PixelPower's Forum Posts

  • Hi guys I know alot of you using Construct 2 have fun learning how to make games but find it hard to implement the save system. In truth local storage is very confusing so I went digging and testing to find the simplest method to making a shop system . No longer will you be banging your head on your computer lol. I already did just figuring this method out.


    In this demo you mouse click the coin counter to add the coins. Once you have 5 coins you can proceed to buy the apples. If you don't have enough money then you cannot buy any apples until you earn more. There is a Construct 2 version of the "if" statement but done Construct2 style rather than programmers method.


    This game saves both the money you earned and the amount of apples you brought. You can run the game , then close it and come back to see the result. If after downloading the Capx file you do not understand something , please post your question here so we can help. This is the simplest money and shop system with only 10 events !!


    New link

  • Cant you just print screen , then save it in whatever image program you have? Then you can print the image through your printer.

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    > Gdevelop has a ton of features that people asked for here, which means the ******** been checking out this website.... You see these guys are bad, instead of making people pay for innovation they are giving it out free while hurting Construct 2.....They even have games on Kickstarter, the nerve of those people.


    Choice-Supportive Bias is not a strength, and maligning competing devs is not helpful in the slightest. Let's keep our discussion less emotive, please, so the thread doesn't get closed.

    C2 is a great engine, but its evolution into c3 will need to accommodate users' demands so that there is no void for someone else to fill.

    I say good on the GDevelop devs for listening to the demand of their user-base. I doubt that the devs who use that engine don't have similar needs to this community.

    Yes C3 does I was just answering the question of why they don't reveal too much.

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    Also Construct 2 has to worry about companies like Gdevelop. The Gdevelop creator basically made a free version of construct 2 that can export to IOS,Android,Windows,Linux ,etc. They also copied the exact same event system and now have been working on native exporter. The native exporter option is exporting your game with Android Studio the official Android tool. Gdevelop has a ton of features that people asked for here, which means the ******** been checking out this website. Gdevelop has native storage something we don't have. It has advanced lighting and particles in its engine. You can even create layouts externally and import them into your project. You see these guys are bad, instead of making people pay for innovation they are giving it out free while hurting Construct 2.

    So you see why Construct 2 has to be careful and not reveal anything. Gdevelop has hurt Construct 2 business wise by offering the same + more product but for free. The reason I brought Construct 2 was because Construct 2 was the original , but most people don't think like that , they go for the free product. If it has the same features other people would rather go with the free version then pay a might $100+ bucks. Go check them out here http://compilgames.net/ They even have games on Kickstarter, the nerve of those people.

    So you see why Constrcut 2 has to remain tight lipped. You also see why we should support Construct 2 rather than just get a free product with more features. We should continue to make innovation grow by supporting Construct 2 and not being selfish.

  • > I like your concept and cant wait to play it on my device. I made a 2D style game thats similar but only in a 2D plane with enemies coming left and right. I also had a shop where you can buy upgraded guns to survive longer. You can try it out https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... ghts&hl=en


    > Your game looks to have more depth though than mine. Your game is similar to swamp attack but I like your concept better because it makes more sense . I am glad you have gotten time to work on your project


    Thanks for the comment!

    I appreciate the compliment of "more depth" but not sure I would go too far—I'm just in the beginning stages and don't have much yet!

    I have an iphone, so there isn't a way to play your game? Haven't heard of swamp attack either.

    I'm actually not certain what "depth" my game will go to. I keep thinking of new ideas for progression and such, keep going back and forth in my mind on which to follow. But right now, just trying to get the basics: the core gameplay and the basic art and animations required (art takes me a while!).

    Thanks again!

    Yes when I said depth I meant your using a 2.5D plane which can allow more action and senerios then a regular 2D plane such as my game. Here is a video of my game


    If you want to make money with AD revenue you need either a missions type screen or gun shop. I would go for a gun shop because it adds a layer of fun . With the 1st gun in my game you hardly last 10 seconds, but when you get second gun you last a bit longer. Until you get the final gun which makes the game easy enough to last 50 nights and see the ending. If you want I can upload the capx file so you can see how I did the money and shop system. I did it the simplest way I could think of .

  • Platform: Android

    Rev Share: Game will contain ADs from publisher and Artist. I use applovin and the artist can use admob AD service.

    Early Prototype: https://www.scirra.com/arcade/racing-ga ... mo-1-11082 works on PC and mobile

    Project Size: The game will not be large in scope since its in 3D and Construct 2 is a 2D software. The amount of artwork needed will not be large. Since mobile gamers tend to gravitate towards cartoony art, thats the style Iam looking for.

    NDA: Before starting work on the project I require an NDA (non disclosure agreement ) to be signed. Basically the non disclosure agreement will protect both of us . The NDA will state you cannot share or release the game and I agree to put your ADs in the game for release as per revenue share agreement.

    Additional information such as size of artwork,layout of game, and future game demo's will be provided to you after NDA signing.

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    Well I am pretty sure that they are going to add in a way to make 3D games, they are just trying to find the balance to make it easier for new users. Already we can make semi 3D games with Construct 2 which is a plus. Moving forward I have confidence that they will add a excellent non coder way to do 3D. This is a demo 3D game made with Construct 2 https://www.scirra.com/arcade/racing-ga ... mo-1-11082

    Also I hope they work on exporters but they said thats not a focus. I figure 3D and multiplayer will be the highlights and done very well since they are taking thier time. I hope they consider making it cheaper or free for existing Construct 2 buyers since we supported them first.

  • I like your concept and cant wait to play it on my device. I made a 2D style game thats similar but only in a 2D plane with enemies coming left and right. I also had a shop where you can buy upgraded guns to survive longer. You can try it out https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... ghts&hl=en

    Your game looks to have more depth though than mine. Your game is similar to swamp attack but I like your concept better because it makes more sense . I am glad you have gotten time to work on your project

  • the player hitbox (or maybe the rocks) don't seem to be fair (the hitbox seems larger than it should), a crashing animation could be a nice addition, and most of the game of this type generally includes more controls than left or right (accelerate, slow down, etc..) and have a time score rather than a "number of things passed" score.

    graphic wise, it is as you described, needs more work.

    I suggest you see exemples like rad racer or hang on to inspire from them.

    nothing else to add, hiscore 32

    Run fine on my phone too, and would be nice if the blocks wouldn't move until the GO

    Yes the hitbox definitely needs to be fixed I noticed that after you mentioned it. I also have to have an accelerate,slow down mechanic. I downloaded an outrun type of game on my device. Its going to be tricky trying to implement some of the other stuff like road changing left or right. Graphics will be the hardest to come up with but I need some really good art if I want the game to get noticed.

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  • Thats going to be a tough game to make without proper experience. I suggest you make several smaller games to get your feet on the ground before trying to make a huge game.

  • Ok guys I am real excited to go on this new journey but a bit of background why. I left Android development in 2014 and came back this year. I made 4 smaller games and tested out the market. All things being equal my game that had light 3D ish look to it was the one that got most reaction and praise. Also I like some mobile 3D games like BRIM and unkilled, so I am focusing on 3D.

    So I made a demo its a 3D racer with highscore and rocks to avoid along the road yes the graphics are bad. I made this project just to test out certain things before moving on to more in depth stuff. Small stuff like depth perception and how to mimic 3D into a 2D engine. here is the demo it works in PC and Mobile

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/racing-ga ... mo-1-11082

    Also I didn't use any plugins because lately Construct 2 updates have been breaking alot of plugin's. I rather find the easiest way to do some 3D games within the scope of Construct 2. The 3D plugins are fantastic but if I make a game with them and they break , then I lost everything.

    Ok I am going to need some help moving forward because I plan on making 1st person shooters , racers, flying stimulators,Tank Simulators, Space harrier,etc.then further down get crazy with it. The open world type stuff will be much further down because that intails a lot of Zdepth and Angles work.

    I also need help with graphics but don't have a budget. If your interested in the project and have already released games in any market, go ahead and post 2 games you made in this thread and I will PM you the capx file of the 3D racer so you can improve it or give me some advice..I don't want to give out the capx file to anyone that I feel cannot help us and will just convert this into an exe. or apk then throw it into the market. So sorry but only proven developers (at least 2 completed games or 1 bigger type game) will have access to capx file.

    Any advice or work you have done in this area is very welcome and the future is bright!!

    Aphrodite tunepunk SoldjahBoy Arima ultrafop PrinceofMars Artpunk

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    > You insult me by straight up you lying saying that I posted the bug section of Unity



    Where is the insult?

    Yes I cut down the words to "bugs section" because you are clearly aiming for bugs with this topic, even the title says that.

    I did never say that you are a "liar", nor did I ever personally attacked your opinions in any way.


    > 4) Yes if your making 3D games go to Unity. But for 2D games I am saying Construct 2 runs faster than Unity.



    If you know that C2 games run faster than Unity, why do you need examples in the first place?

    In my opinion native apps will always run better than wrapped ones, however that doesn't mean that wrapped games are necessarily worse performance wise.

    We're currently in a time were wrapped games run acceptably well, that you can almost feel no difference to their native competitors anymore.

    I would like to ask you one more time to turn down and be less "passive aggressive" about this, I'm just trying to bring some more general arguments about C2 and Unity.

    If you are as passionate in looking for examples as you are here with commenting, you will surely be able to make a Unity 2D game and do measurements by yourself.

    Share the results if you please.

    1) You cannot say me saying Android,IOS, and Windows section is equal to "bug section" that honestly thats straight BS and got me mad cause your excuse for a lie is worst than the actual lie. A bug section is a bug section and an Android section is an Android section.

    Construct 2 does run like native games this year because of the newest runtime of crosswalk that adds its own browser to the game that has most of the native features. Its still missing 2 important native features like IAP and support for every AD network. Performance wise the COnstruct 2 is faster than Unity in 2 D games this year.

    But when it comes to performance for example the Unity game Guerrilla Bob is the only one that has close to the amount of action of Blast AD. So what happened? That game crashed and the developers where forced to take out the multiplayer portion out of the game. Even with multiplayer taken out, Gerrilla Bob randomly crashes on devices like mine the Note 4. Also if you look at the updates reviews on the game some report it doesn't even work anymore on thier device. Blast AD works on 3 year old to current devices. I picked Guerrilla Bob as an example because thats a featured game made by popular developers compare to basically is a game made by someone who only used COnstruct 2 for about a year.

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    Danny)]Come down from your high horse buddy, no need to be so salty about this.

    This is pretty much the proof that you aim for a battle here and don't want to talk in a polite/non-insulting way.

    1) You insult me by straight up you lying saying that I posted the bug section of Unity. I posted the Android,IOS, and Windows sections not the bug sections. So in order to win an arguement you lied period.

    Danny)I made comparisons and gave fair arguments, I did never "fight" for anything here.

    2)No you did not another lie . You posted a list where the 1st 2 games are not even avalible for the googleplay store verified by appbrain. You did not give me one game to compare.

    Danny)I said it might be what you were looking for, I don't want to do the work for you.

    You should be able to find some 2D games on the overpopulated marketplace, if you need practical examples to win the "fight" that you are clearly aiming for here.

    3) If you not going to bring an example , then what is your arguement? I said there has not been 1 Unity game this year that for Android that features the amount of action that Blast AD has onscreen. So I gave you a specific example and you have not. Ok how about you find games that beat this list I made of featured and popular Construct 2 games

    Danny)To make it clear, both engines have their ups and downs and what you prefer is up to you.

    If you want to go on discussing, I'm up for it but please explain me the way that you were heading with this topic, so I can adapt and discuss about what you were aiming for.

    4) Yes if your making 3D games go to Unity. But for 2D games I am saying Construct 2 runs faster than Unity. Also note I said this year and I keep saying that because for years Unity has been superior to Construct 2 on the mobile space. This year however the tides have turned is what I am saying and proving. I honestly think you don't understand how much improvement Construct 2 has made this year.

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    > No what you did was a rant haha. I posted links to show what I was talking about and kept it short. Ok well help me then I want you to find a mobile unity game that came out this year that has equal amount of onscreen action as the Android game I made. The game I made is in my signature, it has 25+ enemies onscreen plus explosions with no slowdown. Go find a Unity Android game right now that has that and then we can talk more.


    There are a ton of 2D/3D Unity games that run better than Construct 2's 2D wrapped games on the market (I found THIS list which might help with practical examples).

    Besides the obvious event/code optimizations which affect performance, Unity's native export is easier to handle and runs better, propably because it doesn't have to do all the additional work that a wrapped browser game has to do. (I don't want to start a Native VS Wrapper discussion with this argument.)

    The only thing that bugged me out were your arguments (opinion or not), that are so vague and only seem to target the bugs section of Unity.

    I don't really want to discuss about what's better since this would be the 4th (?) topic about "which engine is better...", which wouldn't differ much from the previous ones.

    I mentioned everything in my previous post and you could take that as a fair comparison.

    I personally think that a topic with a pretty clickbaity title "...C2 is way better", isn't fair without proper comparisons.

    It just feels like that this would go the way of people fighting for which game engine they like more.

    Ok lets break this down simply.

    1) I didn't post to the bugs section of Unity , I posted the Android,IOS, and Windows section where they used to talk mostly about game development . Now there are so many bugs in Unity they mostly talk about bugs. So you just lied right there saying that I targeted the bugs section of Unity which I did not. So my point was not vague because I posted evidence of what I am saying.

    2) I was not vague when I said post a game made this year with Unity that has a ton of onscreen action as my game has. All you posted was a link of all Unity mobile games which again your being vague while I am being specific. I said this year because this year Unity has taken a step back while Construct2 has taken leaps forward.

    3) The 1st 2 games on that list are not even on googleplay verified by appbrain. Wonder why? Maybe they stoped working properly for android.

    So instead of reading what I wrote all you just doing is fighting for Unity . You didn't answer my questions and you lied saying I posted the bugs section when I posted links to the Android,IOS, and windows sub forums in Unity. So can you stop being vague and show me a game made this year that has tons of actions with Unity. I am not talking about the past when Unity was kicking Construct 2 ***** I am talking this year where COnstruct2 is better for mobile then Unity!!

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    > ... For 2D games Construct2 is now officially better than Unity 3D.


    I think mahdi71 isn't necessarily wrong with his argument that you shouldn't compare those engines with each another but nonetheless it's your opinion.

    My opinion would be that both of the engines have their issues but Unity still to this day, delivers the better end-product with almost no 3rd party exporting hassle.

    If you compare the amount of bugfixes that Unity gets per update, it should be pretty even with C2's side of bugfixing.

    Usually one Unity update alone fixes 5 times the amount of bugs that a C2 update does (not counting the amount of additional features they add).

    To sum it up, for me the end-product is important and C2's end-product is acceptable and the game development fits with all my needs.

    In the end the price, usability and support lead to my decision to keep on working with C2 instead of Unity but that is my opinion and doesn't proof that "C2 won the fight", both engines are too different to easily compare them with one other and of course both of them come with their own kind of limitations and bugs.

    I don't want to "trigger" you with the following but this topic feels more like the start of another unnecessary rant instead of a fair comparison.

    Please just make sure you are fair and got all the facts and not just the negative things and say that "this is better than...".

    However I'm not going to stop you or anything, you can post whatever you like to post.

    No what you did was a rant haha. I posted links to show what I was talking about and kept it short. Ok well help me then I want you to find a mobile unity game that came out this year that has equal amount of onscreen action as the Android game I made. The game I made is in my signature, it has 25+ enemies onscreen plus explosions with no slowdown. Go find a Unity Android game right now that has that and then we can talk more.