When I touch my apk
it show this message
已停止 = stopped.
Add this to xml maybe fix the problem <preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="20"/>
Add this to xml maybe fix the problem
<preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="20"/>
Thank you!
But Still not work..
Did you build the apk with Cocoon.io?
I use Adobe PhoneGap to build the apk
I have a apk
it can run on my old phone(LG G4)
but can't run my new phone(Samsung A8+)
Why? it's weird.
My apk's API is 26
My App have some problem
It can run on my old phone(Andorid 6.0)
but it can't run on my new phone (Android 8.0)
How do I solve this problem?
If I can solve this problem,my apps can be publish!
I find way to solve this quesition:
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I try many different admob plugin
but it still fail.
like this:
Can anybody helps me?
Thank you very much!
website here:
Hello everyone!I come from Taiwan,
search "?????" in googleplay
This app helps users choose what to eat for dinner or breakfast or snack.....and many more..
it's sorry the app just have chinese version.
I use the admob plugin in XDK 3400
but when I emulate.....it give me a blackscreen even I build the project
How should I do?
Yesterday I try everying I can
like this, it is crazy haha
but still not work!