Pancholo's Forum Posts

  • LieutenantDavid

    If you already made your player object be able to move and get animated for left or right, then the rest of the actions follow basically the same setup.

    To have the player do the idle/standing animation, you want him to trigger that when he isn't moving, so you do:

    Player: [X]Platform is moving --> Player: Set animation to "name_of_idle_anim" (play from the beginning)

    The "[X]Platform is moving" has that big X before it because I inverted its value, which basically reads as "Platform is NOT moving." Just right-click on the event and you will be able to select "Invert" for it.

    For the jumping animations, you do exactly the same, but this time you search for the trigger that checks when the player is actually jumping (you could also give it a falling animation!):

    Player: Platform is jumping --> Player: Set animation to "name_of_jump_anim" (pay from the beginning)

    Last but not least, you could follow this easy tutorial to achieve every basic thing you would want for a platformer.

    Hope that helps!

  • When it comes to the first Tizen phone specs, I've read quite a few times that Samsung will be making its first device a high-end one. Knowing Samsung, they are likely to release a bunch of phones, ranging from low, mid and high end, especially since Tizen is basically their baby, too. Anyway, take that with a grain of salt as it could end up being just rumors. Develop as you usually would with mobile performance/limitations in mind, I guess. Otherwise, you could try out the Tizen emulator in its SDK here.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • iikii

    I just did a quick test on my phone (Samsung's Note 2) and I managed to request full screen (on button touched > [Browser]request full screen) within Chrome for Android perfectly. Afterwards, I gave it a try with Samsung's own browser and I couldn't request full screen through the button. That's not a problem since I simply went to its settings > Labs > selected "Quick Controls" (hides URL bar) and "Full screen" (hides status bar). Depending on your phone's own browser you may find similar settings for when a button request from within the game doesn't help.

    Also, just in case, I gave it a shot with my iPad in Safari but I couldn't request fullscreen, not even with Chrome.

    Hope that helps!

  • Quoted from their licenses' FAQ:

    f however as an individual you make more than $5000 USD in revenue from your Construct 2 creations you will need to upgrade to a Business Edition license. Read more about how license with Construct 2 work.

    There is no monthly fee, no annual fee, no licensing per published product or sale you make. You buy whatever license suits you, and that's it. That's what gave me the push to purchase this without thinking twice - of course, other than being the best and easiest HTML5 creation tool - after months of consideration and testing other platforms. Also, like they say, once you make $5,000 from your published creations the business edition becomes affordable enough!

    Go wild and publish your brains away!


    Hurrr, I'm dumb. I just realized you meant Scirra's own Store! Since that's the case, I'm also super interested in this being answered.

  • To make the layout move up/down when the player jumps I would do it by adding the Scroll To behavior on the player sprite. That way, since all your guy will do is jump, the camera will always keep him centered.

  • Read everything here: Multiple resolutions - solid example.

    I was breaking my head with the multiple resolutions between monitors, smartphones and tablets in my house and that solved everything for me. Just make sure to use the anchor behavior on the objects/sprites that you want so they maintain their intended position at all times regardless of the screen size. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • It seems to be a development platform, too! <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> I'm loving more and more the HTML5 gaming push from this generation!

  • I use Aseprite for all my pixel needs. It's easy to use and you can also animate flawlessly with it. I consider it a hidden gem.

  • cvp

    How wonderful! I'm finally grasping the looping concepts in C2 better now that I'm implementing them in things of actual use to me. Thank you! Also, the change you made to the first function is simply genius. I need to further develop my programming creativity to see little stuff like that.

    Anyway, I am now in the process of seeing how to better implement the days of the week for when months start having irregular starting days (like a month starting on Wednesday instead of Sunday, for example). Apparently, it seems that I need to manually tell the calendar which is the first day of a certain month, and it picks up from that - at least that's how I've seen most Javascript calendars being made.

    Once again, thank you for such a quick reply!

  • Good evening, fellow Constructors.

    I hesitate and debate a lot whenever I think about making a post, especially if it's a whole new thread, so please, bear with me.

    What I want to achieve is related to looping and spawning certain tiles/blocks in a specific order. I am making a calendar with rexrainbow's system date and time plugin. After some arrays and variables later, I got most of its core set up. Now, all I need to do is have a certain tile spawn many times, filling the calendar (6 rows of 7 tiles each, one per day of the week) depending on the total days of the current month. I have managed to get a loop to spawn just ONE extra tile right beside the original, not the specified 30. Why would that happen?!

    My CAPX. I'm using the beta r141. WARNING: May look messy, I think. I feel like I'm exposing my underwear whenever I show people my code.

    Also, how would I be able to make the days/tiles fill up exactly like calendars do? As in, months starting/ending on the correct days. I can't, for the life of me, figure this one out. I've searched for numerous implementations of Javascript calendars to see how they deal with its code so I could somehow emulate that in pure C2.

    I'm not the type that asks a lot so I try to exhaust my personal research skills first. This is making me go nuts! Thank you, everyone, in advance!

  • Would a camera following the sprite with lerp do the trick? I just thought of that and I'll give it a try when I arrive home, but I'm feeling it can at least solve something.


    Now I thought about making JUST the tiles be pixel rounding dependent, while the animated sprites (like NPCs/player) do not depend on it. Is that plausible?

  • LittleStain

    Hah! You are right. I just found it awkward and my brain couldn't process it like that it seems. I need to be more creative if I'm aiming to become a full-fledged programmer!

  • Thank you, Ashley! I am still a novice with JS (and programming in general), but it surely makes sense now. That plugin will be my first real JS project goal. I am definitely inspired now.

  • c4sp3r89 He meant that he doesn't want his invisible objects to be clickable in any way. He can get them invisible just fine, but they can still be clicked in that state.

    Maybe try putting the buttons/UI elements you want to be fully unavailable in specific layers, then turn on/off said layers? See if that works.

  • Is there any way I could call a layout through Javascript?

    First off, I am aware of the Call Javascript plugin. I currently use Pode's HTML pack (the div one) and import CSS plugins to have an HTML calendar render on my layout within Construct. What I wanted to achieve was, on clicking a day of the calendar, the action would take you to a layout. How do I achieve this?

    I know I will probably have to use the Call JS plugin (or do the Javascript right into the HTML), and all I want to do is attach each calendar cell to a function that calls a layout on click. Again, I can't do this with events since the calendar is in HTML, or can I?

    Thank you in advance.