PixelRebirth's Forum Posts

  • Now if I could implement that into a level editor of some kind, that would be awesome

    You could simply use an array to save your levels. Store your object coordinates in the array and use the "Save to file" action. With "Load from file" you can load your level back into the game.

    That's how I did it before and I think it would be the simplest way to go.

  • Okay forget the other version, this should work like you wanted it to:

    Kind of proper version

    Building any kind of boxes now should just work fine. You're missing sprites that are closed on three sides for example, which you'd need to properly form other shapes.

    Also note that I made the changes in version 0.99.42, while your original cap appears to have been saved in an older Construct version. Just in case you're wondering why you can't open it, you'll need the latest Construct.

  • Slightly bettered version

    First of all you got the offset for Up/Down confused. Use a negative offset for Up and a positive offset for Down on the Y axis. I also added a pseudo-grid event (first event). It's more intuitive to work with this kind of stuff like this I believe.

    EDIT: And I forgot something very important. You can't check like that for overlap of the same kind of object. You'll have to use the old trick of adding 2 families to your ground sprite (blue + green for example) and then check for overlap of those 2 families then instead.

    With the slight changes I made it's at least possible to build boxes out of four ground pieces. But your events in the Tileset Events group don't really work they way you want them to. I already made something like this btw with my PUOP example (tell me if you want to see that source), but it didn't use offset (because I was too stupid back then or there even was no offset yet) and it did load the tiles from PNG files.

    If you fiddle around with the events you should be able to get it to work. I just don't have time on my hands right now to set it up myself. Hope this helped a little already.

  • I think AshyRaccoon did already clarify a lot of things.

    But since you went through the trouble of uploading your cap, I messed with it a little and made some changes.

    Balloon 2

    When you look at the event sheet, you will realize there are different groups. The VectorX group and the key input group (plus the Animations group). You can disable/activate the groups to see how they work, yet for this simple example there's no real difference between the two methods.

    I also set the animations with events and commented it a little. I added the according events for Jumping/Falling as well, but remember since there is no real jumping or falling animation I just reused the stopped animation there. You will have to import your proper animations.

    Also, I believe I didn't mention it yet, but for your purposes there's always the Platform school tutorial by deadeye. You should definitely check it out.

  • Vertical moving platforms are broken I believe (or were), a known issue. David should get round to it soon.

    That's good to know Rich. Thx.

    But still the issue doesn't seem to be concerning vertically moving platforms exclusively, a similar weird behavior is true for horizontal platforms as well. I added it already to the tracker (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2835274&group_id=207820&atid=1003219).

  • [quote:3vzyrd37]however when I only did the event sheet. It was good- the character did the running animation as he ran. however it didnt stop when he stood. my animation is 1 obeject with 3 frames

    frame 1-standing


    frame 2-running

    is this right?

    Okay you have me a little confused here. It should probably look something like this in your animator bar:

    <img src="http://i32.tinypic.com/2yw8f9z.png">

    So you actually have different animations for your sprite, each with their own frames of course. I named them like they would be tagged too.


    also the checked auto-mirror and he's not running the other way; and i did do mirrored sprites in the animator box in the (left)/(right)

    When you check the auto-mirror attribute, you actually don't have to add an additional direction to your animation. That's what it's for, it will be automatically mirrored.

    However, the animation angles are linked to the object angle (although you can disable that), but the Platfrom behaviour uses its own angle, Sprite[Platform].MovAngle. So if you activate auto-mirror, it won't mirror the sprite in this case automatically, since the object angle doesn't really change, just the MovAngle does.

    So you have to change the object angle manually with events. You could use the VectorX(+/-) of the platform movement for this or the key input by the player. Depends if you want your sprite always to face the direction it's moving or allow the player to change it anytime.

    I hope this is helping you. And yes you can upload a small cap in the uploads section of the forum (just attach it when you post). If you're still having trouble with this, I can cook up a little example for you.

  • Well do you use events to set your animations or do you use tagged animations?

    Maybe you just tagged the animations wrong or swapped an action unintentionally.

    I'm afraid it's impossible to tell for sure what's happening with the information you provided. It would be nice to see your cap file or if you got more into detail about the problem at least.

  • Okay I looked a little into this and made the following:

    Something Roguelikeish

    I hope this is somewhere near what you had in mind. I'm using the ball behavior, some private variables and, of course, some events. I didn't have the patience to comment the events though so far. Let me know if you could use a commented version and I will make that happen.

    Also note that there's a deactivated event group, which features a simpler moving method. It jumps directly to the next field instead of moving there.

    EDIT: It is indeed the case that this could be so much easier if the Grid behavior supported 8 directions/diagonal movement. Feature request? Or is it already requested?

  • I tried the overlapping at offset. There are two issues:

    1) It only takes an x and y, which means any effects won't be applied when you move on a diagonal.

    I don't really get what you mean by that. By using the right coordinates for your offset, you can check for diagonal units without a problem.

    2) There's no basic 'stop movement' effect - bounce causes random movement off the grid, I tried a few others like 'push out' and moving along the opposite angle but none of them just prevented movement

    Make your stop action with events. Check for the offset overlap in the direction the player is about to move and only move it, if it doesn't overlap solid.

    I think I'll post a cap later which demonstrates the use of the mentioned method more clearly to you. I'm just not at the right computer atm. I remember there was a very basic example when overlap at offset was first introduced by one of the devs. But I'm afraid I can't find it with the forum search (since it sucks ).

  • I would do better with a little example cap, but what came to my mind first was OVERLAP AT OFFSET... Did you try that? Search for the "Is overlapping at offset" condition.

  • This is a very nice looking demo!

    I believe the gameplay would profit from mouse controlled free aiming (but I realize this may not be wanted for the sake of "oldschoolness")and the ability to shoot while you're running.

    Once you add a couple of different enemies and variation in environment graphics, this could become a real crowd pleaser.

    So keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to future versions!

  • Okay I was looking further into this, when I realized there was an issue in general with moving platforms and the platform behavior in 0.99.42. Look at another simple example created in 0.98.9:

    Download Example

    When you run it in 0.98.9, everything looks fine. Load it into 0.99.42 and run it and you get a heavily vibrating platform. I guess I should report this to the bug tracker.

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  • [quote:3n57s3xh]Can I use global events or objects? Could be useful for making more levels to my game

    Both can be useful for your game. Reuse a sprite in different layouts by setting it to global and use global variables to store your score or lifecount for example.

    And when you're adding event sheets, you have to include them in an event sheet which is linked to the layout (right click in the event sheet editor, select include event sheet).

    Hope that helped.

  • I tried Set Control State, only very briefly though, but didn't get it to work either. It indeed appears to be broken right now or I'm doing something very wrong.

  • Well those two things don't mix very well it seems.

    When I created a simple vertical platform with bullet behavior everything seemed fine. But as soon as scrolling was involved, the platform appeared to vibrate under the player (using platform behavior).

    So I checked out different methods of creating vertical platforms, but it's basically always the same, with one little exception.

    But have a look at the example cap pretty please:

    Vertical Platform Example

    There are four platforms, all using different methods to function. Only the fourth brown platform appears to be okay with scrolling though. All others appear to be vibrating. But the brown platform uses a very ugly method, simply with events and the old timedelta workaround, which I don't like to use in actual projects.

    So am I doing something wrong (I don't think so, but you are smarter than me ) or is there something else that can be done about it? Or is it even something that needs fixing by the devs?