ome6a1717's Forum Posts

  • I'm not sure if this is a bug, and if it is I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to reproduce it.

    Randomly when I'm playing my game, "something" will happen that sets off a sequence of strange random events. Most notably random sprites will set themselves invisible (some of these objects don't even have a single line of code to them). Sometimes items that should be destroyed at the end of the animation aren't.

    I know it sounds like a code issue, but I've checked all the areas that effect visibility and object destruction and nothing seems to tie together. Whenever this happens, it's never the same objects every time, either.

    I know this information isn't helpful at all, but has anyone experienced any weird issues lately? I want to say it's since r143 but I can't be sure.

  • Thanks!

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  • That's how events work.

    First of all, your link doesn't work.

    Then, events will trigger and their action will apply EVERY TIME their condition is true.

    If you check if the value of a global variable is 0, it will check it every tick. And every tick its condition is true, its action will be applied.

    In that case, use this variable only for this case (don't change its value anywhere else in the code) and simply make the first action of the event to modify the value from 0 to 1.

    This way, it will not execute again.

    Also beware if you reset global variable, then this event will trigger again.

    Kyatric - Thanks! Adding another global variable helped fix the problem. Although I've also updated the capx for you to see what I was referring to.

  • Shameless bump.


    This is what I'm talking about. If you left click to increase the variable, when switching layout, it's triggering the variable event even though the variable isn't changing.

  • ErekT - thanks for this information. It's very helpful. Is this to say it's impossible for a feature like this in html? Or it just hasn't been implemented yet?

  • andreyin - The thing is, the "if global variable = 0" does not include, or is a subcondition with "on start of layout". It's just a global event, yet it's not being treated as a global event.

  • I'm not sure if this is a bug, but I have a global variable that has an event, "if variable = 0, set othervariable to 10 - trigger once while true". Every time the layout switches and the global variable stays static, it's re-initializing the trigger once condition and setting the othervariable to 10, which it should not be doing. Is it supposed to do this?

    PS. I have the trigger once event on a master sheet for all of the layouts.

  • ErekT - it does, immensely. Thank you. So is there a way in construct 2 to set how many pixels it uses to represent the graphics on screen? I know it may have little or no performance impact, but it's such a detrimental feature that's expected in games these days.

  • I've posted something about this before, but this is more a general question regarding resolutions in games.

    So I load up a game, go to Options, and change the resolution to my native desktop res. My main question is this - what exactly is this doing?

    Is it changing the image sizes? The window size? Why, if I set it to a much lower resolution, does it still fit full-screen yet look like the image itself is pixelated? I'm trying to understand this so I can eventually implement it into my game, but I'm not quite sure where to start.

  • Interesting - so if I set a bullet at 2500 speed, it would need to be a minimum of 250 pixels wide in order to collide with an object 1 pixel wide at every fps?

  • Okay here's another question - if you can't set the fps to unlimited, can you set a minimum fps? And if not, how do you get around low fps collision issues using dt?

  • Arima - Sorry for my ignorance, but what would an event like that look like?

  • Kyatric - I do always use DT - the advanced considerations is currently what I'm having trouble with. How do you stop an object from "teleporting" through another collision object at low fps if you're using dt to move it (or a behavior)?

  • Hmm. So what's the best way to test your game to make sure it works properly on low fps machines?