part12studios's Forum Posts

  • OMFG would you people please stop obsessing over a splash screen? you know how many games out there are made with engines like unity and have splash screens? LOTS!

    It is optional.. it doesn't hurt performance.. its a simple splash.. keep your $500 (I am) and yes.. when your game becomes the next mega indie hit.. then you can take some of your hawaii vacation money and send Cocoon IO their fee..

    No one is going to say.. you know I would have like this indie game a lot.. but that splash screen.. when i saw that.. i uninstalled it.. because it made the game totally not fun.. seriously people..

    llfstudios that plugin never worked.. and it's another cranberry plugin so let's hope it still works..

    the social sharing thing sounds nice.. but guess what? with cocoon io and cranberry social share plugin i got it working without having to do a tutorial.. it just worked

    if you want push notification.. you can try pushwoosh a cranberry plugin. i haven't tested it in ages though.. also parse has push notification as well.. so you could try cranberry's plugin or (my recommendation) frosty elk's plugin. not free, but it's actively supported.

  • great conversation folks.

    however tgeorgemihai your are citing some pretty pricey alternatives to C2.. and calling Cocoon IO expensive. it's $120 a year for a very reasonable plan.. higher priority.. 10 simultaneous projects.. yes the logo thing is pricy but like i mentioned before.. if you wanted to debrand unity you're look at $4500 to do it for ios/android..

    you sound like someone not evening using C2? If your telling us to use other tools that's not helping the conversation.. that's asking people to leave Construct 2. we are here to get Construct 2 games on iOS / Android as easily as possible.

    The only other option is XDK and it's downsides far exceed it's free pricetag. free isn't very useful if it doesn't work reliably.

    I agree Cocoon IO isn't without some issues, but for me as an indie developer, I have found Cocoon IO has put me back in business again.. I'm not getting ready to publish several games for clients that I was struggling with tremendously with XDK. Cranberry Plugins that i NEEDED to work were hit / miss..

    I started this thread because it needed to be discussed. I got done in a few weeks of testing / learning at a casual pace what I was spinning my wheels on with XDK for months.

    This message is for anyone who's been in XDK hell like I have and other devs I know have been in. Cocoon IO offers a lot of solutions that remove the reliance on the cranberry plugins which (and i have total respect for Sang Ki, the creator) are not being supported actively. This is fine if you're a hobbyist and or don't really care to make money off your game.. or don't care if you ever need to revisit and do an update..

    Cocoon IO has their own plugins to cover man of the most important features needed and more are in development.. but the more Construct 2 USERS they have will certainly affect the priority. If I could pay XDK to make their product better I would but it's not their business model and while Cocoon IO isn't 100% about C2 either.. at least they made plugins.. XDK doesn't do that.. they say... use Cranberry's stuff.. and when Cranberry's stuff doesn't work.. you are on your own..

    So yes, as the saying goes. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. Decide for yourself if Cocoon IO is for you. For me it's been awesome overall. I've been very discouraged for many months fighting with XDK / Cranberry Plugins.. it makes the game development process a drag.. working on C2 is a joy.. and Cocoon IO feels like the best option right now to spend less time in publishing hell and more time making my games.

  • well that's why Scirra really needs to come up with their on built in iOS/Android solution.. it's very misleading.. sure you can use XDK which is "free" but oh..

    i'm sorry did you want to make money with your game? well.. then you're on your own..

    Go figure out cranberry's plugins.. hope they work.. get XDK.. hope that the version you have correctly works with the plugin(s) you need.. and hope an update doesn't break it next time you need to do an update..

    Volkan and I who frequented the Sang Ki plugin G+ page were pretty much accepting that you cannot be a professional game developer and use XDK with C2.. too many moving parts.. C2 updates.. cranberry updates (or lack of).. xdk updates.. it just seems like just when you think you got everything working.. something breaks.. and you're back to troubleshooting..

    I'm not saying Cocoon IO is perfect in every way and will never offer setbacks, but at least they are offering C2 plugins to use their service.. they offer a free (albeit with some limitations) option that should meet most beginners needs. The paid tiers assume that at that point you're ready to make apps that can themselves make money.

    This whole argument though that "things cost money? wtf?!" is lame.. if you want to find free tools.. go become a programmer and figure out all that **** on your own.. You need to realize that your working inside of tools that developers have to make work... those developers have to get paid to support that work.. no one owes you a damn thing.. you paid for C2.. personally i think it's too cheap.. but that's up to Ashley.. however part of why it's cheap is because Ashley doesn't have to figure out the pain in the *** world of mobile publishing.. he's smart in distancing himself from this part of it..

    and where he stops.. someone else is stepping in.. offering a solution.. and yes that solution costs money.. XDK is basically intel's attempt to get more x86 support because their asses are getting kicked by ARM processors.. they don't want to see the HTML5 community have no x86 processor export options for devices using their hardware.. but ultimately they are not concerned about Construct 2 devs.. they are working with coders most of the time.. coders who know how to fix errors.. because they are programmers!

    We do not have that luxury.. we're using C2 because we don't want to code.. or code a hell of a lot less.. a developer usually makes $50-$150 an hour.. so your big purchase of $120 for silver cocoon io covers 2-3 hours of some developer's paycheck..

    Sang Ki sold a **** load of plugins for next to nothing.. and free updates.. if anyone thinks he was making bank on that is kidding himself.. i'd be surprised if he broke 3 figures on his plugin sales given the number of developers on the G+ forum.. work that consisted of many many man hours to develop / test and promote / support..

    KaMiZoTo i do feel for your situation.. that is a big price for the size of the games.. you might consider writing them and just say.. look i want your service but the size thing is a problem.. you may be surprised. This isn't some 1000 team company.. I'm sure they'd rather have you using their tech and make a little less money than losing you altogether over that. maybe more storage but less projects? you could negotiate something.

  • you use the same export option.. glerikud unfortunately Scirra is staying neutral..

    however what is nice about Cocoon IO is that they are making their own plugins..

    XDK forces you to rely on unsupported plugins from Cranberry and other unregulated plugins... which really really (really) sucks..

    Cocoon IO doesn't have every solution solved yet, but if they see more Construct 2 users using the service and are paying customers priorities will change. I'm going to sign up for the silver service. roughly $10 a month, but i'm sure even if they just see more construct 2 devs using the tool they will know the plugins are not a waste of time..

    I respect the devs over at XDK and have had direct support from Ian and others, but Sang Ki (Cranberry) has become more and more detached from his plugin work. He rarely replies to inquiries on his forum page and isn't doing updates without direct paid requests from the community. I'm not saying the $5 he's asking for an update is unfair but people are cheap and so I think people just get frustrated trying to make broken / outdated plugins work and when they don't, give up, or do without.

    Fortunately Cocoon IO has the most urgent ones.. IAP and Ads. They also have game center and google play services. so yea this is good.

  • I haven't had any problems with scaling.. The only problem I did face was the letterbox mode was left aligned.. setting the parallax of X on all layouts to 100 fixed it though perfectly.

  • also troubleshooting with XDK is a hassle.. often having to remove projects and re-importing them each time plugin changes are made.. hoping they all get grabbed..

    Cocoon IO has a really nice / clean way to see what plugins are ACTUALLY installed. Removing them is a breeze as well. I always felt unsure if I did all the steps right with xdk.. not really knowing if everything is setup right..

  • it's mostly about plugins. I have never had too much trouble with XDK working without plugins, but plugins really create a lot of problems.. Sang Ki's decreasing level of support / updates for plugins also makes things problematic with XDK's constant updates, often breaking plugins.

  • yea seriously take some time.. if you do a simple no-frills "hello world" test with no plugins following that tutorial i linked it will go quick.

    then you install the plugins and you'll see what is possible without even touching cordova plugins.. once you get some of that working.. you can then try cordova.. its a nice simple ladder.

    I got through most of it in a week or so of part time / casual testing..

  • all of this.. I hope you have better luck with Cocoon IO. If your experience is half as good as mine has been you'll still be glad you made the move.

    C2/XDK are basically fine if you don't use any plugins.. but we all know that no one can make any money without relying on plugins or incorporate social media and other marketing technology.

    You should notice that moving to Cocoon IO will not be all that bad.. just take it one plugin at a time, don't try to throw them all in at once because you very well may get some error and not know which plugin was the problem..

  • or you could write an ebook on how to do it This is a new frontier but man it's been nice to explore. i still have things to test out..

    Also keep in mind that if you use the cocoon IO ad object. there can only be one so whatever service.. admob, chartboost, etc.. is the only one that system can have. It might also be possible to stack cordova plugins as well but i haven't tried it yet. I only needed admob and moved on from there.

    I will say this, one thing that Cocoon IO does require if you want to make an iOS app is a .p12 file. This typically requires an actual mac computer to generate, but you CAN make a .p12 file if you google how to do it on pc. There is a tutorial from years back I once followed to create a .p12 and it worked.. but if you have a mac it's a bit easier to do.. but there is a tutorial for that also because it is still a little weird.

    Android is as you would image very easy to publish too. i will say that I have seen some inconsistencies that they have acknowledged when you make a project. only make your project for iOS OR android.. don't try to do both.. if you do it might work, but I have seen situations where a compile works for one and not the other with the same setup..

    Most of this I have learned just in my own experiences so I'm not saying you'll never have a bump along the way, but I think you will agree bumps you can work out yourself are much easier than ones that require someone else to be involved with.

    There is more on this for later, but so far any wall I've hit had a very straight forward solution and that's the kind of stuff I like, just like with Construct 2 itself. Things don't always work as I think they should but when they don't I find alternatives

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  • there is no tutorial for that.. BUT there are templates you can download if you get the cocoon io plugin.. these capx files show the file working. it works just like you would expect it to work using cranberry's plugin with minor differences.

    I have them working and it was no major re-write of the IAP system that was formerly using cranberry's IAP plugin

  • yea i understand to some extent, Ashley wanting to be neutral but then if they don't want to officially support some particular platform / technology they should diminish the affected platforms as viable..

    Because what people basically ***** about is "well i already paid for C2.. why should i need to pay for anything else?" and they are right if their under the impression that C2 CAN reach a given platform.. other game engines like GameSalad and others have an incorporated pipeline which means it WILL work for those platforms though it might also inherit some limitations as well.

    I think C2 got burned by Cocoon.JS because of various reasons.. and probably don't want to be burned again.. I get it.. but people will learn (and be unhappy) eventually that C2 to iPhone/Android is difficult through most options.. especially if they want to make money with their game.. and i think it's fair to say most C2 developers think their game is going to make money.. but it's the same story over and over.. people make their game with C2 quickly.. then spend many times that much time trying to figure out how to publish the game.

    Cocoon IO is by far the smoothest path and I hope no one wastes any more time trying to fight with XDK like I have and other developers I know who are using Cocoon IO now.

  • I haven't run into any problems, but my use of physics is pretty light. That said whatever the issue is I'm sure it can and will be fixed if enough people report it.

  • UPDATED: When I first posted this I was dealing with a lot of really stupid problems with XDK. Project crippling plugin issues and other nonsense. When I found Cocoon IO at the time it was working so much better for me than XDK that I wanted everyone to know about it... however since this post awhile back, I currently feel that this is no longer accurate. It is still a good platform but basically depending on your game needs and such or problems you may face, be sure you consider cocoon io if XDK is giving you trouble. At this point they are both good. Both have pros and cons but ultimately both (though things change constantly with software updates / OS updates / plugins,etc) are working hard to be better and its a good idea to familiarize yourself with both of them and then use which ever one you like better till it doesn't do what you need well enough..

    ------- Rant begins -------

    Listen everyone, I know I'm not the only one who's had more than one nightmarish experience with cordova / xdk / phonegap publishing with cranberry plugins not working with a particular version of construct 2 or xdk.. you get build errors.. no idea why? spending hours trying to find the answer yourself or with others..

    I have found the solution and so has Volkan.. Cocoon IO!

    I was reluctant to get into it.. I was comfortable with XDK and even if it kept mucking up the time.. I did have some successes with it.. but those successes eventually were becoming an unacceptable % of the time i was spending.. to the point where it was looking like Construct 2 was becoming unviable for mobile game development... at least for anyone beyond a hobbyist or people who didn't need to rely on any 3rd party services.

    So some people ***** about some stuff.. I'm going to tackle a few of those weak arguments:

    But Caleb, they want $500 to remove a splash screen!

    this is optional! you don't have to pay $500 to use the service and make a game. you just see a little short splash screen before your game loads. If you think this is unfair.. EVERY unity user who uses the free tools has this and guess how much it would cost to own the software to not have a splash screen with unity.. if you want iOS and Android it would cost you $4500 and ONLY $3000 if you just do iOS or Android.. a steal!

    I don't want to have to learn another complicated publishing process

    It's not! yes it's a little different than XDK/Phonegap, but it's MUCH easier to manage plugins! OMG once you get in there you'll know what I'm talking about

    I love having to make 12 different specific icon sizes with each new project I make in XDK.

    Well I love uploading a single 1024x1024 image and let them deal with all of them for me.. seriously.. you might cry a little when you realize you can do it once and just see icons in your builds regardless of device you publish on..

    I still have a bad taste in my mouth from Cocoon.JS

    I personally never went too far down that road, but I know people were having trouble with it in various ways. It's improved remarkably since then. The fact that they brought in Cordova plugin support is a game changer. This means you're no longer reliant on either Cocoon IO OR Ashley to make working plugins. Cordova offers a 3rd party solution and it works!

    I want to use Cranberry / Cordova plugins

    You can! That was the big improvement with "IO". They included Cordova plugin support! I have spent seriously.. MONTHS trying to get ALL the plugins I need working with XDK and without fail something would always **** up and leave me with an almost working game.. in the matter of a couple of weeks of learning / testing XDK I now have IAP, Vungle, Admob and Social Sharing working. I used the native Cocoon IO IAP plugin and Ads.. but Social Sharing and Vungle (from Cranberry) worked just fine.

    Cocoon IO has actual Construct 2 plugins created specifically to help use Cocoon IO services directly

    Seriously, unlike cranberry plugins which are a wild west of support / breaking SDK versions where these are actively supported plugins by humans who respond to your posts on the Cocoon IO forum to help developers with problems.

    Crosswalk is so awesome. I love it's performance and how big it bloats my games

    Well I can't help you there. If you use Cocoon IO for Android it is 2mb + your game.. Crosswalk is 19mb + your game.. I had a game i made with crosswalk that was 28mb.. when i moved the same game over to Cocoon IO it came out 13mb.. and great performance.

    These greedy Cocoon IO guys actually want me to pay money for their work!

    They have a free plan and then have several tier plans (i'm going to be going with Silver myself this week because my time is more valuable than using a free tool that has sapped so much energy from me) but you don't have to pay them one red cent to publish your games. The other tiers off higher priority on compiling, but in my experience the free tier takes about as long as XDK ever took to do their compiles.

    Why am I posting this? Because I'd like to see more people in the Cocoon IO forums posting their problems and solutions. Cocoon IO isn't without some getting used too, but I've found that the blockers I hit are able to be moved around without much trouble.. unlike the hair pulling frustration I and others I know have faced..

    this tutorial will get you far. you may hit a few other little things along the way, but seriously don't jump ahead.. take your time. start with a hello world project. don't try to pull your completed game over starting out.. if you start simple you'll bring your game over..

    also Andy made a book download for $3.. Andy has been incredibly helpful and he's part of the Cocoon IO team. Buy this book if nothing else but a way of saying thank you for helping Construct 2 developers out.

    If you have questions post them on the cocoon io forum and i'll try to help where I can as well. I hope to see more/all of you sharing your successes with Cocoon IO very soon. I have a couple of games coming out soon.. it's actually nice to go back to fixing actual in-game bugs again rather than chasing down plugin errors and compile problems... Cocoon IO can give you errors too but believe me if you pace yourself, you'll see what I'm talking about.

  • Update: I did get IAP working. There is a template capx for IAP out there you can get. This file shows how to setup IAP. It was slightly different than how I had done it using the cranberry IAP plugin for cordova. Also don't let the complexity of the demo overwhelm you. Really just pay attention to the variable usage in it. Functions are not needed for it to work.