PixelRebirth's Forum Posts

  • I'm kind of still stuck with this problem. Unfortunately (but not unexpected) it's the same in 0.96.

    As mentioned the message is just "OUT OF MEMORY" when trying to run a cap or an exported exe.

    All the caps are from version 0.943 originally and still work properly with that version.

    Just for the record some general specs of my computer:


    AMD X2 4800+

    RADEON 3870 512mb

    2GB RAM

    Maybe I could send you one of the caps and you'll have a look into it Ashley. If that's not asked too much, I know you're low on time.

  • It just says "out of memory". That's the exact message.

  • After just some fooling around with the newest version I finally wanted to continue my project with 0.952. Opening a cap that was created in 0.943 isn't a problem, but when I try to run the layout it gives me a runtime error "out of memory". I have over 450 caps for this project so far and I tried a little through them, and about the last 100 of them can't be run in 0.95 or 0.952, while they still run fine in 0.943.

    I compared the last file that works in all versions to the first that doesn't, but I didn't find anything conclusive so far. Anyone else experienced the same/similar problem?

  • It's so good to get rid of that nasty Cobj error!

  • [quote:37xhgiot]I released a hotfix for the Particle object's rendering shortly after release, so if you have it enabled, restarting Construct should automatically download the update.

    [quote:37xhgiot](it should prompt to update on starting Construct).

    Construct didn't prompt to update. So I guess I don't even have those hotfixes... am I missing an option to manually update (check for updates just tells me that I have 0.95).

  • So the particle spray always stays yellow(fade to red) for you Doppel and doesn't turn to redish/purple similar to the sprite?

    My first guess then is that it's somehow graphics card related. I already tried it on another computer here with the same result.

    Does anyone have the same problem?

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  • I discovered a problem with the particles object. When you place a sprite close to a particle object it will adapt the sprites color. Remove the sprite or place it out of the screen and the color is back to the properties settings.

    Try it...

  • Well I guess I already mentioned it, but 0.95 is just great!!!

  • Very good stuff, 0.95 is just awesome!

  • Very cool effect! Would be pretty nice in some sort of horror game.

  • I tried to do the same thing with the particle object. Of course I can't achieve the very same effect yet, since it's limited to colored squares as particles for now.

    Still you can see that it's way faster than using sprites. I love 0.95!!!

  • After my first hour with 0.95 I have to say that it appears to be much more stable than the previous build. Very good work again, thx so much!

  • Well my events are kinda stupid as well, which doesn't really help with the speed issue.

    You can remove the second loop event and replace the following action in the first:

    Gun: set Angle to Gun.Angle + 1

    replace with

    Gun: set Angle to Random(360)

    While it's still no speed wonder it does run faster and you don't see the circle building up degree by degree (which sometimes was the case).

    EDIT: I'll stop now but here's a smoother version.

  • Yes with linedrawing this should run considerably faster.

    I've improved the effect, I guess it's much cooler to look at now. Try a duration of about 360 with an intensity of about 310. Plasma style

  • When I tried to figure out the instant-hit laser stuff (which Ashley already solved) I created something entirely different from what I intended. I'm not sure this might be of interest to any of the advanced users around here, at least it was a little surprising to me.

    I may think along the path of this example to do some explosions for another project.

    Okay, maybe just try it. Click in the window to create a thingie and use the arrow keys to alter duration/intensity.