PixelPower's Forum Posts

  • The game graphics and mechanics look great. If the game is level based then you can just make each level harder and every 5th level make it some boss type a bigger verio n of the zombies you have. If its going to be endless the easiest way I know so you don't have to code so much is set the zombie speed to increase when your score reaches a certain number. Then set a system timer to release a boos or bigger zombie type every 60 seconds or so.

    Or if you want to go nuts and have some crazy fun with it make a flying headless zombie with this code

    System(every 3.0 seconds) FlyingZombieHead(set angle towards (Player.x,Player.y)

    That will throw players for a loop haha.

  • Awesome looking game you got pixel art down to a science!! Looks really fun and the enemy death animation is solid.

  • In one of the most original game made to date, the game play is simple.Dynamic boxes that change speeds are coming your way. Time the boxes and press anywhere onscreen to jump. Also collect coins to unlock bonus hero's like Super Dude and Bat Dude.Boxy Smashy will having you playing over and over saying to yourself I can get it just one more try!!


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • After making several smaller games and gaining enough experience I have decided to tackle on a bigger game. I have always wanted to play a Metroid type game on my android device. Thats what set the inspiration for Project Sena. The maps will be broken down a little different and I made sure to stay away from anything that would get me looked at by the big N.

    You player as an elite soldier sent out to Planet Exis to find out what happen to the space exploration group HammerCrew. The game has a great plot carried out by a bunch of cutscene's throughout the game. Right now its around %25 done but the good thing is I have around 3-4 everyday to work on the game. I'am really excited to be working on this game and its coming along great.

    UPDATE _ The name is Planet Exis and I released it for android here

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... oject.sena

    UPDATE: Video of the 1st Epic Boss

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Here is a video of the game in action

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    You can also follow news on the game on facebook here


  • Hunter

    I would do it like that:

    Or use the MoveTo behavior from rexrainbow

    http://www.scirra.com/forum/behavior-ro ... 44845.html

    Thats pretty good but you can cut down a little code. Also I would encourage you to use the least amount of plugins if your making the game for mobile try to code each feature in as best you can.

  • http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/apps-games

    Leave a short description and link to game and video if you have it. Once you posted let me know so I can bump your thread and give positive feedback.

  • Done download here


    Press the space bar and the hero will move left , then stop on his own.

  • I didn't see you post in the android games and apps section of XDA-developers. Your missing out on potential downloads if you didn't post there. They don't like smaller games but games that have a lot of content, so your game is a good fit.

  • hey there guys... how you doing all. all going well han.. !!!

    well i was wondering that are there any game got featured on ios or android store ,,, featured means: visibility example: new and noteworthy , best new games, etc etc

    as you may have heard about buildbox.. lots of games made by buildbox got featured by apple android. and also there are many games featured by apple which were made by gamesalad.

    also can you please name some games which got 100,000 + downloads??


    You have to search around the forums but I made the official list here about mobile games this year only

    Yes we even have a game have over 1 million downloads. After looking at the list if you go to the 2nd page of the thread we start crunching numbers money wise and having a good convo.

  • Thanks Gmoney the save features in Construct 2 is probably the most complex part. Thats why I give this examples with much reduced coding to help people with save features.

  • >

    > Kongregate didn't sell us Construct 2 , Ashley and Tom did. So its not Kongregates responsibility to fix problem with C2.

    > That's like asking McDonalds what happen to your Burger King order, it doesn't make sense. I know you want to protect C2 but telling them it's ok to come with excuses not to solve problems is ridiculous.


    No I think you're missing the point. I think Ashley's idea is these other platforms can benefit from allowing C2 games easy access to their platform or service. The idea is to convince these other platforms that there is a large C2 user base making great games, which are a perfect fit for their platforms / service, and that they can benefit / profit / generate income etc on the back of the games made in C2.

    An example is Appodeal. Go to this link: http://appodeal.com/sdk and look under 'Frameworks'.

    They have plugins that are platform specific for Unity, Unreal 4, GameMaker and C2. They have developed those plugins themselves to allow people using those Frameworks to get easy access to their ad service. The benefit to them is the more games using their ad service, the more income they generate. So its worth their while to invest time making plugins for us.

    The same argument is valid for Kongregate. By making a plugin specifically for Construct 2 users that allowed C2 games to utilise all the features of the latest Kong API, they increase their revenue... Every C2 game on Kongregate, generating ad revenue is putting money into their own coffers.

    This line of thinking doesnt really work when applied to the C2 official IAP tho...

    Ok you and Newts point is that Construct 2 right to wait for others to make plugins ok I got it.

    My point and everyone else is that we brought Construct 2 because they said they will continue to support and update plugins. So our morals are different thats the issue. See we believe if you pay for something, you get what you paid for. So we agree to disagree.

  • > I just showed you proof of what they are doing in case anyone didnt see the other topic. Iam not changing my mind Iam telling the truth about whats going on.Newt, and Artpunk are the ones acting strange defending Construct2 all the time. Go check out their posts they always trying to sway opinions towards Construct 2.


    And what you have to say isn't right or wrong, I'm just telling you to stop drifting away from the main topic.

    I'll quote myself here:


    > Don't get too personal and if you still have any concerns or things that you want others to know about,

    > create a new topic in either THIS C2 related general forum or in THIS open topic for pretty much anything else.


    Ok I know another developer making something console quality like with C2. He said just use the older version of NW.js so you won't run into any issues. So thats the solution for now until they fix the newer versions.

    • Post link icon

    Guys please stop right now, this topic is really important and I would like to keep it!

    "Flamewars" get topics closed, Ashley did already proof that a few days ago and this looks like a start of one.

    Don't get too personal and if you still have any concerns or things that you want others to know about,

    create a new topic in either THIS C2 related general forum or in THIS open topic for pretty much anything else.

    Important? Ashley and Tom have given no answers to any questions. Nothing has been resolved. They won't close this topic trust me. I said my piece already.

  • > Ashley has now stoop so low as to use other people accounts to defend himself and Tom. Ashley uses a 2 year old account to defend himself look

    > I responded like this...


    I'm begging you to stop spreading content from other topics.

    Moderators might see this as spam, so please stop for your own good before you get banned.

    I just showed you proof of what they are doing in case anyone didnt see the other topic. Iam not changing my mind Iam telling the truth about whats going on.Newt, and Artpunk are the ones acting strange defending Construct2 all the time. Go check out their posts they always trying to sway opinions towards Construct 2.

    • Post link icon

    I am concerned for your health I think your should turn the putie off and go lie down for a little while. Good lad.

    Really I just showed proof that out of nowhere a 2 year old account comes in to defend Ashley and that your best response. Tell me where I am lying.