part12studios's Forum Posts

  • text input not text box. the text input object is the one you can type in. it has a permanent white background and no obvious way to turn that off. A text box (one that can't be typed into) does by default have a transparent background.

  • Hi there,

    I ran into this problem with C2 and I see it's still a thing in C3.

    bottom line is that would like a Text Input object to have a transparent background. There doesn't appear to be a checkbox or otherwise to make this possible with that object.



  • Ashley I think that's a great addition. I don't deal with hidden layers much (other than to make sure things are grouped quickly) so that was never really a thing for me.

  • Hi everyone,

    So this is something that goes way back to even C2 and it MUST END!

    Would it be possible to prevent objects from being dragged into locked layers? I don't know how many times I've locked a layer and forgotten to click a different unlocked layer only to have it be stuck in the locked layer unmovable or even unelectable.. then i have to unlock the layer.. move the item.. etc..

    Yes I know.. "don't drag things on the locked layer dude".. yes yes yes.. but i imagine i'm not the only person who's done this and i just wondered if this is a thing that's just me or others have experienced this minor quirk but one that also seems like it could be equally easy to fix and make a better UX.

    If all layers are locked for some reason the item just wouldn't drag over.. like the non-dragable system objects.



  • bump. i droped this awhile back and now I'm using C3 with the same issue. how did you set a CSS value? I imagine it's similar in C3, but still no idea how to make "set css style" in C2/C3

  • awesome! TY Ashley

  • ah ok for mac it's the Apple button.. just surprised there is no zoom in the UI. I thought I remember that being in there. Still, this is great. Thanks!


  • This is kinda crazy but why don't i see any obvious zoom controls in C3?

    i see the current zoom level (100%) but no way to change it anywhere.



  • Add me to the stuttering app problem with C3. I'm using an LG Stylo android device running Android 6.0

    The game does play fine in chrome on the device.. like solid fps.. (note this is an older version but you get the idea)

    I'm "glad" to see it's not just my device doing this. I bought this phone recently just to have a newer android device to test with.. only to see it's misbehaving.. that said this phone plays other games fine I refuse to accept that this is just some edge case phone and i need to buy another phone to test successfully...

  • true but you can see how it become a conflict when you are selling something before it's done.. i know they are doing their best but seems like open beta / free might be fair.. i mean as it is basically you can't monetize it on mobile.. android ports are low fps and xcode version doesn't work either.. i'm pretty much wasting time from my subscription now being unable to use it to publish a product. I'm not saying they are evil. I'm still stoked about C3.. I'm just eager to produce games with it.

  • Yes considering that we have to pay to become able to make iOS/Android builds it makes it frustrating to face basic problems like this. I have a game that's ready to test and soon ready to ship but I can't publish because 1. poor performance on cordova builds and so far unable to publish to iOS at all until this is resolved.

    Hey regarding the launch issue with iPad2 are you minifying? try making a build without minifying.. i had trouble with apps not launching on android when i minified but unminified would load as it should. Different platforms i realize but similar issue of the app loading and hanging during launch.

  • yea mine is pointing to cordovalib.. that was what it was set to when i opened it. How do I change it? I look at selecting things and without just flat out shooting in the dark, i'm not sure what would be the right thing to do.

    I'm an apple developer I have published games with C2 before, just never using C3/xcode. I signed in as my developer account. I haven't done any mobileprovisioning / certs for this yet because i don't know how it would be done in xcode, but i wasn't sure it's even necessary to do all that to run a simulator.

    in the past i used cocoonIO or XDK and the application loader to upload to itunesconnect. However you bring up a great point that there are new users who will want to publish to iOS and Scirra should really take a little time and explain step by step how users of their product (now subscribers who have paid them money for this, not freeloaders who don't have iOS as an option) because it's important that customers not feel like they are on their own to figure this out.

    Thanks you also Nepeo for sharing your insight! I'm doing this because as it stands C3 is publishing very poor performing cordova APK's for android so I figured I'd see if iOS is any better.

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  • ok i went and downloaded a 10.3 and 9.3 simulator. they were not downloaded, but nothing ever said this, i had to go poke around. Installing them didn't make any difference.

    I do the build but no simulator launches. I connect my iOS device (iphone 5s) and it also doesn't push to the phone.

    i have the latest OSX and xcode. it says build succeeds and gives me a time stamp.. but as you know there are a LOT of settings in there i could just tinker with but at the expense of preventing the app from ever launching..

    Are there any special steps needed? how do we submit an app to the app store this way?

  • Hi there, I downloaded an xcode project without much trouble and it did build successfully, but i don't know how to open a simulator to see how well it runs or ultimately get that build out to an ipa to publish.

    I know there are tutorials on xcode in general, but it seemed appropriate to have a clear step by step for C3 users who are likely unfamiliar with Xcode..



  • no i never got it working. This isn't a reflection on the plugin. I just had to move to another project and my attempts to get it working with mix panel ceased.

    Sang Ki did make a mixpanel and appsflyer plugin, though I'm not sure if it has been maintained, but may still work. If you reach out to Sang Ki, he should know the answer to that. I'm coming back around to this question though myself as I look ahead at some games I would like to publish this year. I'll let you know if I find out anything new.