oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • I think the most straightforward and resource friendly way is a tiled background. No need to change it's size, just make it double the size of the viewport and move it by a multiple of it's source image's width when necessary.

    No need to bother with the wrap behavior either.

  • Is your animation named correctly?

    Is it in the correct object?

    Is the animation speed something besides 0?

    Is your event sheet linked to the correct layout?

  • Assuming it was a new project, if you didn't enable automatic backups, it's gone. Otherwise your previous save should be exactly where it was before.

    On the bright side, it was just an hour... There are many who have experienced much worse.

  • Here is an old commented example by user kriand that will work at any angle - 1drv.ms/u/s!Asn1IURKZWj8gTWyUBXqilplh8jG

    It was for bouncing sprites in an isometric view, but if you ignore the actual bouncing parts it has what you need to simulate an arcing motion from a top down view in any direction. It uses the bullet behavior for horizontal movement and the platform behavior for vertical.

    Basically you need to isolate the horizontal (x/y), from the vertical (z) movement. An easy way to do this is to use two separate objects, a helper base object, or shadow, that moves directly towards the target, and your actual object which follows an arc. The base of the object will travel in whatever direction you cast it in, and the vertical movement follows that base.

    To know when to stop, you can compare the y position of the object and it's base. When the object passes its base, that is when it has reached the "floor". You can see this in event 10 in the example. Instead of bouncing you would just stop the object/disable the movement behaviors there.

  • I'm not quite sure what you're asking or what's wrong with your project, but z-ordering by instance variable in an ordered for loop works as expected.

    You cropped out the event numbers in your screenshot... is your z order sorting event a top level event? Newly created objects, outside the immediate event they are created in, can't be picked again until the next top level event. At least I think this is still the case.

  • IIRC you want to use the add action before connecting.

  • No. The steam api should not have anything to do it.

    You could (and probably should) add a TURN server to your ICE servers list to facilitate better connectivity across the internet.

    TURN server services are normally not free, but I believe there are some limited use ones out there you can try for free to see if they resolve your connection issues.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • A container might be useful as well to associate the player sprite with the helper sprite and assist with picking.

  • I'd use an invisible helper sprite, horizontally positioned relative to the current velocity of your player object times the time it takes to change lanes. Use this object to test for collisions at the destination.

    You would replace your player object with this helper object in function 1.

  • This is my first foray into utilizing a third party library - github.com/gorhill/Javascript-Voronoi/blob/master/rhill-voronoi-core.js

    The project file is here - dropbox.com/s/dr6abkphr8k4egd/Noise%20graph.c3p

    I have a Construct array of size n,2,1 where x and y coordinates are recorded at y=0 and y=1 respectively, while the x index is each set of coordinates.

    The script requires input in the following format - [{x:300,y:300}, {x:100,y:100}, {x:200,y:500}, {x:250,y:450}, {x:600,y:150}] - which I believe is a JSON array of objects (I'm also not particularly familiar with JSON).

    I've got another possibly unrelated issue where in the project the contents of the Construct array can be utilized fine in the project and when viewed in the debug preview, but when setting text to Array.asJSON the output is empty of contents.

    How should I best proceed to format and pass the data in the Construct array to the script function? I'm not against storing the coordinates in a different manner if it would simplify interfacing with the script, I'm just most familiar with using Construct arrays.

  • This is default behavior on android. For usability reasons, the back button should always consistently get you back to the home screen eventually.

    I believe you can interrupt this flow, against Google design recommendations, by opening a dialogue when the back button/guesture is called asking if the user is sure they want to quit. If the back button is pressed while the dialogue is open, it simply closes the dialogue.

    Basically make a situation where the back button is handled by an event/action of your own choosing at all times. Iirc there were also JavaScript options to disable the back button completely, but that would be decidedly unfriendly to your end users.

  • Normally you would have two sets of graphics/textures for your assets that the game option determines which to use, rather than simply changing the rendering mode.

  • How are you placing or generating your box positions in the first place?

    It would be most straightforward in a 1d array. You can increment the index in a loop until you run into an empty cell, or 0. Subtract 1 from that index and you'll have the position of the last number in a given set, which you can then swap with whatever you started with. The same loop can continue iterating through the entire array to swap every set of numbers it finds.

  • Chowdren is a name that has come up before. They have experience porting construct projects that have made commercial releases.
