Pandy's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the help guys,

    Aleq I mostly have a ball bat collision thing happening, i've got the bat to a basic rectangle, tho i want the ball's physics to be exact, so i guess i need the balls's polygon to be as it is with it's multiple points

    nimos100 I tried out replacing my on collision events with overlapping and loops such as your example, tho it's not triggering the variables that used to trigger on collision events, i'll try it out again later and get back.

    Thanks again.

  • At first i had about 45 sprites, then i transferred some sprites as an animation frame to another sprite and deleted them, that brought it down to about 35, then i did the create when needed and delete otherwise stuff and that made it come down to 29 min and 31 max sprites at any given time.

    I use about 12 physics based objects, and i guess that takes up most of the resources. Imagine a ball(physics for bounce, twist etc) popping into the screen , i have setup parameters for the ball to disable and enable physics collisions at certain places in the layout. When the collisions get enabled, the collision check count shoots up, so i was wondering if reducing the number of objects (that are off screen) will reduce the collision count. Thing is the collision check count are extremely varied and i can't tell if it helped at all during debugging.

    I get about 60 fps on mobile but it reduces slightly when the collision checks happen, i was wondering if creating objects would take up more resources for a mobile device.

  • Hey all,

    I was wondering if it is better to destroy objects that are not needed temporarily and spawn them when needed, or better to move them away from screen?

    I was thinking of reducing the object count at any given time during game play and was wondering if it helps to keep it at a minimum or will it not make a difference. Will the device end up using more resources to create objects than rendering them off screen?.

  • Search C2 forums for litetween , its a behavior which might help you in what you want to achieve.

  • Hey all,

    I've got the new cocoonjs plugin in C2, but i don't really know how to test the features, i get an error when i try to run the demp cocoonjs capx on preview over lan on my android phone.Tho i see how it's done, i don't know how to test it on my project.

    Should i test only on the apk files i get from cocoonjs after i exported the project to them?, should the app be on the google play market?, or should it work on normal preview over lan without the need to export the project?.

    Do i need to add other objects such as browser, intel XDK or anything else for it to work?.

    Do i need C2's own Facebook object and IAP object?, since cocoonjs already has options for these do i need the C2 objects as well for fb or IAP to work?.

  • You can put all your physics objects in a 'family', name it Allphysics for example, then you can add events where you disable physics collision of object1 with Allphysics, object2 with Allphysics,... and so on.

    You might try and an action saying disable physics collision of Allphysics with Allphysics, but it didn't work for me that way, you can still try tho.

    But since you only got 12 objects , it shouldn't be a problem to write 12 actions.

  • Do you think rooted phones with changed Governor settings might have some performance variations for C2 projects.

  • russpuppy Can you explain on what you mean by memory issues and how you tackle them.

    ByR Keep your layout as it always was, just add a fake loading screen (to be topmost in the Z order). Destroy it after a wait event , you can set the 'wait event' time by testing how long it takes for your game's fps to normalize. I don't know why the fps instability happens at the start tho.

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  • Previous version of what?. Should i remove the 3rd party plugins?.

  • Yup i do something similar, i also put in a fake loading screen when moving from layout to layout.

  • So i'm a bit confused as to what has been happening to this release of the plugin. So, have all the issues been fixed?. Can i download the plugin from here ( ) and get everything working as intended or are there other files to download from elsewhere?. Any setting to be altered after installing?.

    Sorry for the noob questions.

  • I guess that's cause of the higher cpu usage ionC2 mentioned. So we can conclude that there will only be a noticeable performance improvement if we enable/disable collision only with objects that interact most frequently.

  • Hey all,

    I have a question on alerts that are caused by 3rd party plugins on cacoonjs.

    When i preview my game on the cacoonjs app on android i get the ALERT

    ( Javascript error

    SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL

    WebStorage_common.js,line (col undefined)

    This is either a bug in C2 or a problem in a 3rd party plugin or behavior...)

    Now the thing is the game runs fine even tho the alert comes up, albeit the game starts only after 10s ( i'm not sure if that's normal while previewing)

    Now i don't use any 3rd party plugins in my game but i do have a couple in C2. Do these alerts occur if i used the 3rd party plugin in my game or cause it's present in C2( and not used in the game).

    And anybody know why the above mentioned alert pops up and how to prevent it?.

    Sorry if i posted this in the wrong section

  • Yup same here, a clear performance improvement. But i guess this depends on the number of objects you have for which you have to enable/disable collision.

  • Oh i didn't know that, but i have my objects on the layout from the start. I don't have a create event for it and i also don't destroy any of them. But i did realize there was no point in having them all at the start but there comes a time in the layout where almost all the objects are on screen together and the collision checks happen.