planerunner's Forum Posts

  • Wow, better responses than I hoped for! The family and group selection ideas look like a great foundation to getting the rows going. Gonna try these tommorrow, er, later today now that it's so late, and see what I can come up with for movement.


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  • Welp, I realized I didn't quite explain what I was wanting to do correctly. My goal is to make a controllable row of destructable units, that stay in formation. You control the entire row, not the individual units. Kinda like a unit of fighters in Home World. Each fighter in the row can be destroyed individually, but the player controls the entire row.

    The original idea I had was to use a container and turrets. You take a rectangle, attach 4 turrets to it in a row, and attach a soldier sprite to each turret. The problem is that if you pile everything into a container, and you destroy 1 turret, all turrets in the container get destroyed.

    Honestly, I think the RTS template included with Construct was a better way to do this. But I don't know of a way to make the units move in a row instead of an unorganized mob. I thought the container/turret idea was a simpler way to try to do it, but it might not work.

    Anyone have an idea on either option?

  • Hello all,

    I'm a bit new to Construct, but I've chewed through the demos and tutorials. So far, I've gotten pretty far on an idea but I'm currently stuck, even after searching through the forums.

    I'm trying to make a controllable row of soldiers. Nothing very fancy, just add a soldier sprite to a couple turrets, and add turrets to a rectangular container, right? Well, just one additional feature - I want to make the soldiers/turrets individually destructable. They get shot, go boom as individuals instead of ALL of them at once, basically. That's my goal.

    Is this possible with containers? if so, how?

    if not, what would be a good alternative?