part12studios's Forum Posts

  • procrastinator and jayderyu thanks for that examples! very nice. but because what i'm doing isn't exactly the same i'm having trouble lining the two projects up..

    in your example "LevelReached" this is the key right? is this never declared anywhere in the project other than at that moment?

    i try to follow your example as close as possible, but it still doesn't seem to retrieve the data..

    here is a link the the file so far..

    I have a text field in the first stage that shows 0 or 1 to help me know what the value is for "PlayedBeforeVar"

    probably missing one tiny thing, but for the life of me i can't see what is wrong.



  • Hi there everyone,

    I found this tutorial which shows the process is pretty simple, but it still assumes I know something apparently I don't..

    the tutorial shows the command and such, but there is a gap. I'm not sure where this should go.

    my intention is to track when something has been done like "first time played" as a true/false condition for future visits.

    my assumption is that I add a webstorage object.. i then go into the event page and do a tough event when touching the start button.. i would want to pass a value at that time.

    however i don't see a "set local key" option in the system page. then each time the game is loaded i'd want to immediately check the webstorage data to see if its true that the player has been here before.



  • LittleStain that's awesome. how do i install plugins?

    I downloaded rex_moveto but Windows 8 doesn't know what to do with it. I have the 64bit version running. Didn't see any folders that seemed obvious.



  • ok using the bullet approach i got it to work.. somehow i had orphaned oneof my layouts from an event sheet not understanding how that worked.. so my earlier tests were failing

    had to throw my fair share of curses when i couldn't get a simple text field test to display in once scene and not work in the other.. ugh.

    but yea this is great. thank you so much for the insight!

  • you got it! :) that is perfect!   happy new years!



  • EncryptedCow

    i'm interested in understanding this other approach you're mentioning.. it isn't clear though.. you mention:

    Object.Y > 100

    -> Simulate pressing up

    (Make sure you set it as custom movement in the properties)

    where would i put object.y > 100?

    i think i follow what you're saying using custom movement, but just not sure how i phrase it to tell the game to move in a direction until the objects y value is greater than 100..

  • procrastinator

    in the event sheet, you mean i select the sprite in question? when i do that, i don't see a condition "bullet set angle of motion". i have the set angle to yes in the bullet behavior.

    for angle conditions i see "is between angles" "is clockwise from" and "is within angle"..

    bullet conditions i see are "compare distance traveled" and "compare speed"



  • ok i did the editor thing with bullet. that makes sense. I couldn't follow the simulate press up stuff and custom movement.

    next it's about figuring out how to do bullet movement for a specific period of time. I see the "every x seconds" but not "for x seconds".

  • i'll try that.. i've never simulated a movement action.. but i'll follow your example and see what i can do! :)

  • how to i change the angle? i see:




    set angle (yes/no)

    there is nothing else that i know of to change this.. set angle sounds good but its just a yes/no condition

  • Hi there,

    So another big question that i'm struggling with is how to handle toggle buttons. The general idea to me is that i would love to touch an object and have it spawn the "ON" button and destroy itself.. triggering some kind of variable change to let other game mechanics know the button has "armed" the game.

    The thing i ran into before with GameSalad was putting these two objects over each other of course created rapid ON/OFF/ON/OFF as the touch action would be perpetually touching the next version making the idea of a toggle button pretty useless.

    The solution I was taught was the use of modulo(modular) math. this circumvented the problem of the touch action creating the instant other condition.

    In Construct 2, when I do this, i don't even get a flicker. I just get nothing. I can get a button to turn "ON" but the subsequent "OFF" action is eluding me so far.



  • Hi there,

    Thanks first of all for the great help so far from everyone! This has really given me a lot of confidence to see this game engine through to make something serious with it.

    Now I'm faced with a new challenge that is probably very easy, but its just not clicking for me.

    I have an opening scene where i want an object on the bottom edge of the screen come up about 200 pixels and then stop. This can be a straight speed but would be great to have easing in/out.

    I can't seem to get what i want. Applying a behavior to the object doesn't work as i'd expect. using bullet might work, but bullet won't let me determine which direction i want it to go, instead it assumes to go right.

    8 direction would seem like a good candidate, but it also lacks any way that i can see to send a "move up" command without using the keyboard up arrow, which is not how I need it to be moved.

    My thought was to use a system/every tick to take current Y location + 1.. looping this till it reaches the right height..

    I'm used to being able to insert X and Y coordinates with variables, but it seems like the properties of objects in Construct 2 only allow numbers so I'm confused how you tell an object where it should be..

    All of my efforts are resulting in the object not moving except using Sine, which of course isn't what i'm looking for, but at least it was nice to see it move :)

    I saw this thread when searching, but this looks a little too much like coding for what I would imagine is probably pretty easy to do without coding.



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  • INVERT! that is what i didn't realize i could do in C2.. and Wink awesome example. :) thank you so much. the mouse over extra touch and timer usage is also very helpful!

    now back to it..



  • Wink thanks for the tips! That makes sense and yea i've tended to make for mobile first, but yea for my more recent projects I've been interested in targeting Nook, Kindle Fire, Windows 8, Mac, PC.. basically resolution of 1024x600 and up.

    so does anyone know if we do a "retina graphics" style approach where say you put graphics in that are x2 bigger than the smallest rez.. say like wink's example of 1368x768 is the biggest rez.. but i build the game for 1024x600 (actually 1024x575 is the scale down size ratio, with a hair of black border above and below)

    since the source art is 1368x768, would then upsizing the game size be painless?



  • Hi there,

    So I'm working on a test game to see how i would make a game i'm currently building with gamesalad in Construct2.. so far so good, but i quickly discovered some questions about how to update the state of something..

    i'm making a button toggle when touched. i spawn a new graphic when its touched over the old one (might not be the best way).. but the problem i run into is when i lift my finger or mouse.. i can't figure out how to tell it to do something when released.. in this case display the "off" button graphic.

    none of the actions from what i can tell seem to offer the touch command a "when released" condition to meet, which i'm used to having in GameSalad. I know its possible, its just eluding me.

    i'm also using a global variable that i want to update from 0 to 1 and back to 0 based on if an object is currently being touched or not.. i think that will be remedied as well once i know how to properly track an "upon release" type of condition.

