultimate

    Construct 2 version:

    R120 (Beta)

    Good luck!


  • CrudeMik

    Thanks man, hopefully the bumbling Chef adds character to the game!

    Also I checked out some of your gameplay/proof-of-concept videos, the pixel art is awesome but your sound production is INCREDIBLE!! Games need this level of sound quality to fully immerse the gamer, that's what really sells it.

  • Hey, thank you! Here's the URL, it's still just through fgl.com so you'll have to sign up as a previewer in order to play it.

    Pinball Chef (Play on FGL)

    That's a great idea about zoom based on the ball speed, if that seems intuitive I'll incorporate that into the game! Currently you can have a fixed zoomed in view, the variable zoom (that you see in the video) and the full board. The zoom formula so far calculates the distance from the flippers to the ball, zooming out just enough to fit both.

    Epic Pinball! That's my inspiration for this game! IMHO Epic Pinball is THE best pinball game out there to date.

    Thanks for the kind words! PM me if you're having trouble trying to play it on FGL.


  • Hey everyone!

    First post but I'm lurking all the time! I'm proud to finally post a video of my completed iOS/Android game made in C2. It's called Pinball Chef, I've completed it myself within a group of four guys at Fireskies Studios. I made it in 2 months and was the first time I've experimented with doing vector graphics for art. I've got a playable HTML5 demo of it on fgl.com so that I can hopefully get someone to sponsor it. It's pretty fun to play on the iPad or iPhone, hopefully for younger people but hey, anyone who enjoys it, right?

    Here's the link on our Fireskies Studios YouTube account:

    I'd appreciate any kind of feedback, good or bad so I can improve upon the gameplay. If you'd like to play it you'll have to sign up on fgl.com (for now, until I sell the game!) Thank you!

    Paul White

    Fireskies Studios

  • Hey everyone!

    First post but I'm lurking all the time! I'm proud to finally post a video of my completed iOS/Android game made in C2. It's called Pinball Chef, I've completed it myself within a group of four guys at Fireskies Studios. I made it in 2 months and was the first time I've experimented with doing vector graphics for art. I've got a playable HTML5 demo of it on fgl.com so that I can hopefully get someone to sponsor it. It's pretty fun to play on the iPad or iPhone, hopefully for younger people but hey, anyone who enjoys it, right?

    Here's the link on our Fireskies Studios YouTube account:

    I'd appreciate any kind of feedback, good or bad so I can improve upon the gameplay. If you'd like to play it you'll have to sign up on fgl.com (for now, until I sell the game!) Thank you!

    Paul White

    Fireskies Studios

  • I figured out where my problem was! I realized that if I created separate family variables and used those instead I could get to the point I wanted. For some reason I thought the family variables were static.

  • Hello everyone,

    First time posting, I've been reading the forums recently and using the excellent 'Function' plugin. I'm hung up on a process of trying to implement code re-use. I'm using (as a test) two objects 'Man' and 'Woman' within the 'Human' family. If you look at my existing code you'll see that I can very easily click on one of those two objects and retrieve their respective 'Age' variables, however I can only seem to do this by having individual functions within each click event. I'd love to further optimize this to allow clicking on any object within a family to bubble up their instance variables, however it seems that data retrieval cannot flow that way.

    With this issue I now would like to click any object within the family and be able to use the object name as a reference in the function plugin, such as "On click 'Human' " > send object "Man" as a parameter in function so I can write a generic method that could be utilized by any object within 'Human' based off of the initial object I clicked on, again trying to re-use code as much as possible.

    Any help would be appreciated, I am really stumped, I know there's got to be a solution but I cannot see it!

    Thanks in advance!

    C2 Capx file