PixelPower's Forum Posts

  • Hi I just brought the Construct 2 license and want to know how to add it to this account. I used the same email to purchase Construct 2 and sign up here. The only thing is I signed up here a long time ago 1st.

  • Excellent !! Construct 2 should post this on the front page and you should release your android version as soon as possible to reap the fame benefits.

  • Could you tell us which Facebook groups you used? Can't find any groups that have a lot of traffic.

    https://www.facebook.com/groups/3645675 ... ef=browser

    https://www.facebook.com/groups/5241909 ... ef=browser

    https://www.facebook.com/groups/4315513 ... ef=browser

    https://www.facebook.com/groups/1527010 ... ef=browser ( Review exchange group to boost ratings)


    Those are some off hand but there are others. The review exchange group is vital.

  • Also to note before I reached top 50 Adventure I reached top new free adventure top #15. The game was made with pure Html,CSS, and Javascript not construct 2 but I posted this because it doesn't matter the engine you still need a marketing strategy.

  • Alright I see a lot of people asking how to market thier games and apps to the top. In truth its very hard and almost impossible if you don't have at least a small marketing budget. Now if you would like to share this on your blog you have permission as I am making this to help developers learn.

    Deciding What I was Going to make

    I decided to make a game that had very simple controls.

    I am just a pixel artist but I know majority of gamers like vector art. So I brought artwork from an artist who is indie developer friendly. I went for a non- serious cartoon character.

    I made the game easy enough so that a gamer can play it without instructions.

    Before Launch

    After I finished the Bomb Attack Max game I didn't release it to the appstore , that would equal a fail. I played the game and took screenshots about 8 of them and narrowed it down to 3 . The screenshots I picked had to look funny or be humorous for the simple type of game it was.

    I posted screenshots of Bomb Attack Max game coming on facebook groups about 10-12 of them that I was on. I did this for 2 days in a row 2x a day. Also I tweeted the game is coming.

    I also made a video of the game did the same thing posted it on facebook groups and twitter multiple times a day.

    Set up android ADs with the little marketing budget I had $80 . This would give me a small boost in downloads. Used ayetstudios.com


    Link to game its now on Opera because of googleplay banning my Movie quiz apps saying it was copywright infringment as of Dec 5, 2014 . Here is the link to Bomb attack Max


    Launched my app , posted on facebook and twitter that its finally arrived . Also launched the small AD campaign. And here comes the numbers

    Day 1 250

    Day 2 150

    Day 3 150

    Day 4 80 Ran out of money in banner AD campaign had to find more money

    Day 5 89

    Day 6 190

    Day 7 140 Got featured in top new free in Adventure category , lower banner AD campaign

    Day 8 130 Started getting good organic traffic from Top new free section so cut down to much less banner AD campaign

    Day 9 103 Finally hit #49 after going well over 1,000 installs July 4Th

    Special Note**

    I started the game with 2 modes of play. In those 8 days I updated the game 2 times to bring the total modes of play to 4 modes of play. This extended playing time and kept my game installed on people's devices. Real content updates are critical to kept users playing your game especially if its a simple one. Just add different themes or 1 new badguy that stands out makes huge difference.

    Special Note*

    One Big Mistake***

    Not saving up enough budget to reach higher and deeper on the charts. Yes I did get in the Top New Free Adventure category at number #15 but I should have saved enough to get to top #5 . In India I learned consumers there don't really search the store the same as U.S. store they only look at top lists and not so much the category lists. I was #49 on list and that didn't get me enough organic downloads until I reached Top Free List. Top Free List gives much more organic traffic. Had I saved enough to budget I would have had it easier when the bigger developers came and gave a hard fight about 5 days into climbing the charts. Plus some good indie games came to make it even harder. Got knocked down to #55 place after being #49 place. Also I should have been more aggressive with ADs.

    Total cost $180 promotions and art

    Time it took to break even 3 months

    Time it took to 3x profits 6 months

    Profits came from AD revenue, plus selling source code to the game and other games getting boost through cross promotion.

  • Before jumping to find a publisher understand they might require you to make changes to your game or app before releasing it.

    Most publishers want nice visuals and bug free game. Especially on the visuals end they can be picky sometimes.

  • Wow I left android development for a while and was going to make a comeback using this tool. If people are having this much problems, I will have to hold off.

    Now I have made very simple games and apps using pure html and javascript but I hate it because its too much coding to make a very simple game. Now for making apk's I used phonegap build. For signing apk's there are some easy tools you can find on XDA - developers website. Or if you want to use various AD network's there is a site called adstoapk which injects ADs into your apk.

    I hope you find a working solution, keep us posting on your progress.

  • i tested your game on my oldest device, Sony Xperia Ray.

    When i press the button there is a little delay till mario jumps but its always the same so i think its intentional? Feels almost like playing an old lcd/handheld electronic game.

    is there an intented delay or does it lag?

    Sitenote, the game doesnt scale well, getting it to scale wright on every device is hard with cocoon but there are instructions that can be find on the forum here.

    You should also try to build your app with Intel XDK cordova and see how it performs.

    The delay is because web browsers have a 300milisecond click delay , there is a javascript library that makes the delay go away but I didnt know about it yet. As far as the scaling I didn't code it with auto-scale because the regular codes I used didn't work (still beginner) .

    Just to show you how much code I needed to make this game. You will see how much easier things are in construct2 vs coding. This is the game in pure javascript and it took me 2 weeks for that simple game.



    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no">





    background-size:600px 300px;











    function replayer()


    var r=confirm(" Try Again !! You almost beat the highscore");

    if (r==true)









    function jump() // controls player jump



    document.getElementById("m").style.top = "100px";




    document.getElementById("m").style.top = "210px";




    function colides(elem1, elem2) // colide checker


    var cr1 = elem1.getClientRects()[0];console.log(cr1);

    var cr2 = elem2.getClientRects()[0];console.log(cr2);

    var heightOffset = (cr1.bottom - cr2.top); console.log(heightOffset);

    var widthOffset = (cr1.right - cr2.left ); console.log(widthOffset);

    if ( heightOffset < (elem1.clientHeight + elem2.clientHeight)

    && heightOffset >0

    && widthOffset < (elem1.clientWidth + elem2.clientWidth)

    && widthOffset > 0) return true;

    return false;


    function moving() // controls barrel movement


    var pp = document.getElementById("b");

    var left = parseInt(pp.style.left);

    if (colides(pp, document.getElementById("m"))){

    pp.style.left = "1000px"


    } else {

    var tim = setTimeout("moving()",60); // controls the speed

    left = left-25; // move by 50 pixels

    if (left < 0) left = 700;

    pp.style.left = left+"px";



    window.onload = moving;




    <p style="color:white"> Score</p>

    <p id="output" style="color:white" >0</p>

    <p style="color:Black"> HighScore</p>

    <p id="high" style="color:black" >10000</p>

    <img id="m" src="Mario.png" style="position:absolute;top:210px;left:140px;height:60px;width:60px;zdepth:2;" />

    <img id="b" src="barrel.png" style="position:absolute;top:220px;left:1200px;height:60px;width:60px;zdepth:2;" />

    <img id="g" src="green.png" onclick="jump()" style="position:absolute;top:180px;left:15px;height:100px;width:100px;zdepth:2;" />


    var points = 0;

    var higher = 5000;

    function pointClick()


    points = points + 200;

    document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = points;

    if( points > higher)


    higher = points;

    document.getElementById("high").innerHTML = points;






    Construct2 saves you a ton of freaking time. Thanks for the input.

  • my games made with construct2 perfrorm fine on most Android 4+ devices, you can try yourself play.google.com/store/apps/deve ... fldr+Games , they are all build with Intel XDK Cordova (not crosswalk) and run in Android Webview

    Ok for example this is a simple game I made with pure javascript and some users claimed it ran slow on thier device, can you try it out and tell me how it runs on yours. I can't post links so I had to separate it , its called retro barrel jumper.

    http:// androidfreeware.net/download-retro-barrel-jump.html

  • Here a list of other videos :

    Most Excellent!! Thanks!!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Iam always on the fence about getting construct2 because I know how html runs on devices. I made some extremely simple games with pure javascript and watch them lag on android devices. Does contruct2 run well on android 4.0 and up. I have a Note 4 so of course anything runs fine on that but what about lower end devices?

  • Thanks I already did a flappybird and platform game , plus added in code. I am just looking for other full game tutorials out there .

  • Hi I have been working with construct 2 for a while learning the ropes. I have completed several tutorials and its fantastic . What I am wondering is are there any full game tutorials like flappybird tutorial ? That wasn't a full game but the main core and then the rest I figured out myself like highscores and stuff.

    So is there a section with full game tutorials?

  • FGL seems like the right choice overall. Marketjs has this thing where if graphics don't meet " their" standard they won't post it or will have it buried.

  • PC and Mac available day one!

    Linux is still complicated, be sure I'll bug the C2 community and cry for help pretty soon, ah ah : )))

    I just read this whole thread and saw all the video's. What you accomplished here is downright incredible!! I wish you much success and money!! Also if you can lend me your hand one day so I can make art like you do .