oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • This information would go well in a small tutorial, otherwise it will probably be difficult to find in the forums in the future

  • Your issue isn't clear to me. What do you mean by clamp colors?

    Perlin noise is a gradient by nature, why are you drawing a gradient instead of the actual value at each coordinate??

  • Is there a particular reason you have to create and destroy your interface objects? Based on your requirements only, here's how I would do it.


  • There will always be an arrow. Every time you click, the old one will be destroyed and a new one created in the correct direction.

  • Your scroll to object might be on a layer that has some parallax set. Try removing parallax from all your layers and see if that helps.

    Or you might just be using lerp very wrong.

  • On start of layout b, player move to suitable layer.

    Or put your player on a layer with the same name or index? Why do you not have a consistent layer for the player on each layout?

  • Usually there is an invisible helper sprite that handles collisions, which then has the visible sprite pinned to it. In the Demonaire example, this sprite is called "Player_Base", while the visible sprite is "Player_Mask". Note that Player_Base is much smaller than Player_Mask.

  • I can definitely say what you have is not recommended, because you're going to be spawning arrows every tick.

    If I were to do it, it would be...

    On clicked - destroy all arrows

    then in subevents

    If sprite cows <= 2, spawn rightarrow,

    Else, spawn leftarrow

    But that depends on what your end goal is. If you can clearly describe what you are trying to do in writing, you'll be able to narrow down what events are necessary as well.

  • If you have events for both the x axis and y axis at the same time, it should be able to scroll at any angle you want.

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  • Your suggestion could be improved considerably if you specified what kind of server or what you meant by community server.

  • To be precise, like I said before, you would take all of the fixed values and multiply them with dt and your testing environment framerate.

    If enemy.y+7 feels right at your framerate and your framerate is 60, you would do enemy.y+(7*dt*60). If your framerate is 185 when testing, you would use enemy.y+(7*dt*185). It would then move the same distance/time across a screen at any framerate.

    Every x seconds is fine for anything as long as x is greater than the expected time of any given frame. I think it's safe to say anything over 0.1 would not cause any problems with framerate as long as you don't need absolute precision. If your ticks are taking longer than 0.1 seconds you've got other issues.

  • Anywhere you have a fixed number that runs every tick (that isn't a behavior), multiply that number times dt times your expected framerate (normally 60, but could be higher if you're used to working at 120 or 144 or whatever refresh rate your computer runs at.)

  • Does the gamepad example work on your arcade input?


  • The layer in level 2 has 0 parallax. That's not default, so you would have had to go out of your way to set it. I mean there's only one layer anyway so why fiddle with it?

    You have scroll to enabled on two objects, playerbox and astronaut. They also both have 8direction on, so there's not really any point to having two objects the way it's set up right now.

    Not really my place to say this but this project has way too much going on for what it is trying to do. If you're guiding students I'd recommend focusing them on doing the minimum of only what is necessary to reach the desired result, for their own future sanity and yours as well.

  • Generally you would plug in the input device in question, preview and test, set it properly, and it's a once and done kinda thing. If you can't connect your joystick to your development machine, that's what remote preview is for.

    If you want to get fancy, you could try to map the controls on first run and save the resulting map to localstorage.