omrpps's Forum Posts

  • Gracias por la lista IsometricRobot

  • good, had not thought of that, thanks! <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi, I'm finishing my last mini game and I need some advice to improve, and really know their difficulties, is designed for phones but it works perfectly with the mouse, aim and shoot.

    Thanks for your time <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">


  • Hola ,como veo que la respuesta no llega la intentare resolverla yo mismo en castellano ,que el traductor de Google haga el trabajo sucio.

    La respuesta es que no hay opcion para eliminar los juegos subidos, salvo mandar un mensaje a tom para que lo haga.

    Haber cuando tenemos la suerte de contar con esa opci�n.

    Gracias al equipo Scirra y a esta gran comunidad por el apoyo que dispensais a la gente que comienza en el mundo de los juegos.

  • Hello, is that is the eternal question but how do I delete scirra arcade games?

    When an option to do so? I need to delete my games: kill and die fly.

    Scirra love gets better every time.


  • Try Construct 3

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  • How can we get the shot of a character change gears. I stopped a moment every few shots. Thanks for everything

  • I tried with the particles but the game is too slow and try to sprites.

    use three sources of particles to achieve the desired effect.

    Although the effect was quite good.

    Some examples are pretty good up heavy but very complex, as simple as it seems that the particles but with the defect of being slow.

    I will try with sprites thanks to all greetings

  • will try to do with the particles, not which of the two ways use less resources, thanks for your answer.

  • Someone tried to do the physical effect of rain ... some advice.

    thanks for the help.

  • construct 2 r99 to get to try a game with the new version, I have not run the set statement set angle toward (objeto.x,objeto.y) correctly. It does not take the angle of the goal indicated in the instruction, nor is followed as in previous version.


  • thanks, that was the problem, "the variable with ?". Does not do you manage time for everything, thanks for your effort and product.

    Now works correctly on the server.

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I see that the problem is that when the game is loaded into the browser, ask the following resource

    Cache Application Error event: Resource fetch failed (-1) 20the% 20apple/images/se% C3% B1alador_fuerza-sheet0.png.

    This resource does not exist in the game, when you check it before uploading to ftp.

    I emptied the browser cache but still trying to load a nonexistent image, the name of the current resource is energia-sheet0.png no B1alador_fuerza-sheet0.png.


  • Sorry for the English, is a translator. I will try to change the bullet item in the game to generate export to change the name to another type of variable? . I'm not sure that's the problem but proves.

    I find no other explanation, if the file exists but does not charge chrome browser?

    Can it be that your browser can not understand the format of the generated variable?

    When you have time proves it. It's a shame to have to work jeje .

    Thanks for your time.

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi, I'm back up all the server and the error continues, the chrome shop does not work?.

    In your server works fine.

    I'm lost, I happen to rename the file that gives problems ... but a compilation scirra automatically assigned to all elements of the game ...

    The upload file does not show any failed

    I kill all happened previously, change the music of the game to work, but now I have no idea.

    thanks <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello, I encounter a problem when I get my game to a server, I tested with two servers. When you run the game get stuck just past the prsentacion. The direction of the game

    The game works well in scirra arcade.

    Does this sound the error?

    Scirra games loaded on the same server does not give problems
