part12studios's Forum Posts

  • Yea 0 to 1,000,000 monthly plays with web games feels a bit daunting and risky.. like make a game with the hope it reaches that and then see how it goes.. would much rather make a game from day one having a means to monetize between 0 to 1,000,000 plays and beyond.

    also yes it's not that interesting if it's not really IN the game. I liked the idea before of having ads in the game so no matter where it's played the ads play and you get credit for them. even if someone tries to rip it off. Though HTML5 may be much easier to hack / modify that than flash in this respect.

  • is there a plugin for Construct 3 somewhere to utilize this? I couldn't find anything in my search.

  • cool that does sound good. when we get back to working on a light MMO web game, this could be just what we need to support that.

    I don't understand though why we can't use kreds from kongregate. that would seem the easiest solution. they do ad embedding and share ad revenue with that, but most games i doubt generate enough traffic to support themselves off ads alone.

  • Oh i see. hmm interesting. is it somehow different than the generic one that comes with C2/3? Not that I ever saw that one work either. Only IAP plugins I have ever seen work were ones for iOS/Android.



  • that does look interesting. so this would mean we work through AWS? It seems like a whole other angle to Construct could be opened up if this were possible. Even using something like Paypal perhaps would also work? Whatever is easiest, but yea that would be pretty awesome to have. I wish there was something like parse for storing / saving data. I know it's generally "deep" to do online stuff but still fun to imagine it being possible.

  • seems like a business opportunity for someone to fill that mochi-ad space for HTML5. Thanks for the insight everyone!

    The biggest wish I had is for an easy IAP / currency system like kreds, but one that Construct could use with a plugin.

  • yea mochiads and such.. that was it. yea that's really surprising that there isn't something exactly like that / better for html5 games.

    I would imagine of all engines Construct would be pioneering web games / monetization. I mean what better platform to publish on than web for construct? Yet it seems like we're working hard to make web games only to then deal with the hassle of getting those web games to run correctly on mobile in the form of apps.

    I'm not saying web gaming is as big as mobile, but it could still be a viable market like flash games have been / still are to some degree.

  • Hi everyone,

    I recently got my hands on a kind fire. latest generation (has alexa) and i'm finding my usual android / dropbox approach isn't working. i've loved going this route with many other android devices i've owned and wonder if there is some other trick for kindles.

    In the past, i just install the android dropbox app and log in. from there i have always been able to just tap the apk in my dropbox folder and it starts the installation process, but with this kindle this isn't the case.

    I did do the basic enable dev mode (tap s/n 7 times) and allow unknown apps to be installed but it's still acting the same.

    i did an "open with" and selected the "package installer" the screen kinda does a quick fade out/in and nothing happens after that. what gives?



  • the key here is like.. man i can't remember the name of it now but around 2009 there was a popular flash games ad company. Anyway the idea was you incorporate their API and then your game no matter where it showed up, would load ads and you'd get credit for them because they were pretty much "in" your game. This is why a plugin and something really integrated into the game would be important.

    But yea really the ultimate web solution for something more involved would be kreds. this would seem very easy and doable and give games a nice clear space to focus on regarding a stable well established platform.

  • i'm no longer use mixpanel and really never got that far with it when i was unfortunately. good luck

  • i'm thinking in the sense of a plugin. i realize that things could be hacked with JS knowhow.. but I'm not a JS guy. Would be awesome to find a code-free solution.

    yea there is an iframe plugin i've used before.. though it was C2.. but i'm sure a C3 solution could be ported. Just seems like ads /impressions/video ads could be a plugin that would not require any js/hacking.

    I get that IAP / account linking would still require some back end knowhow that Construct would not be well suited for.. but ads.. that seems doable..

    and kredits.. from kongregate should be easy to do as a plugin i would think because they have an API already i'm if someone can make a steam plugin.. a full-featured kongregate plugin wouldn't seem like a tall order.

  • I recall asking about this with C2 and never really got a good answer. Konstruct plugin lacked any way of tapping into kreds which made that plugin pretty hollow..

    I'm thinking of ways to insert ads or banners inside the game itself. I know you could put ads in spaces around the game, but I'm thinking of ways of making the game itself where ever it is seen / interacted with

    On top of that, I would really like to think of ways to implement IAP type functionality in a web game. Are there any plugins for this that someone has made? Even maybe utilizing paypal or something where a payment could be made / processed / verified and ultimately attributed to the players account.

    Rewarded videos would be awesome too. Basically there is no reason web games shouldn't have the same possibilities to monetize that mobile games can. I mean C2/3 is a web based game engine! It would seem like monetizing web would be easily as important as mobile.

    It would also seem magnitudes easier to implement since there is no cordova / wrapping required and even allow in-editor testing to work in real time rather than having to build / load into a simulator or device to test..

  • Very cool! I'll try this. Sounds like I'll need to deconstruct how i did my spawning system but i follow what you're saying so it shouldn't be too hard



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  • Thank you for the response!

    when i use a container i get some really weird behaviors.. i take the body and put a "head" in that body.. my understanding is that you'd put the head into the body container. this made things behave strange like heads no longer pinning and spawning in odd locations, no longer where they used too.

    or am i suppose to make a kind of blank/generic object that then has the body AND the head in that container to work right?

    Now your containerless suggestion is very interesting! i've never used that feature before and I would like to explore this approach to expand my understanding of C2/C3. I tried to follow it but i couldn't quite make the connection. it wants to compare two values. so is it an x values equals y value? how do i know those values. like how do i know the UID of the enemy head that is to be destroyed?

    in expression i put EnemyLeftHead.Pin.PinnedUID but i'm not sure what would go into "value" or how to put the "head to be destroyed" uid in there.

  • Hi there,

    So I have a game where the enemies have a head attached to a body for the enemy. there are numerous enemies coming at the player. I'm using the pin function to attache the head to the body. Also I have an enemy that comes from the left and an enemy that comes from the right.

    So yea when i kill one of the enemy (body) it is destroyed which is right, but it destroys ALLLL of the heads for that enemy class on the screen. I don't want that to happen.. only destroy the head attached to the body that gets destroyed.

    I was trying a container, but i'm not 100% sure I did things correctly there and if that's the answer, I can dig deeper into that.

