orlic's Forum Posts

  • I am interested in this too? I know that there are cordova plugins out there for notifications which works, like this one:


    However, plugin needs to be made for c3.

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  • I assume that the best solution is perhaps to use Physics behavior instead or Platformer with no gravity.

  • Hello, here is the event example:


    Lets say "Sprite1" is the object with Flash behavior, and "Sprite2" is the object which represents collision area. You need to add a local variable (like "isFlashing" in this example) to prevent Flash behavior from starting every tick which will make the object invisible.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I suppose the tile size on the mobile phone screen depends of Viewport size of your layout and also depends out of tile size it self. The best way is to test it on your mobile phone and see what displays the best.

  • I found the solution in using another cordova plugin for admob. I used it in my game (with Cordova CLI) and the ads are working fine.

    I made a Construct 2 plugin for it, which works in the same way as the original AdMob plugin.


    Fist of all, you need to setup Cordova CLI on your PC. You should follow this tutorial (please follow it only until the "EXPORTING FROM CONSTRUCT" section):


    Then, follow these steps:

    1. Export the game from Construct 2 using Cordova export

    2. Go to the exported folder and open config.xml file. You should add this code (after other <plugin> tags):

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-admob-free" >

    <variable name="ADMOB_APP_ID" value="Your-admob-app-id" />


    In the value="" you should put the ID for your app from the AdMob website

    3. Open Command Prompt

    4. go to your exported folder (where your game is exported)

    5. type: cordova prepare

    6. wait for that to finish and then type: cordova build

    After that is complete, you will have your .apk file. (the folder which has the .apk will be displayed in Command Prompt)

    If you want to make a release apk (for the Google Play), you can follow this tutorial:


    Let me know if you need help though :)