part12studios's Forum Posts

  • Hi everyone, so I'm trying to construct a 8x8 pixel art editor that outputs binary values for the Odyssey 2 1978 console.. I'm learning how to make games on it, but for making sprites the values are primitive.. 8 rows of 8 bit values..

    So I just thought it would be fun to make an editor that basically spit out the binary values next to each of the 8 rows, but so far when I try something like var1&var2&var3.. the value still just shows up as 0 in the text field.. even if the first value is 1.. i was hoping to display them in a single text field just so copy and pasting could be done easily..

    Is there a way to get a text field to display the numbers together like for example. "10110110" each 0 or 1 being dictated by which boxes in the 8x8 sprite grid.

    Weird request I realize, but the basic inquiry though I imagine must be possible. I just don't get why.

    I know i could make a bunch of separate text fields for each individual number and i might just do that for quick / dirty.. but the results surprised me when & didn't merge the values as text not numeric / mathematical values.. but maybe that's the problem.

  • make your life a lot easier for now and lock orientation to one or the other. If that's the problem, just have the game work in just one. Few games really NEED to allow both. Sure its nice, but getting the game finished sooner is nicer.

  • ah i see.. i wasn't sure about those. so i need to check for the specific room name i'm currently using and if it doesn't exist.. update the ability to go further. Ah that's awesome. I'll see how far I get with that!

  • keep at it. you'll figure it out. just look at what you want to do.. and whatever else you try.. never overuse "create new object". this is a very expensive act on the cpu.. that's why particle effects tend to be very costly.. and they have to be used very carefully.

  • First let me explain what I'm trying to achieve:

    Hi everyone, so the multiplayer chat is great. But because of the importance of being able to moderate a room, I would like it where only I can join as the host when I'm online. If i'm not joining as host (using some secret button / key combo) I would like others to be know the chatroom is offline..

    This is important as if someone outside joins as host who's not someone I know, they could effectively hijack the room and just be a real pain to deal with..

    My plan is to have a "SysOp" account always connected so this normally would fix that, but if for any reason my Sysop gets knocked out of the chat, someone else could take over.

    So the question:

    is there a way before the player attempts to enter the room to prevent them from being able to join. I could imagine a menu screen where this menu screen shows "Chat Room (offline)" when they go there and the chat room is hostless.. but when the host is in the room, remove the offline notification and allow them to proceed.

    I went through all the options in multiplayer and didn't see anything that seemed like it would do the trick. It seems like if the host is in the room, there might be some way another user via construct could detect if "host is in the room".. or somehow that the room is instantiated.. if it is. then proceed, but if not, then the chatroom is offline.

    Thanks in advance for any tips / advise anyone has.



  • I'm not sure I follow what your game is really doing, but if I think I follow it. you just spawn those "walls" once.. then you set their Y (up and down) position gradually over time.. for example.. "every tick, set object.y to object.y+1 (to make it move downward).. but yea just rethink how you're moving things around.

  • seems like it's happening when you press down.. but when you let go it's smooth.. so clearly something you're doing "every tick" is too much for the cpu..

    actually i see exactly what's up.. you're creating three objects EVERY TICK! that's basically hundreds of things being spawned in a few seconds...

    whatever those objects are, need to be created once and moved around.. not constantly created

  • yea it's not bad.. a few tips to get started with physics..

    1. at start of layout on a given physics object "set world gravity to 0. this will keep things from "falling" off the screen in a downward direction which is the default.

    2. the object you want to "throw" any direction needs to have physics added to it. this will open up a slew of impulse options in that object.

    3. any object you want to stop the thrown object needs to have "solid" behavior added to it

    from there it's mostly experimenting. there are physics properties like friction which can help keep the object from sliding to far..

    It will take some tinkering to get it right, no simple way to do what you want without a little practice with construct, but this should get you in the right direction.

    good luck!

  • can you provide a video of the behavior for folks to watch and see what you're experiencing?

    are you saying that the game plays fine on phone at first but after awhile (how long is awhile?) it gradually starts to perform poorer and poorer?

    phones have less ram / cpu power and overall resources than a PC.. it sounds like maybe something is spawning / being created over time creating more and more..

    just consider maybe it's not the movement itself that's moving very slow.. but something else being created.

    imagine something like stars being created for a background that are not being pooled / recycled.. over time every one of those stars if not destroyed / managed better will impact performance.

  • can you provide some screenshots showing what you mean by broken specifically? i don't have an iphone x myself, but others might be able to identify the issue if they see how it looks on your screen.

  • Sounds like a pretty well laid out approach. Are you wanting to use physics? impulse is pretty easy to work with and it is pretty easy to control what direction you want the impulse to go.. i'd start there if you haven't already.

  • I didn't catch that, i'll check it out!

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  • Hi there, so I'm doing a simple endless runner, but the jump function is static. What would be the best approach to have a jump that varies on how long the button is pressed? So a tap is a hop while continuing to press varies how high the player jumps?

    I'm not looking to replicate the SMB jump though that would be awesome.

    I tried searching and was surprised all I could find were mostly double jump style questions, not "while down" effective how high / long the jump is like SMB

  • it was something in the attached text boxes.. but i think it was that i was spawning text boxes still yet the objects had the text in containers. I probably had some kind of "feedback loop" going on that freaked it out. Thanks! :)

  • yea that worked, but it was pretty cryptic.. to be sure (i'm on Mac)

    still good to know.. i'm going to start my prototype over and focus on this working well first.. probably just trying to lay a new concept on a bunch of other stuff that will take longer to re-engineer than just start fresh.