PixelRebirth's Forum Posts

  • gorgeously creepy. but gameplay's a bit frustrating -- i keep getting moths and auntie keeps getting me :/

    Maybe I should elaborate a little on the (frankly quite casual) gameplay:

    The player is bound to get a weakling safely through the cave sooner or later, since Auntie will get slower the more she feeds. The less weaklings got eaten, the better your performance.

    And let me also leave this here for anyone who may be a bit confused about what to actually do to slow Auntie down:

    Thanks for checking the game out, appreciate the feedback!

  • Made a little horror game titled Weaklings for this year's Asylum Jam:

    It mainly aims to create a certain atmosphere and makes heavy use of noise and crt effects. Also got to use Spriter for this one, which is always fun.

    Nothing much more to say really, feel free to check it out below!

    Watch the YouTube trailer.

    Play the game.

  • Controls: Z,X, left, right, up, down Tab and Enter (Return).

    I always cringe a little when I see this controls layout in games. I'm referring to the use of the Z key. In central europe the QWERTZ keyboard is being used. The main difference to your usual QWERTY layout is the switched positioning of the Y and Z keys. This makes it very awkward to play titles that use the Z key for QWERTZ users. Sure, you can change your keyboard layout in windows to fix this, but it's not very convenient.

    It's better to use X and C instead, because they're consistent for both those layouts.

    Just had to bring that up.

    Other than that I'm kinda intrigued to see what comes of this project. Good luck!

  • For the Asylum Jam 2015:

  • The general idea of building a pseudo-console with a Pi is certainly fun. There are enthusiasts who have built similar things, mostly for emulation though.

    Pretty sure the original Pi won't cut it (I do own one), however The Raspberry Pi 2 comes with quite a bit of extra power and might be more suitable for such an endeavor. Certainly worth a try at least.

  • > Hi PixelRebirth Sorry for asking this after so much time but, I've saw your example about how to use it in a platform game like terraria and I didn't understand (I'm new to this concept)


    > noisejs.simplex2(loopindex("x"), loopindex("y")) < 0.25

    > While 0.25? What does this expression means?That this noise value will take place in that specific x and y coordinates?


    > while temp = -1?


    > etc


    > Basically i didn't understand any of the values you put, what impact it does at the map generation and the conditions to destroy the blocks.


    > Thanks!


    Well, i don't think he wants non-math geniuses to use this. He also did some things like 50+50 rather than just typing 100. Seems like he is trying to trip up non-math people.

    This is a really common thing people do on StackOverflow.com to make so people dont just copy and paste code.

    You can do the same thing to any expression, Eg: X=100-100+50-50+90-90. You can do this rather than say just say X=0.

    If you look at the original example, you can see that the second number of 50 is being multiplied with a noise expression. So simply putting 100 there doesn't do the same at all. I did it to get the complete range of 0-100% opacity, since the plugin returns values from -1 to 1.

    Certainly not trying to trip anyone up, I'm not "math people" either. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    I probably should have put more comments in the second example. It was really just a quick and dirty one. I simply decided on a range that won't be drawing any tiles. That's the < -0.25 part. It's all pretty abitrary, therefore feel free to play around with the values to see how it affects things.

    PixelRebirth Great plugin!

    added 3 blocks and a water effect:


    Just hit space to re-generate.

    That was just 10 minutes of work, I cant wait until I have an entire afternoon to make a full fledged generator.

    Excellent plugin! Very fast!

    Thanks and nice work! This noise stuff sure is fun to play around with. The real credit belongs to the creators of the library though! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • This kind of effect was already available (https://www.scirra.com/forum/effect-crt-shader_t92023), but I assume this commercial version is more adjustable.

    Seems like good stuff in any case!

  • Something actually playable created with Gamestudio 3D? Well done!

    I was using the software myself some time in the 90s, but didn't get anything of note done. I still have the 3.5 disks and original manual haha. That was Acknex 3 though. I believe Wolfendoom is done with a newer iteration of the engine.

    Anyway, good job on this one. It's a fun little nostalgia trip!

  • Can't be much more specific then the subject line lol. I'm trying to detect 3 or more matching values in an array grid, vertically and horizontally... then flagging the value of the x/y in the grid with -1 or something, so the entity corresponding to that point on the array can destroy itself, add points, and reset the position on the array/grid back to empty. If that makes sense... my brain hurts.

    Sounds to me like you're looking for Match-3 mechanics. Rexrainbow has made an example using his own plugins. It's very flexible, but may not be too well suited for beginners.

    I also made a little plugin using the jMatch3 lib. It is less flexible, but easier to use in my opinion.

    Of course you can do this purely with events. I've done several Match-3 engines this way. Basically you just loop through a row/column (pretty much like Majinboo shows with the For-loop), have a variable hold the number of matches, which you get by comparing to the previous piece. If you reach a number of three are greater you have a match.

  • Asset extraction is possible with any game, but I do understand the notion of not wanting to have your graphics and sounds just sit there for any "noob" to grab.

    I did use Enigma Virtual Box in the past (Windows only I think), which is a free program for the purpose of creating portable applications for software that usually doesn't support this (would have to be installed).

    It results in one single executable file and works flawlessly as far as I can tell. Your assets won't be visible to the user and they aren't temporarily being extracted to the hdd either.

    Admittedly I didn't research this for safety and it might be a bad idea for other reasons. All I can say is that I didn't get any complaints related to this so far.

    Once you realise that pirates aren't your key demographic it becomes less relevant to most developers.

    In other words thats income you wouldn't receive anyway.

    So true! I think the concern here lies more with the openly available assets in general though.

  • PixelRebirth, thanks a lot for this plugin, great job!

    I recently integrated Spil API into my game and found a small problem with the "Submit Awards":


        Acts.prototype.awardSubmit = function (type) {
            if (self.apiReady &&
                typeof self.API! == 'undefined' &&
                typeof self.API ["Award"]! == 'undefined' &&
                typeof self.API ["Award"] ["submit"] === 'function') {
                self.API ["Award"] ["submit"] ({award: type});
    this code gives a negative message "Award submitted with no value" in Test Tool.
    I use a usual [b]Browser - Execute javascript[/b]:
    [code:2no18w6b]"Var award = {award: 'award5'};
        // Submit the player's score
        GameAPI.Award.submit (award); "[/code:2no18w6b]
    and it works fine but I don't understand why the similar code doesn't work into [b]runtime.js[/b], nevertheless "submit Score" works great.
    [b]PixelRebirth[/b], in what could be the problem?

    I haven't been involved with the development of this plugin for a while now and "submit Score" as well as "submit Awards" are functionalities that have been introduced more recently. I'm afraid you might have to consult with Spilgames about any issues that come up.

    I'm not sure they have someone active here on the forums, so be sure to check out their documentation or contact their support directly.

  • When I was younger I used to play this game a lot

    It´s free and called D.O.V.E! Mainly liked it cause of the possibility to change the weapon to backshooting

    Haha, I did some of the more mediocre pixel art in this game back in the day. Nice to be reminded.

    There is a sequel called DoveZ by the way, picked up a retail copy in the discount bin years ago. That one does have a consistent art style and is also worth checking out.

    I totally love In The Hunt. IREM just did some amazing lookin games that were just spectacular to play. The switch from space to underwater combat was also a very cool variation.

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  • is Dialogs.getValue not working?

    That should actually work fine. Do you have a particular example where it doesn't work?